“And those are the thoughts that keep me reaching for the antacids.” Raina said sarcastically.
“And we’re getting off of the topic.” I gently admonished. “I know Wood Fae reasonably well… powerful, studious, kinda stuffy.”
“Their Twilight Fae cousins are also just as, if not more so, powerful.” Vincent said. “However, they’re far from stuffy. They’re impish and tricky… wonderful when they’re in the mood to play nice, aggravating as hell when they’re not.”
“Well, somebody slap me if I start to date one of them.” Raina said. “I’ve always had a crush on Galadriel and Arwen from Lord of the Rings, so proto-elves are my weakness.”
We all had to laugh at that.
* * *
The highways gradually gave way to country roads, and then no roads. The massive carriage handled them all with ease, seeming to slip between trees that a child would have a hard time passing through. We eventually came to a clearing in the woods, and got out to stretch our legs.
“So, what… are we looking for a Buckland Gate?” Raina asked.
I had only passed through a Buckland Gate… an intentional entry-point placed in our world by the Fae themselves… once before. Once Raina had implanted a Fae crystal in her right hand, and had seemingly earned the right for her own entry into the Wood Fae realm, however, I had used her for coming and going. Raina had no relationships outside of the Wood Fae, so we would have to go a more traditional route.
Vincent shook his head. “Twilight Fae gates are stupidly rare.” he said. “I had to plan ahead. There’s no such thing as a Buckland Gate for the Twilighters.”
“There are, however, old friends one can impose upon for a task that is no imposition.” came a voice from the nearby forest. I looked closer and saw the most unusual Fae I had ever seen step out from behind the trunks.
She was tall and thin, much like the Wood Fae I was familiar with. Her skin, however, was the most brilliant shade of purple I had ever seen. It almost shimmered in the late afternoon sunlight as she and two more of her kind walked towards us by the road. One had green skin, the other more of a sky blue. All three Fae women had black hair and wore outfits made of the same silver, shimmering translucent material.
Those clothes might be street legal, I thought, but they leave nothing to the imagination!
“Lucinda!” Vincent exclaimed, walking towards them. “It’s been far too long!”
“Not as long as my three-way with the Midnight Fae, but long enough." Lucinda purred. They greeted with a kiss, and Lucinda's skin flashed a plum-color. "Hmm., that's more like it."
So, another old connection? It was at times like these that I was glad to not be the jealous type! Vampires, even those with connections as strong as Vincent and Angelique’s, were never exclusive in their relationships… Vincent’s recent history with myself notwithstanding. It led to a lot of old flames.
“May I introduce you to my companions?” he said, gesturing towards us.
“Oh, do!” Lucinda replied enthusiastically.
“First,” he said, stopping in front of me, “This is Annabelle, my girlfriend.”
I smiled, thankful that Vincent had warned me how touchy-feely the Twilight Fae could be. “Hi.”
“Annabelle, darling, so glad that Vincent has found you again.” Lucinda replied, touching my arm. “He’s such a dear, he needs someone to watch his heart, not just his happy places.”
I had to chuckle. Her energy was infectious.
“And oh...” she said, stepping to Raina. “Someone has hurt you recently. Someone you loved very dearly.”
“Y-yes.” Raina said, shocked. “How did you know?”
“I can feel your pain and loneliness radiating off of you.” She winced. “Oooh… it was bad.”
“Yeah.” Raina said, Lucinda touched her arm, and she visibly relaxed.
“If you need anything, dear…?” She let the word hang in the air.
“Dear Raina,” Lucinda continued, “don’t hesitate to ask.”
I had the distinct feeling that more than just a shoulder to cry on was available. I also got the impression from Raina that it wasn’t unwelcome.
“So, Drucilla here..." Lucinda continued, gesturing towards the blue-skinned Fae, "will work with her cousin Gaia to transport your carriage and luggage to our realm."
The two went off without another word, starting an elaborate series of gestures as they walked.
“I’ll take you three through myself.” she finished.
We started walking towards the woods. Raina and I walked behind Vincent and Lucinda, and I couldn’t help but steal a glance at the Twilight woman, and then to my friend, grinning. She grinned back, blushing.
“You really didn't have a three-way with Midnight Fae, did you?" Vincent asked. "I know you guys don't really age, but that was so long ago!”
“Oh, I was young, and it wasn’t long before their fall, but it happened.” Lucinda assured him. “It’s why I never bought the idea that they perished. I would know if those two left the earth, I’m sure of it.”
“Well, you’re definitely in the minority there.” Vincent countered. “Most Fae I know believe that the Midnight are no more.”
“They hope that they’re gone. There’s a difference.”
As we walked, I noticed how things had… changed. The sunlight dappling through the trees looked more golden in color, and the leaves were an emerald green that I had never seen before on a living thing. I looked to the side and saw what looked like a miniature dragon munching on a bright green leaf.
“What the hell?” I asked Raina softly. I didn’t see any gate.”
“Neither did I.” she replied.
It was then that I noticed that Vincent and Lucinda had stopped talking. “That’s