door slid open. Lehar entered, and Tarion came in behind him, arms crossed over his wide chest. “So that's how you intend to play this right from the start, old friend?” Lehar growled dangerously. “As though we're being unreasonable by taking you to task for this...folly?”

I shrugged expansively. “You've come here to chastise me for taking a human slave as a lover, despite the fact that both of you have more or less done the same thing. How else would you expect me to react to such hypocrisy?”

“This is different,” Tarion snarled. “First of all, according to Stal, you've impregnated this girl. With twins, no less.”

“I'm sorry,” I replied, “should I have made it just one baby instead of twins? If so, you'll have to forgive me. I didn't know that was something I had any control over.”

“This is not an appropriate time for you to showcase your famously irreverent sense of humor, Dashel,” Lehar said coldly.

“And to answer the question of what you should have done,” Tarion added nastily, “you should have practiced some restraint, or, failing that, some discretion and common sense. There are methods to prevent these sorts of 'accidents' from happening, as you well know.”

“Yes, and I agree, it was short-sighted of me to forget to apply those methods in the heat of the moment. But since we're all men here, and no doubt we've all made similar mistakes a time or two when our blood has been up, I'd expect a bit more sympathy and understanding in this case.”

“You expect sympathy and understanding from us in this matter?” Tarion repeated in disbelief. “You're starting to sound like a human already! What's next, Dashel? Would you like to petition the fleet to establish a 'support group' for you and the other military fathers, so you can trade diapering tips and formula recipes? Are you planning to set up a daycare center on your ship for your offspring, so they can amuse themselves with dolls and toys while you trade laser blasts with Alliance ships?”

“Or perhaps you intend to give your new mate a field promotion to lieutenant commander so you can serve side by side,” Lehar chimed in, “in the fashion of these willful and liberated Earther females?”

“Now you're just being hyperbolic,” I shot back, wishing once again that I had another bottle of nectar at my disposal. Countering their verbal barbs was thirsty work indeed. “And, again, I must point out that your double-standard is appalling.”

“You may point that out all you wish,” said Lehar, “but no matter how many snide comments you lob at us, the fact remains that we're only trying to help you.”

“Oh?” I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms in the universal gesture for This should be good, let's hear it.

“You only just received your first command,” he went on as Tarion glowered at me. “And yes, you managed to fulfill the parameters of your first mission, against the expectations of most of the fleet.”

“But you had an Earther female help you do it,” Tarion thundered. “A little detail which will practically negate your success entirely once the admirals hear about it...and they will, as you well know. When they also learn that you've taken the female in question as a mate, you might be allowed to keep this command, or you might not. Personally, I highly doubt it, but that remains to be seen. But having offspring with her? That will almost certainly lead to a demotion, and you may never be trusted to command a vessel of your own again.”

I shook my head. “If that's what has to happen, then that's what has to happen. But I tend to believe that the fleet will let me keep my command, given how thin their resources are spread right now. And these situations between Hielsrane and Earthers, although rare and certainly frowned upon in our society, are not unheard of or unprecedented.”

“No, you're right, they're not,” Lehar nodded, “so let's take a look at that as well, shall we? You know full well how those sorts of half-breeds are treated in our culture. Because they have human DNA, they're seen as weak. Physically defective. If you choose to remain with her and allow her to go through with the pregnancy, your children will be scorned mercilessly, and denied opportunities in life that will be given to others. It would be cruel of you to allow that.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Natalie – and that is her name, by the way, not 'the Earther' or 'the human female' – is easily stronger, braver, and more fearless and resilient than any Hielsrane I've ever known, including everyone in this room. That is the DNA our children will carry. Whatever disadvantages or hardships life presents them with, I have every confidence that they will surmount them.”

“But Dashel,” Lehar said reasonably, “she's from Earth. How long do you think it will be before she says she wants to return to her home planet?”

“She's already made that request.”

Tarion threw up his arms impatiently. “Of course she has. And naturally, you told her this was out of the question.”

“I told her it was extremely complicated and would require special permission from the fleet.”

“Surely you don't expect me to grant such permission?!” he roared.

“I expect you to give the request you full consideration,” I replied evenly, “as you would for any other fleet captain who submitted it.”

Tarion's shoulders slumped, and he sank into a seat opposite mine, shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. “You are simply impossible, Dashel.”

“Tarion,” Lehar began quietly, “I just lost most of my fleet. Tomorrow, I'll be presiding over a memorial service for two hundred and seventeen crew members who trusted me with their lives – men who won't even receive a proper burial on our home world or its moons because there aren't any remains left to inter. To say nothing of the fact that as their commanding officer, it's my duty to inform all of their

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