euphoria had left behind.

Everett shifted his weight off her, moving so that he was lying beside her.

He tightened his arm around her, exulting in the feeling of warmth generated by holding on to her. He glanced down at his chest and was mildly surprised that he wasn’t glowing or giving out some sort of light like a beacon that guided the ships through the night at sea.

She was back, he thought. He’d won Lila back. And the lovemaking between them was so much better now than it had been before. The sex might have been familiar at its roots, but it had also felt wonderfully brand-new.

The woman in his arms was so much more now than she had been all those years ago.

How did he get so lucky? Everett silently marveled. Lying here next to Lila, reliving the lovemaking they had just shared, he found himself wanting to take her all over again.

Wanting her with a renewed fierceness that was impossible to ignore.

Propping himself up slightly, Everett leaned over her face and kissed one eyelid, then her other eyelid.

Then her mouth.

He lingered there, deepening the kiss until it all but consumed both of them, feeding something in his soul.

And then hers.

She looked up at him with wonder. “Again?” she questioned.

Lila saw laughter entering his eyes as Everett told her, “Honey, I am just getting started.”

Something came over her.

Lila seized the moment and just like that, turned the tables on him. It was her turn to be the seducer rather than the seduced. This relationship didn’t have a prayer of working if only one of them gave while the other received, she thought.

So, just as he had done before, Lila began to prime his body, ever so lightly gliding both her lips and her tongue along all the sensitive, seducible areas of his body.

Priming him until he verged on the edge of full readiness.

She moved with purpose along Everett’s chest, gliding the tip of her tongue along his nipples just as he had done to her.

And then she slid her tongue along the hard contours of his chest, moving steadily down to his belly, teasing it until it quivered beneath her hot, probing mouth.

Raising her eyes, she met his. A wicked look entered them as she proceeded to work her way lower along his anatomy until she had reached his hardening desire.

With an air of triumph, she went on to make him hers by branding him.

She did it, once, then twice—then suddenly, she felt his hands on her forearms, stopping her. He drew her away and brought her back up to his level by pulling her body along his.

Arousing both of them even more.

The next second, he raised his head and captured her mouth with his own, kissing her over and over again until he had reduced her to the consistency of a rain puddle that was about to go up in the steam of a hot summer sun. At that moment, he deftly switched their places. He was above her and she was back under him.

And just as before, they united, forming one whole.

This time he moved urgently right from the start. There was no gentle increase in tempo. There were just the swift, direct movements that were intended to bring them swirling up to journey’s end.

And it did.

So quickly that it stole away their breath, leaving them gasping and panting in the aftermath of the crescendo that had brought all the stars raining down on them.

As before, the euphoria that sealed around them in the aftermath was wondrous. And, also as before, it slipped away much too soon, leaving Lila exhausted and slowly making her way back to reality.

With painstakingly slow movements, Lila shifted her head so that she was looking at the man next to her without alerting him to the fact that she was.

It was happening. Happening just as she had been afraid that it would.

She could feel it.

She was falling in love with Everett all over again. And she was totally powerless to prevent it, she thought with a sliver of panic that was beginning to grow inside of her.

Why had she done this?

Why had she allowed it to happen? She could have stopped it from ever taking place—should have stopped it from taking place not once, but twice, she ruefully reminded herself. She had allowed the evening—and herself—to spin completely out of control and now she had consequences to face.

She didn’t like this feeling, this feeling of being unable to stop her life from spinning out of control.

Lila could feel herself growing more and more afraid. Afraid of what she’d done. Afraid of where she just knew it was going to lead—to the same unhappiness she’d experienced thirteen years ago.

How could something that had felt so right in the moment be so very wrong in the long run?

But it was, she thought.

It was.

What made her think that just because they’d managed to recapture the rapturous happiness of lovemaking it was destined to end any other way for them than it already had once before?

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

And that was her, she thought ruefully. She was doomed to repeat the mistakes she’d made once. In fact, she already had repeated those mistakes.

Well, she could learn from her mistakes, Lila silently insisted. And she intended to start right now, before it was too late and things spun further out of control, setting the stage for Everett to break her heart all over again.

Summoning her resolve, not to mention her courage, Lila turned toward the man lying next to her on the sectional sofa.

She struggled into an upright position.

Everett shift toward her. “Want to take this to your bedroom and do it again?” he asked her with a warm, inviting smile.

“No,” she said with such finality that it froze Everett in place. “I want you to leave.”

The blissful happiness he’d just been experiencing broke up into tiny slivered shards. He felt as if he’d just been blindsided.

Everett stared at her.

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