an unconscious but perfect imitation of her rosy mouth.

Her eyes danced with mischief and desire. She wanted me, and she knew how much I wanted her. But she wanted to tease me. To make me wait. To show me I wasn't in control – that she may have been my lover, but she was no one's possession.

Well, I thought, we'll just see about that, won't we?

I slid one finger inside her first, then swiftly followed it with another. Her entire body stiffened and trembled, as though a bolt of electricity was running through her.

Not for the first time, I marveled at how steamy, slick, and welcoming human women felt inside. The sensation was so pleasurable and perfect, so unlike anything else, that it was almost impossible to describe – it felt like belonging, as though it was someplace I had always been destined to be and had finally found. Slipping into her was like slipping into the hot springs. All at once, all worries, all thoughts of anything else, evaporated, replaced with pure relaxation and happiness.

I moved my fingers up and down, and she rode them eagerly as they found their way deeper and deeper inside her. Her muscles contracted around them, and her small patch of hair tickled my palm. I used my thumb on her clit and she gasped loudly. She rocked forward, kissing me, unable to resist her own primal urges anymore.

I removed my fingers and she responded with a moan, clearly wanting more. But I was done playing and teasing. I needed to be within her. I needed for my body to merge with hers, deeply and passionately, pushing together until we became almost one.

I could wait no longer.

I put my hands up her back, resting my palms on her shoulders and dragging her down onto my cock. As before, there was a brief moment when it seemed her sweet opening wouldn't be able to accommodate my size...but it spread so wide she screamed my name, letting me plunge into her, penetrating her, filling her as completely as her human physiology would allow.

My hands remained on her shoulders, holding her tightly, not even allowing her to move up and down on top of me – I just hugged her close, only going forward and then holding my position inside her, refusing to retreat even an inch. To be enveloped by her completely was absolute sweetness, and I wouldn't pull back, not even to thrust again.

We stayed like that for a long time, swaying back and forth and whispering each other's names as though they were prayers, until we couldn't stand it anymore – a final push, a single grind of her hips against mine, and we exploded together like a pair of stars colliding. Our heat became indistinguishable from that of the pool around us, until it seemed like the entire grotto was filled with our lust, our moans echoing endlessly around us.

After over an hour of soaking and splashing around, we reluctantly decided to return to the ship.

As we made our way over the smooth stones, one of them shifted under Natalie suddenly and she cried out sharply, her leg going out from under her.

I caught her and held her upright, supporting her weight easily. “Natalie?”

“My ankle,” she hissed. It sounded like she was in agony. “It's broken.”

I kept forgetting how brittle human bones were compared to those of the Hielsrane. “Come,” I said, “let's get you to the sickbay. Stal will take good care of you.”

“All those years on this fucking planet,” Natalie gasped, limping along with me awkwardly. “I survive the mines, a dragon invasion, goddamn space battles, all without breaking a bone. But take one dip in a hot spring, and...ugh.”



“Just give the calcium knitter a chance to repair your ankle,” Stal rasped impatiently, placing the portable matrix over my foot carefully, “and you should be up and about again within the hour. Perhaps this time, you might even manage to exercise a bit of caution with regard to where you're walking, instead of traipsing around blithely on slippery and unstable piles of rock to get your kicks. But if not, that's fine. After all, with around two dozen Hielsrane officers still on the critically injured list, and a bunch of medical assistants from the Gyygnar who apparently skipped half their biology classes to get high on Aldaisian bath salts, clearly I have nothing but free time to deal with this sort of careless nonsense.”

During my time on the Wyvern, I'd gotten used to Stal's sarcasm, and I knew the best way to counter it was by appealing to his ego. “Thank you, doctor. I'm sorry to take you away from your other duties. I know how busy and important you are, and it's greatly appreciated.”

He grunted his grudging approval at my show of respect, then put his finger on the matrix's activator, preparing to switch it on. “Before we begin, my dear, I should warn you: When the splintered bones start shifting to knit themselves together, the sensation will be...well, unpleasant, to put it mildly. If you feel you have to scream, please let me know so I can provide you with a mouth guard. We don't want you upsetting the other patients. We don't want Dashel to think I'm torturing you in here, either, for that matter.”

“Then if it's not too much trouble,” I asked timidly, “might I please have something to numb the pain? On the command deck, I heard Dashel mention that you had tranquilizers. Would those help?”

He shook his head. “They would, but unfortunately, I'm unable to administer them to you, given your condition.”

“What condition? Is there something else wrong with me?”

“In a manner of speaking,” he said with a dry chuckle. “In fact, I imagine Tarion will think it's quite wrong indeed. You currently have a pair of Drakon offspring gestating inside you.”

A ringing filled my ears, and everything around me went slow and blurry, as though I had been plunged into icy water.

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