Di’s life in the harshest possible way because that was what my vampire wanted.

Di gurgled her final plea but it was too late, not that I’d give in. Her life was mine to take and I did so without mercy. When her body went limp in my arms and there was no heartbeat to find, I released her neck and dropped her at my feet.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back savoring the blood and the victory. It was easier than I thought it would be, to battle an ancient vampire and win. To take her life because of how she wronged me. She wronged me so many times.

My fangs slid back into my gums and with it, the hunger and need for vengeance disappeared. All that was left was the horror and understanding of what I was capable of. My eyes popped open and I jerked my head back down, looking at the carnage in front of me.

I covered my mouth with my hand and knelt in front of what was left of Di, more afraid of what I had become than the fact she was dead. I killed without remorse and I knew I’d do it again and again, and not think twice about it. It was who I was, who I was meant to be. I was every supernatural being all rolled into one. I had all of their strengths, and all of their weaknesses. I knew I was capable of such amazing feats, but also great destruction. Just look at the mangled mess of a vampire in front of me.

In my grief, I must have released Matias and Di’s friends from their holds because as I was staring down at Di, I heard scuffling going on. I turned my body to see Matias holding one of Di’s vampires by the throat while he punched his hand through the chest of another. He pulled out the vampire’s still beating heart and dropped it on the floor and turned his attention to the third vampire who was charging toward him.

Without breaking his hold on the first guy, he latched onto the newcomer and sunk his dangerously long fangs into the man’s neck. He squealed out in pain but Matias didn’t let him go and he didn’t stop until the vampire was dead. When he released him, Matias looked down at the first one savagely and squeezed his fingers together, literally ripping out the vampire’s throat and larynx. He fell to the ground, gurgling until Matias raised his boot high in the air and stomped down, smashing the vampire’s skull.

With all three minions despatched, Matias turned his blood red eyes onto me.

Chapter Twenty-Four

I tried to stand up, but my legs were too weak. I collapsed onto the concrete floor, not able to move from my spot. Matias’ vampire side slid away and he ran to me, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to a nearby chair. He sat down with me in his arms and I curled into his chest.

He was covered in blood and gore, but then again, so was I. It didn’t bother me as much as I knew it would have in the past and I snuggled in further, even though I was dejected and heartbroken. We sat in silence for several minutes and I let him hold me while I got used to my new reality. I was a killer and I was okay with it. But I needed Matias. It was time to let him know, even if he rejected me.

“Emelia, I…” he began but his words died off. I knew that he was going to apologize for letting Di get so close and not following through with his promise to her, but he had nothing to apologize for. Not really. It wasn’t like he owed me anything.

“I meant it, you know,” I said to him. “If you want to go, I will release you from your promise. You have no obligation to me and I was selfish to make you stick around when I had no intention of fully mating with you. You had every right to look elsewhere, but I just wish it hadn’t been with her.”

Matias shifted in his seat so he could get a better look at my face. “Had? Had no intention? Does that mean you’ve changed your mind?”

“Yeah. I mean, if you still want me. After what happened this morning and how cold you were toward me. I didn’t like it. I missed you so much. It hurt when I knew you didn’t want me. But to go to her...”

Matias let out a booming laugh and I sat up, puzzled at his outburst.

“I thought you were slightly naive but not foolish, Emelia,” he laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows as I took offense to his words and tried to get up out of his lap, but he held me down. “It’s my turn to hold you in place now,” he then told me, his eyes dancing with joy. “I didn’t mean it as an insult, but I can't believe you could ever think I’d want someone like Diane when you are around. You are my world and no one will ever come close. I’d spend all of eternity being your shadow, just to be close to you. I know I’ve already told you that, but I thought you believed me. And as for what you walked in on, I knew you’d want to take care of her, so I was keeping her busy by letting her think she was seducing me. I can’t believe you thought I’d ever let that woman near me without good reason. I wanted to rip her apart for what she had done to you. And the fact you thought I’d look elsewhere when you’re the only one I see...”

“It’s not that I didn’t believe you, Matias, it was I didn’t think it was fair. I’ve put you through so much… I wouldn’t have blamed

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