‘After they left, you hooked up with McAlister.’
‘It’s a big enough house, and both Otto and I had had a few drinks. It just happened, no big deal, no protestations of love. The next morning, I dropped him off at the train station, let him find his way home.’
‘You could have done that the night before,’ Larry said.
‘I could have, but you know.’
Larry did.
Tom Taylor met with Ashley Otway, ostensibly to discuss the negative publicity she was bringing to the television station.
‘Sending a boy to do a man’s job,’ Ashley said. Not that she didn’t find the man attractive, she did, but she had dealt with politicians, devious and underhanded, not all that they seemed to be. She was suspicious.
‘Your assistant set this up,’ Ashley continued. ‘Is this official, or are you fishing?’
‘I thought we should talk,’ Tom said.
Alison had chosen the location, a pub in Chelsea, loud enough to drown their conversation, seductive enough if that was where it was heading.
Ashley Otway looked Tom up and down, liked what she saw, but she wasn’t in the mood for love, and certainly not after the mauling she had received at the hands of McAlister. She detested the man; he represented everything she disliked: rough and inconsiderate, as crude in his manner as in his behaviour. Jerome Jaden’s head of programming was more her style, even if he was younger than her, and Jaden’s puppet.
‘Who’s speaking? You or your company?’
‘I am. But yes, they’re concerned, felt that we should make contact.’
‘They could have sent Bob Babbage or Karen Majors, even Jaden himself. Why do they send a boy?’
‘Not a boy, but the head of programming.’
‘Was it Alison Glassop who phoned me? And by the way, mine’s red wine. You may as well get a bottle and two glasses.’
Taylor picked up the menu and let the woman choose. As he had expected, she chose the most expensive. He went and paid, asked them to send over food as well.
‘Alison, yes it was,’ Taylor said on his return and at Ashley’s insistence.
‘Your girlfriend?’
‘We spend time together, but we’re not exclusive.’
‘You are to her. Does she agree with you meeting me here?’
‘She does.’
You know who’s giving me the information?’
‘I have a name.’
‘Good in bed, are you? Alison, appreciates your technique?’ Ashley said. She knew why he was in the pub with her. Either he’d become embarrassed and leave, or he’d admit to it.
Flustered, not sure what to say, Taylor knew he had been called out. ‘We’re here to discuss the photos, what you hope to achieve.’
‘Jaden put you up to this, didn’t he? Don’t be bashful. I’m not about to run off, and I’ll not deny that I’m interested.’
‘In me?’
‘Not here, not today, and not while I’m finding out about Angus Simmons.’
‘And destroying Mr Jaden and the station.’
‘It’s not personal, but I’ve got a job to do, and until it’s finished, my source is not going anywhere.’
‘Not even if you don’t fancy him? Good weekend, was it?’
‘You’ve got people watching me?’
‘No, but we know some of it.’
‘My source?’
‘Let’s come back to what you have.’ As he picked up his glass, Taylor grabbed hold of a couple of soggy chips that had come over with the bottle of wine. ‘A better meal than this?’ he said.
‘Smarter than you look, young Tom. You’ve fielded me off better than I thought you would. Jaden trained you well.’
Taylor didn’t say that it wasn’t Jerome Jaden, but Alison who had practised with him. That time, the seduction had gone through to completion; he was sure it wouldn’t this time. Ashley Otway was no pushover, even if her seduction of McAlister had been swift.
Grabbing their glasses and a bottle of wine, the two walked through the bar and to the adjoining restaurant, Ashley choosing a corner setting.
‘Now, young Tom, tell me what Jaden wants, and don’t give me the sanitised version of the truth and fair play. Television’s passé, the same as the print media. Sure, there’ll always be a place for both, but they’re changing. Jaden’s no dummy, he knows that, and he’s no more concerned about Simmons’s reputation than you are.’
‘You’ve done your homework.’
‘Another bottle?’
‘We should order,’ Tom said.
‘Call over the waiter, tell her to send over the fish of the day, a side of salad, and something to wipe that lecherous look off your face.’
‘I like you, Ashley,’ Tom said. ‘You’re a lot of fun, not what I expected.’
‘What did you expect?’
‘A pretty face, a hard-nosed bitch.’
‘Right on both counts. Cross me and Jaden will go down.’
‘The pen is mightier than the sword, or haven’t you heard?’
‘I have, but the truth will prevail.’
‘The truth is that Mike Hampton did have murderous intent towards Angus Simmons and that halfway up a mountain, he probably realised that only one was going to come off it. Forced into a situation, people make decisions they have to live with, and whether they regret them or not is another issue. I will prove that Simmons is guilty; I will also solve his murder.’
‘Don’t assume it’s only him. I found out about a government minister and his love nest, exposed it as well, lost my job as a result.’
‘You could have lost your life.’
‘If he had found out in advance what I was going to write, I might have.’
‘And you don’t think that could happen this time?’
‘Tom, dear sweet Tom,’ Ashley said as she touched him on the arm, ‘don’t say things you don’t understand. Nothing’s going to happen to me. Jerome Jaden’s not a bad man. He’ll fight to keep his television station, his money, but he won’t commit violence against me for it. And even