Not feeling the heat as before, Taylor relaxed, felt more willing to talk. ‘What sort of titbits?’
‘What she’s planning to publish. Prewarned, we’ll head her off at the pass, discredit her. Pay her off if we have to. All I know is, we need Otway’s feet cut from beneath her.’
‘What do you know so far?’
‘She came on strong with a chief inspector. When he wasn’t biting, she phoned Otto McAlister, a colleague of Simmons and Mike Hampton. He and Otway spent the night together.’
‘Your source is reliable?’
‘The best. We know that McAlister’s feeding her information, although what and how much, we’re not sure. Could be insignificant, could be damaging, but whatever it is, Otway will make sure it’s printed.’
‘You could bribe McAlister, make him work for us, let him feed falsehoods to her.’
‘You’re learning,’ Jaden said. ‘However, paying McAlister off is now complicated by Ashley Otway having him in her bed. You’ve seen her?’
‘Not so easy to throw away, is that what you reckon? McAlister’s getting a bonus we can’t give.’
‘You’re going to seduce her, get her away from McAlister. If you can find anything from her, or drip-feed her what we tell you, we’ll decide how to proceed.’
‘Alison,’ Jaden shouted out from where he was sitting. The door opened; Alison Glassop appeared.
‘He’ll do it,’ Jaden said.
‘I knew he would,’ Alison said, throwing her arms around Taylor, giving him a big kiss.
‘You don’t mind?’ Taylor said.
‘What option do we have? And besides, it’s nothing, not to you. A woman who’s twelve years older than you. She’s almost ancient.’
Tom Taylor was unsure what to think. Sure, he had been unfaithful to Alison, but for her to agree to his seducing another woman seemed immoral. Alison had dropped in his estimation.
‘Alison will work with you. McAlister’s not attractive, not pretty-faced like you, Tom,’ Jaden said. ‘We’ve researched Otway, know something of her history. To you, it’ll be easy, and no doubt, fun.’
‘I hope it isn’t,’ Alison said. ‘It’s the only way, Tom, don’t you see?’
He did; he just didn’t like it, although he would do what was wanted.
‘If McAlister’s kicked out of her bed, he might turn hostile, sell his story elsewhere,’ Taylor said.
‘We’re keeping a watch on him, and McAlister’s broke, desperate for money. When the time’s right, we’ll meet with him, put a proposal to him. He’ll go for it; we know that.’
‘Know what?’
‘Neither Simmons nor Hampton liked him much, used him as one of the team, reserving the glory of the summit for them. McAlister’s not interested in Otway, not in the long term, prefers to be on his own out in the wild somewhere. He’ll be no competition for you.’
Chapter 18
Publication of five photos on the third Sunday after the death of Angus Simmons and the accompanying article by Ashley Otway improved sales by eight per cent on the day.
Ashley’s junior was elevated to the role of entertainments reporter permanently, the previous incumbent wishing her well. She cautioned her about sleeping with every rap artist and bedraggled would-be singer but knew that her advice fell on deaf ears.
‘And watch out for boy bands. All for one, one for all, as the three musketeers would say.’
‘Who are they?’
‘Alexandre Dumas, a French classic, published in 1844.’ In exasperation, ‘Forget it, before your time,’ Ashley said as she hugged the girl and left her to it. Either the young woman would learn that picking up strays could end badly, and as for a future in journalism, there would be no Pulitzer Prize for her.
‘What’s next,’ the editor asked.
Ashley, sitting in a leather chair to one side of the office, enjoying the afterglow of the controversy on the television and YouTube, wondering whether Simmons’s action in Patagonia had been accidental or intended.
Mike Hampton, confined to his home, Kate at his side, attempting a reconciliation, not succeeding. She knew what was right, but she also needed excitement, not negativity. Justin Skinner was fun but facile, and she knew that her husband was the best bet, but apart from a momentary lifting of spirits, he was still the same: dull, someone who did not want to come near her. She knew she couldn’t stay, not for long.
‘It was because of you; he did it on purpose,’ Mike said.
‘I was angry, and besides, you suspected something even before I said his name.’
‘Maybe I was occupied, focussed on a climb.’
‘You were always focussed. Back then, it was mountains, setting another record; now, all I get is negativity. Does it matter if Angus did it on purpose or not? He’s dead; you’re not.’
‘It would have been better if I was.’
Vindication was all that Hampton wanted, no longer to be a leper to the mountaineering community he once proudly embraced.
As much as she could, Kate had done her duty. She phoned her sister-in-law, explained the situation, received a string of four-letter words in return, packed her case, and left. She had no intention of returning.
In Dorset, Deb Hampton roused Jock. ‘Look after the place. I’m going up to stay with my brother for a few days.’
‘Uh. Alright. Whatever you say?’
Deb had to admit he was decent and undemanding. Her age was starting to go against her, and as a father, Jock would be good, although genetically, he was a poor choice. Barely literate, he could shoe a horse, shear a sheep, tell you which crop to plant and when, and what the weather was going to be for the next few days, but ask him about the world and politics, he was a complete dunderhead.
On her return, Mike was coming with her, whether