the amazing vistas, we continue our hike under the shade of the tree limbs hanging over the trail. After a few minutes of walking, Rod stops and tilts his head, listening to the sounds coming from the thick trees on the mountainside.

“Do you hear that? It sounds like running water. A small stream, maybe? Let’s hike down the side of the mountain off the trail and see if we can find it.”

The thought of leaving the trail makes me apprehensive, even if we are on a small island. I’m not concerned about getting lost, but there could be deep holes or other hazards that would make it hard or impossible to get back out. But I’m determined to be more adventurous and less scared of my shadow.

“Okay, let’s go.” Maybe I’ll just hang back a couple of steps behind him. No sense in both of us disappearing into a hidden cave, never to be seen again. At least this way I will still be able to go get help.

We hike down the hill, talking and laughing as we wind around large rocks and wide trees. The scenery is beautiful, and the undergrowth is rich. We haven’t found any hidden crevices or dangerous precipices, so I dial my anxiety back a couple hundred levels. After about an hour, I notice there are no trails. Anywhere. We’ve alternated walking up, down, and sideways so much that we couldn’t find our path back to the trail if we tried.

I’m not convinced we haven’t doubled back over our own tracks once or twice by now.

“Rod, we’ve been walking for a while and haven’t come across any water yet. Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?”


“That’s reassuring.” My deadpan response makes him laugh out loud.

“I’m not worried about it and you shouldn’t be either. We’re having fun, aren’t we? Exploring uncharted forests. Making our own path through the jungle. Getting to know each other without any prying eyes. Where in the world are we? We don’t know. But I do know I get you all to myself, so there’s no way our little adventure can be wrong.”

“Let me get this straight. You’re Waldo and I’m Dora? What if we don’t make it back to the taxi in time and he leaves without us?”

“What if he does? What’s the worst that can happen? I’ll call another one. I have my phone.” He shrugs, not concerned at all. “You love this island, so take all the time you want to explore. If we get back at three in the morning, we’ll miss out on eating in the formal dining room tonight. We’ll just create our own dining experience right here in the jungle. The more I talk, the more determined I am to miss our ride and just stay here.”

“Are you holding me hostage now?” I smile, knowing he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

“Hostage is such a hostile term. I prefer to call it hosting an unsuspecting guest for an extended period of time.”

“Yes, obviously that description is much more accurate. My bad.”

“You’re forgiven. No need to grovel at my feet and beg for my forgiveness.”

“Hilarious. Let’s stop in that clearing over there and lighten the weight of your backpack a little. Maybe we can get our bearings while we’re sitting still.”

We settle on the large rocks to rest and rehydrate, and I pull out my phone to look at the picture I took of the trail map. At this point, I’m hoping to find anything that directs us to our current location and the best way to get back on track. First of all, I was honestly looking forward to seeing the waterfall and taking a swim in the crystal clear water. And second, as tempting as Rod’s idea of being stranded in the jungle is, the anxiety of the entire situation may just send me to a premature death. Best not to chance it.

“Hey, let me see that picture. I think I recognize that landmark.” Rod takes my phone from my hand, locks the screen, and slips it into his pocket.

I awkwardly stare at him for a few moments, waiting for his signature smile to light up his face as he hands my phone back. But neither happens. He unwraps a protein bar and sticks one end into my open mouth.

Now he smiles. Even though it’s overtly playful and definitely sarcastic, it’s still sexy as hell. This man will be the end of me.

I take a bite of the snack and glare at him while I chew. “Care to tell me why you stole my phone?”

“Again with the overly aggressive language, Daisy. Clearly, I didn’t steal your phone. It’s safe and sound in my pocket, out of your reach and away from your purview. We’re on an adventure and you’re cheating with a map.” He tsks at me and shakes his head in mock disappointment.

“You’re intentionally trying to get us lost so we’ll miss the taxi. Are you insane and just forgot to mention that little detail before now?”

“My psychiatrist says only one of my personalities is insane. The rest of us are mentally stable.”

I cross my arms and arch one eyebrow at him.

“Fine. No, I’m not crazy, I’m simply enjoying this too much to rejoin civilization just yet. We’re not lost. Even if we get back and we’ve missed our ride, we’ll be fine. Just trust me, okay? It seems you and I both had to grow up faster than most others, so we missed out on the luxury of being irresponsible. Maybe I’m using this excursion to pretend I’m footloose and obligation free for a while.”

The heartfelt explanation makes me pause and take stock of my own life. He’s not wrong by any stretch of the imagination. “All right, Rod. Maybe I’m the crazy one because I never thought I’d say this, but I trust you. From what you just said, you need a break from real life before life breaks you.”

“You have no idea. Regardless of what happens, we

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