“Acch! It is her cooking! No one cooks like her.” He says, winking at his wife.
“Here, you come to the back with me, I will make you dinner for your lady friend,” Mrs. Chou says smiling at her husband.
“I couldn’t ask it of you, but… I will pay you handsomely for it!” he says deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth and follows Mrs. Chou.
Aiden is pacing outside waiting for Solomon to exit. Forty minutes later he stomps inside and finds that Solomon is gone
“You there! Where did the big guy go?” Aiden growls out.
“I don’t know. Customers come and go all day here! I not a babysitter.” Mr. Chou snaps out. Aiden draws his pistol and points it at the older man.
“Does this jog your memory, old man!” he roars out.
“He left through the back.” Mr. Chou answers.
Aiden points his pistol and says, “Show me!”
Slowly Mr. Chou walks into the back room, and Mrs. Chou is washing up dishes when they enter.
“Ohhh!” she yells out and hurries to her husband’s side.
“Where did he go?” he yells out.
“Door, over there, he’s been gone thirty minutes.” Mr. Chou answers and pushes his wife behind him.
“What was he buying? Where was he going?” he yells waving his pistol at them.
“Art supplies and food. I cook and sell dinners out of this back room. I don’t know where he was going, I cook for many people!” Mrs. Chou answers without looking Aiden in the eye.
“Damnit!” Aiden ducks back into the alley and Mr. Chou bolts the door shut and grabs his shotgun.
“Let’s go, wife.” He drags her to the front. He keeps her close and locks the door after the last customer leaves.
Aiden is in the alley and decides to follow it to see where it leads. It comes out next to a stable where horses and carts are kept. A piece of paper flutters in the breeze and he picks it up and smiles. It is freshly written and has the name of three art galleries on it.
“Art Galleries. Well, now, that’s more like it.” He stuffs it in his pocket and follows the alley back to Market Street.
Mr. Chou watches the stranger with his shotgun in his hand and wonders what his friend has gotten himself into now.
Chapter 23
Solomon showers and shaves at his hotel before loading his packages and dinner into the wagon. He is looking forward to seeing the look on Faith’s face when he gives her the art supplies. He swings by the Western Union office and finds a message waiting from his sister. Everything is arranged.
Faith will receive a notice about a job in Texas. His hometown to be exact. She will have no clue that he has arranged everything. In his mind, he tells himself that it is for her and Hope, but his heart says something else.
“We need time to get to know each other, and my family will help take care of them until I finish this job,” he mutters as he gets back into his wagon.
A few minutes later Faith opens the door to her little wooden row house, and Solomon is speechless. Her long red hair is tumbled around her shoulders in a riot of damp curls, and it’s a startling contrast with the baby blue of her skirt and white blouse.
He stares at her with his mouth hanging open, and she starts to worry. “Solomon, is everything okay?”
“Faith, you make a man believe in magic, for surely you were dusted by angels at birth.”
A blush lights her cheeks and her laughter ripples across his skin. “Oh, stop! Solomon, you are a poet.” Her eyes drop to his arms.
“What's for dinner?” she asks, stepping aside so he can enter. “Something smells amazing!” she asks as he steps past her. He stops, and his mouth is just inches from hers. Faith gasps and he smiles.
“That would be soap. I'm flattered you like the way I smell, Faith.” Her mind goes completely blank, and for a minute she thinks he means to kiss her. Her heart pounds and she tries to back up but bumps into a solid wall.
He chuckles and passes her, then hurries out to get the rest of his packages. Faith checks on Hope and finds her sleeping sound. She had pre-set the table, so she waits while Solomon shuts the door. Something has changed between them, she feels a tension that wasn't there before. It's in your mind, Faith. You are just lonely, he could have his pick of women. Why on earth would he want you? She scolds herself.
Her eyes jump to his, and she finds his arms are full of brown packages. “What in the world? Solomon you didn't have to go to such trouble.”
“No trouble. The food is from a friend, Mrs. Chou. Her family owns the general store, and every now and then she cooks, and if I time it right, I am one of the lucky ones. I hope you like Chinese food.” Seeing the worry in his eyes, she laughs.
“I've never had Chinese food before, but if it tastes as good as it smells, then you have nothing to worry about.” She watches as he places all the brown paper packages onto the couch and claps his hands together.
“I'm starved, let's eat. We may have to warm it up first.” He unwraps the three dishes, and she stares in delight.
“It looks amazing, do we have to warm it up? It smells so good, and I'm starving.”
“I was hoping you would say that?” He laughs, and together they carry it to the table. The next hour is spent laughing and trying the new foods. She can't help but think about her husband. They never laughed together, he was always