Dragon WantedA curvy girl Dragon Shifter Romance

Michelle Ziegler


Do bad things always come in three?

First, a sinfully hot guy asks for her help. All Aisha needed to do was find an antidote, and she failed. Then, the grant she needed was denied.

Now her walking fantasy is back, but he doesn't want or need anything, except her. Little curvy, doesn't-fit-in, geeky her.

How does she say no when her soul wants him, but her head is torn between promises made and her heart?

She doesn't know, and she isn't sure what she'd risk to find out.

The next book in the Space Dragons Seek Mates series. Deo's story.

Copyright © 2020 Michelle Ziegler

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical method, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial users permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher addressed “Attention: Permission coordinator,” at the address below.


Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living, or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

You need to love you first.


Life isn’t easy. We are all different and those differences make us who we are. I should tell the world thank you for being you, because you inspire characters to be who they are.

My husband and kids always deserve my biggest thanks for letting me have time to get these characters out into the world!

I have so many readers to thank, but especially my Beta/Alpha readers. Thanks Lucia, Bev, Carol, and Donise! They have a knack for reading between the lines.

Thank you Emcat Designs for my cover and Editing by Elizabeth for services.

Of course, my review team is a group that has my undying gratitude!

AND ALWAYS! Thank you readers! Thank you for giving me a chance and escaping into my world and loving some confused dragon shifters from outer space. Thank you for following me this far into this crazy adventure.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


Coming Soon

Also by Michelle Ziegler

About the Author


Aisha gripped the edge of the counter. She needed a cold shower. If Deo showed up one more time, she’d probably jump him.

Doing a favor for a hot guy seemed reasonable. Doing a favor for a man like him though, one that saw her, like really saw her, was not the plan.

God, when he looked at her. Aisha nearly moaned as a heat settled between her legs. Well, hell. This wasn’t in her plan. He wasn’t in her plan.

She gripped the counter harder, her knuckles starting to ache. She wasn’t supposed to want him, though. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself a few more moments of living in a world that wasn’t hers. What would it be like to be the woman that Deo wanted? To be the woman that earned his gazes of pure adoration. Hell, what would it be like just to be kissed by him?

“Aisha? Are you okay?”

Her eyes flew open as she swung around.

“I, yeah. Hi, Tan. I’m fine. Just super. Why do you ask?”

He shook his head as he walked in. “I dunno. You seemed to be having a moment with the table, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Her face heated.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, his eyes narrowed.

“Yeah. Fine. I was just thinking. My request for a grant was denied. Again.”

What she really wanted to say was that she was tired of looking at life through a microscope. Both figuratively and literally. Deo, though. He was bigger than life. Both in size and that bulge in his pants. God, she struggled to keep her eyes on his face. For the first time in her life, she understood why men struggled to watch a woman’s face. Aisha wasn’t about to say anything, though.

If Tanmay filled out his pants like Deo, maybe they wouldn’t be in this strange standstill in life. No, yeah. They still would. She just couldn’t love him, not like she should.

Swallowing, Aisha realized that she was getting closer and closer to needing to have a conversation that she dreaded. Tan was a good man. But he wasn’t right for her.

“You sure that’s all that’s going through your head?” he asked.

Aisha nodded. “Yeah. Sure. I mean, when isn’t there science-y stuff going on in my head.”

That got her an odd sideways glare. “Science-y? That’s not a word.”

She wrinkled her nose. Damn, she just sucked at relationships.

How did you tell the man your father arranged a marriage with that you were horny and having daydreams about another man? Hell, she still hadn’t come up with a good way to break off the engagement. Maybe that little tidbit would end it?

 Lucky for her, or maybe unlucky, Tan didn’t exactly seem to pick up on any of this. They’d sort of fallen into a happy coexistence. One where there was suitable conversation, sometimes a laugh or two, and zero sexual chemistry. He’d filled some voids.

Moving to her test tubes, she plucked one from the stand and shook it up.

What the hell was even in this one?

“You’re acting a little odd, Aisha,” said Tan.

Blowing out a breath, she glared.  “I’m a chubby female scientist with permanent bags under my eyes. What exactly screams normal here?”

His picture-perfect smile should have done something for her. Then she thought of Deo and her entire body heated. No. Something was super wrong with her.

“True. But you’re still acting oddly. Maybe you have a fever?” he asked.

Oh crap. Did she? Her hand flew to her forehead. Nope.

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