I finally made it to the bank where, Mer-Alz-Azkiban had a fire going, it was dark out, so it helped guide me. I sat the stone down and looked at it. It was roughly three times my size. It had a face to it, twisted in terror and cover in algae.
“Oppppeeeenn meeeee!” I heard the voice say.
“Did you hear that?” I asked.
“Yes, but how do you open a stone that size?” she asked and handed me my clothes back and I dressed quickly.
There must have been some villagers that saw me come out of the lake, because they started to gather around and look. One took off and came back with a crude pickaxe and handed it to me. I steadied my arms and then took a swing. The axe shattered upon impact. Then off in the distance, a storm started to brew, I looked over at Mer-Alz-Azkiban and she had a worried look on her face.
“Maybe I should try something that won’t break,” I said.
“Like what?” Mer-Alz-Azkiban asked.
“Myself,” I said looked back at the stone. I brought my fists up and slammed then down on the stone, but nothing happened, which angered me. I brought them down again, pain shot through me this time, but it didn’t stop me. I then, started throwing punches, left and right, the pain getting to be too much. That was until one punch, I grazed my knuckle across the top of the stone and cut myself open.
I saw my blood for the first time, it was red just like any other blood, but mine had a sparkle to it, like it was mixed with diamond dust. One little droplet fell upon the stone and it cracked the stone. A great, white light from within shone out, blinding me. The storm picked up as well, lighting strikes were happening left and right, the villagers scattered and went to their huts, but not I and Mer-Alz-Azkiban.
I managed to squeeze one more drop before I healed up, the last drop hit the stone and when it did, it acted like dynamite, the stone exploded, sending shards of it everywhere. Merz-Alz-Azkiban went flying back, as so did I. I hit the ground hard and laid there for a second with my eyes closed and when I opened them, I saw the most gorgeous female I had ever seen.
She looked to be carved from the very stone she had just come from. She was naked and perfectly proportioned, her skintone was pink though instead marble-white like mine. She had long blond hair that was braided along her hairline and tucked back behind her ears. Her eyes were the brightest green, almost like her body was an earth and her eyes were the jewels the Earth possessed. Her teeth were as white as fresh bone, her lips were full, both on her face and between her legs. I felt a pull towards her and got up.
“Are you?...” I went to ask but she interrupted me.
“Lilith? Yes, I am,” she said, her voice sounded much like mine, just a little softer. She walked towards me a little bit and I stepped back, “Don’t be afraid of me,” she said, then proceeded to kiss me. Naturally I pulled back and she smiled, “I have much to teach you.”
Then, lightning struck, right between us, sending me flying back and landing hard on the ground again. My first concern was Mer-Alz-Azkiban, she was standing just inches from us. I got my bearings and looked for her, it took me a good minute to find her floating in the lake, face down. I raced out to her and grabbed onto her, then raced back to land.
Her clothes were charred, and she had charred flesh across the right side of her face and down the right side of her body. Her eyes were open but lifeless, I didn’t now what to do, then I was pushed aside by Lilith.
“Do you want me to save her?”
“YES! OF COURSE, I DO!” I shouted.
“You will owe me,” she smirked and raised an eyebrow.
Lilith knelt beside Mer-Alz-Azkiban, then leaned over and kissed her and not just a normal kiss, she was all tongue. Then, she reached down and touched the scorched, right breast of Mer-Alz-Azkiban. I watched as light radiated from the hand and lips of Lilith and all the charred flesh flaked away and new skin appeared. Mer-Alz-Azkiban took in a deep breath and her eyes fluttered before she realized she was being kissed and fondled, but all she did was pull away and give a sideways stare.
Lilith got up and extended her hand to Mer-Alz-Azkiban. She took it and Lilith helped her up, then looked at me and smiled again, I felt her influence on me, “You owe me now, and I will call upon you for it. First, I must find my father.”
Then, I watched as she changed form, her teeth grew into fangs, her long blond hair disappeared, and her eyes turned a bright yellow. Wings sprouted out of her back and with a thrust of her wings he was off. I watched until she turned into the night sky and I could see her no longer. I then turned my attention to Mer-Alz-Azkiban.
“Are you..” I went to go say, but she kissed me as well. I didn’t pull away though, I kissed her back, it felt more natural with her.
“Odd, a man of Jehovah, kissing a witch,” she said, her eyes