Dr Radcliffe’s eyes dart left and right as she weighs up my request. I make one last push to get her to say yes.
“If Harry can spare her car for another few hours, we can head out now to see what information we can find. I’ve still got the keys.” I dig them out of my handbag, waving them in the air.
“I’m sure she can spare her car, and yes, time is of the essence here. This is rather unorthodox…” Dr Radcliffe wavers.
“We don’t have to confront Mr Johnston. We can ask two or three questions, find out where he was on the morning in question. All we need is information we can pass over to the police to verify. Unless you can think of anyone else from the Cotswolds who was angry with Chef Smythe?”
Shaking her head, Dr Radcliffe decides. “No, there was no one else recently. But you must go with Edward and not on your own, do you understand? No confrontations, only a polite chat. I’m counting on you to keep you both safe.”
I wrap my hands together in front of my chest, “I promise, Dr Radcliffe. It will be a quick trip there and back. We’ll report in as soon as we return.”
Dr Radcliffe’s lips are set in a determined line as she hits the button to reawaken the phone before dialling Edward once again. “Hmm, he doesn’t answer, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t there in his office. You’ll have to walk down and get him, I’m afraid. Knock fervently if needed. I insist you wait for him, Natalie. You are not to rush out of here to confront a potentially violent suspect on your own. If Edward gives you any grief, tell him to ring me straightaway.”
Chapter Sixteen
I check the Senior Common Room and the dining hall first. I had hoped to find him in a public space, which might decrease the likelihood of him arguing with me about the trip to the Cotswolds. Instead, I only find H with his head buried into the middle of a sausage bap. It looks and smells tempting, but I’m in a hurry. We exchange waves and thumbs up, each of us focused on our assignments.
I consult the directory near the entrance to the main hall, finger trailing down the list of names until I reach ‘Thomas, Edward - CC24’. Edward would have one of the prized offices in the brand-new conference centre, reserved for distinguished fellows and rising stars. Looks like Harry wasn’t kidding when she said they had to woo him into accepting the position at St Margaret. Prime office space must have been part of the deal.
I tromp through the gardens, past the student housing and my flat. Spying the gate to the Fellows Garden, I carry on towards the modern conference building nearby. Once inside, I follow the signs up the stairs until I reach his office number. There’s a young woman sitting crisscross on the floor, her back leaning against his door and her head buried in a textbook.
“He’s not in. Popped out for a coffee. You’ll have to wait,” she says without looking up from her textbook.
I glance over, surprised she noticed my arrival. “That’s weird. I didn’t see him in the dining hall, common room or at the coffee machine on the ground floor. How long has he been gone?”
Again, she replies without acknowledging my existence. “Dunno, been here about…” she looks at her phone, “about an hour or so, I guess? There was a sign on the door when I got here, and he didn’t answer when I tried knocking.”
“An hour? For a coffee? Something’s fishy. Slide over.”
She slips over out of the doorway, allowing me unfettered access to the closed door. What was it Dr Radcliffe said? Oh yes, to knock fervently. If he wants fervent, he’ll get it. I fold my fingers into a fist, pull back, and then unleash a knock that would have surpassed the Incredible Hulk.
I don’t hear a response, but at least the student has finally deigned to look up at me. “Wow,” she says and looks impressed.
Raising my voice, I call out a warning. “Edward Thomas, it’s Natalie Payne. I know you’re in there. I’ll stand here and knock all day if I need to.”
To prove my point, I unleash another round of furious bangs. I’m rewarded with the sound of a chair scratching across the floor and the click clack of footsteps across the tile. Edward wrenches the door open, his displeasure with my antics painted all across his face. His eyebrows are angry dashes on his forehead. I take a mental picture so I can describe the scene to H later.
I counter his expression with a beaming smile. “Oh hello, Edward Thomas. Fancy finding you here when you’re supposed to be out for a coffee.”
Edward swipes the sign off his door and crumples it up in his hand.
“Did you need something, Ms Payne? As you can see, I’m very busy and there are other individuals waiting for a moment of my time.”
The student looks around to see who else is waiting and seems genuinely surprised when she realises he meant her.
“It’s a private matter, Edward. May I step into your office?” No need for me to discuss a murder in front of his student, even if she is studying criminology.
“If you must,” he steps back and waves me towards one of the empty visitor chairs.
I close the door behind me but stay on my feet. The sooner I can get this over with and we can put this trip behind us, the better. “I met with Dr Radcliffe this morning, at her request, and she has insisted that you accompany me along to the veg vendor.”
“Really?” He doesn’t seem convinced, his voice dripping with doubt.
“Yes, it was her