Everett’s arms, of having him hold her as if she was something very precious.

She felt as if she was losing her mind.

Lila looked out her window and saw only her car in the driveway.

He’d had a change of heart, she thought, letting the curtain drop back into place.

With a gut-wrenching sigh, she turned away. Served her right for giving in to her emotions like some silly schoolgirl and—

She jerked her head up, listening. Was that—

Yes, it was. It was the sound of a car pulling up in her driveway.

All those doubts that were surfacing took a nosedive and she threw open the door before he had a chance to ring the doorbell.

“There are way too many red lights in this city,” Everett told her.

Grabbing hold of his shirt, Lila pulled him over the threshold and into her house, slamming the door shut right behind him.

“I don’t want to talk about red lights,” she said just before she rose up on her tiptoes and sealed her mouth to his.

It was more than a couple of minutes later that they managed to come up for air—temporarily.

“Right,” Everett breathlessly agreed, devouring her with his eyes. “No talking about red lights.”

“No talking at all,” Lila countered.

As she sought out his lips again, sealing hers to them, she began to systematically remove Everett’s tuxedo, separating it from his body so quickly she worried that she’d wind up ripping something.

If she did, she could fix it, she assured herself. She knew her way around a needle. But right now, she wanted to relearn her way around his body.

It had been a long, long time since she’d been intimate with him. Since she’d been intimate with anyone, because after she had left Everett, she’d never met anyone to take his place, or even come close to qualifying as a candidate for that position. Without love as an ingredient in the mix, lovemaking just didn’t seem right to her.

As she was eagerly removing his clothing, Everett was doing the same with hers.

Lila could feel his hands moving along her body. Locating her zipper, he pulled it down her back in one swift movement, then peeled away the silky gown from her skin.

It fell to the floor like a sinking blue cloud, pooling about her high heels.

Lila caught her breath as she felt his strong hands tugging away her bikini underwear, then gliding over her bare skin, swiftly reducing her to a pulsating mass of desire.

With urgent movements, she hurried to return the compliment until they were both standing there in her living room, nude—except for one thing.

She was still wearing her high heels.

Lila quickly remedied that, kicking the shoes off and instantly becoming petite.

“Damn,” Everett whispered against the sensitive skin of her throat as he pressed kiss after kiss along it, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed about doing this.”

The feel of his warm breath sliding along her skin caused all her desires to intensify. Her mushrooming needs almost engulfed her as they seized control over every single facet of her being.

Her mind in a haze, Lila felt her back being pressed against the sofa. She didn’t even remember how they got there.

Everett was taking inventory of every single inch of her body with his mouth, creating wonderful sensations as he moved.

Doing wonderful things.

She was eager to return the favor, but for the moment, she couldn’t find the strength to do anything but absorb every nuance of what was happening. She was utterly immersed in the deliciously wicked feelings that were erupting all over her as his lips and tongue left their mark everywhere, branding her.

Making her his.

Lila twisted and arched, savoring and absorbing every wondrous salvo wildly echoing throughout her body.

And still he continued, moving lower and lower by pulsating increments.

Anticipation rippled through her like shockwaves as she felt first his breath, and then his mouth moving down to the very center of her core.

His tongue teased her ever so lightly, skimming along the delicate, sensitive area, all the while raising her response higher and higher, creating a fever pitch within her until finally, delicious explosions erupted simultaneously all through her, undulating over her like a series of earthquakes.

Lila cried out his name, pulling him to her until he was right above her, melting her soul with the intense look of desire and passion in his eyes.

She felt him coaxing open her legs with his knee. What there was left of her shallow breath caught in her throat.

The next moment, he entered her and they were sealed to one another, creating a single heated entity.

Everett began to move his hips so slowly at first, she thought she had only imagined it. But then the movements began to increase, growing stronger. Taking her with them.

And then they were no longer on her sofa, no longer in her house. They were somewhere else, completely isolated from the world. A place where only the two of them existed.

The only thing that mattered was Everett and this insanely wondrous sensation that they were sharing. Their bodies danced to music that only the two of them could hear.

The tempo increased, going faster and faster until suddenly they found themselves racing to the top of the world, to a place that was both new and familiar at the same time.

Lila could feel her heart slamming against his. Could feel Everett’s heart echoing hers to the point that she thought their two hearts would forever be sealed together as one.

And then she felt the fireworks exploding, showering a profusion of stars all around her until that was all there was.

A world filed with stars.

She clung to Everett then, clung to the sensation that they had created together. She clung to it for as long as she could and bathed in the euphoria that came in its wake.

She held on to the sensation—and Everett—for as long as possible. But even so, it receded no matter how hard she fought to hang onto it.

Sorrow began to wiggle its way into the spaces the

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