the other villagers, no one stopped to help and I was too confused, myself, to try to break up the fight, so I watched.

It wasn’t your typical girl fight, there was no hair pulling at first.  There were multiple fists thrown, kicks, clothes ripped and then finally hair got pulled, I finally snapped out of my daze and broke up the fight when Mer-Alz-Azkiban broke Jezeberri’s nose.

“What are you fighting over?” I asked.

“You, you’re mine,” Mer-Alz-Azkiban said.

“NO! He’s mine!” Jezeberri said.

“I AM NONE OF YOURS!” I raised by voice. I then used my speed and fled away from there. I went to the mountains nearby, to get away, I could have fled further away, but I had a gut feeling I needed to stay.

I was watching the people from the mountain, they were hard to see, but there was a lot of movement going on. I shook my head, then suddenly, felt arms around me again, I jumped and turned around.  In front of me stood Lilith, still naked, laughing.

“What is going on?” I asked, I had feeling she was behind it.

“Don’t you like the free love?” she asked.

“No, its wrong, love is supposed to between one person and another, not many,” I said and acted repulsed.

“Says who? Your precious Jehovah?” she hissed and rushed at me, pinning me up against a side of a boulder by my throat, “You think he’s the greatest, don’t you?”

“He is!” I squeaked out, she was strong, stronger than I expected. She repeated the actions of Mer-Alz-Azkiban and grabbed me, with much more force.

“How is it you’re resisting me?” she asked, then kissed me, and bit my lip, it was the first time I tasted my own blood. The fact that I could resist her, yet I also felt drawn to her, seemed to anger her.  She forcefully moved her hand back and forth and then I felt something, and honestly, at first, I didn’t like it.  It was when I did start to like it, that I threw her off of me with a burst of energy.

She screamed at me as she sat upon the floor looking up at me.  Then, I heard a popping noise and watched as she grew, she grew muscles, wings sprouted out her back, her hair disappeared and bald head appeared with two, small horns just above each eye on her forehead.  Her eyes glared a bright yellow and when she stood up, I noticed six breasts grew from her.  She was taller than me in that form. With a quick snap of her hips, she whipped her tail around and cracked me upside my jaw.  I flew against stone wall and fell to the ground.  I quickly got to my feet, then ran, faraway, but I new I couldn’t run completely away, I still had my brothers to worry about.

I stayed in view of Sodom and even though I knew I shouldn’t go to Gomorrah, I did, but I kept my distance.  I rounded a northern point of Gomorrah, I heard grunting, very manly grunting.  Curiosity got the better of me and I followed the sounds.  To my horror, and much intrigue I saw a guy, bent over of a log, with a guy behind him thrusting, they were both completely naked.

The grunting got louder, the thrusting got faster, then the one doing the thrusting, had some sort of spasm and groaned out in pleasure.  The one that was bent over the log, stood up at, slowly and smiled.  I went to take a step back and ran into someone.  I turned around and it was a big guy.  He had a horrible smile on his face and he stood with an erection.

“Get him!” he said as the other two grabbed onto each of my arms.  They didn’t have a chance, I flung them off with ease.  The big guy stood there stroking his beard, then came at me. I don’t know, what came over me, but I swung, easily taking his jaw off, he spun around and fell to the ground.  He tried to scream out, but the blood filling his throat made it hard, and his tongue just flopped about.

As I watched the guy laying there struggling, I put my foot upon his throat and pushed down. Blood squirted about as I pressed harder.  His eyes started to get bloodshot, his face turned a nice purple as he tried to pull my foot off. I pushed down even harder and managed, somehow to sever his head from his body with my foot.

One of the fellas who tried to hold me down was up and running. I kicked the severed head and it hit him square in the back.  I smiled, I was enjoying it, I was scared I was enjoying it. I raced up to him while he was face down on the ground and drove my knee into his back, I heard a sickening crack, that over time I loved to hear. He wasn’t paralyzed though, he was kicking his feet about. When he brought his arms back I grabbed onto them and with a simple twist and pull, I removed his arms.  Then, in pain he brought his legs up. I removed those as well before smashing his skull in.

I heard the third man get up and try to run, I simply leapt. I landed on my stomach and caught him by the feet.  He tried to kick himself free, but he couldn’t. I stood up started to spin him by the ankles, he lifted up off the ground, screaming at the top of his lungs.  I spun and spun, I started laughing maniacally, I didn’t know what was wrong with me,  Finally, I smashed him back first, so hard into a tree that his he bent backwards at a forty-five degree angle ad his ribs protruded out of his chest.

I snapped out

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