as it once was. Today, it’s more commonly referred to as a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, but that’s a lot to digest, even inside your head. There are also several more steps in the tissue match process that aren’t depicted here, because that isn’t germane to the story. Siblings aren’t a match as often as you’d think, which is why so many people rely on the bone marrow registry to find a match.

I hope you’ve enjoyed Rod & Daisy so far! There’s much more to come in All I Need, More surprises. More twists and turns. More love. More tears. More fun. More Hot Rod. :)

Lots of love,


Books by A.D. Justice

Steele Security Series

Wicked Games (Book 1)

Wicked Ties (Book 2)

Wicked Nights (Book 3)

Wicked Intentions (Book 4)

Wicked Shadows (Book 5)

Crossing Lines Series

Fine Line

Blurred Line

Hard Line

The Vault Series

Warning Part One

Warning Part Two

Warning Part Three

The Crazy Series

Crazy Maybe (Book 1)

Crazy Baby (Book 2)

Crazy Love (Book 3, Free Short Story)

Dominic Powers Series

Her Dom (Book 1)

Her Dom’s Lesson (Book 2)

Covis Realm, Easthaven Crest Series




Stand—alone Novels

Saving Grace

Completely Captivated


Mistletoe Not Required

Immortal Envy

Just One Summer

About the Author

A.D. Justice is the award-winning, USA Today bestselling author of several series and stand-alone romance novels in various romance genres, including romantic suspense, contemporary, and paranormal.

When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her alpha male husband in the Northwest Georgia mountains. They’re living out their own HEA, frequently on horseback with a dog in tow.

She is also an avid reader of romance novels, a master of procrastination, a chocolate sommelier, a twister of words, and speaks fluent sarcasm. An avid animal lover, she has two horses, three cats, and two very spoiled dogs.

She loves chatting with her readers. You’re welcome to stalk her across all social media!

Connect with her online! 


Facebook Reader Group



First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior for His continued forgiveness of a sinner.

To my husband: I love you more than words can convey. I’m grateful for all your ideas and being my sounding board.

To my readers: Every story is personal and important to the author, but you are the reason we share our books with the world. Thank you for your time, feedback, and support. Whether you like, love, or hate the book, know that I appreciate you with all my heart.

To the bloggers: None of this would be possible without your help, support, and tireless pimping. I love everyone in this great group of people. I can’t name one without naming everyone because you’ve all been so helpful and are wonderful people.

To my PA/PR Guru: Autumn, thank you for all your help and support. You are so very much appreciated.

To my friends: Chelle Bliss, thank you for your help with the blurb. Okay, fine. Thank you for writing the blurb! :)

T.K. Leigh, thank you for, well, everything, every day!

Michelle Dare, you are simply the best.

I love you ladies with all my heart!

To my editor and proofreader: Karen and Amy, thank you for taking such good care of my words.

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