the thing about Twilight Fae.” Vincent called back.  “They don’t like hard boundaries.  We eased through the gate without realizing it.”

                I looked up ahead.  “Is that…?” I asked to the air.

                “It looks like it.” Raina added, her jaw slack.

                “Yep.” Vincent said matter-of-factly.  “It’s a unicorn.”

                We looked as its golden horn reflected light off of its pastel coat. I couldn’t believe it.

                “Believe it, my dear.” Lucinda said.

                “I think I’m gonna like it here.” Raina said.

                                                                                                *                *                *

                “Now that is a proper mead!” Trevor exclaimed, leaning back in his chair.  He held the glass of golden liquor up to the light, admiring its hue before drinking deeply.

                The balcony we were sitting on was simply stunning.  As was the house we were in, the neighborhood that the house was located in, and the entire Fae settlement. The colors were bright and vibrant, and the architecture flowed in an almost fluid way.  The surfaces sparkled where the setting sun hit them, and the air smelled of light flowers.  Even the dark wood that lined every window, fencing, and doorway had a shimmer to it in the light.

                A great valley stretched out below the balcony were on, and the setting sun cast strange shadows through the unfamiliar forest below.  I couldn't help but get lost in the splendor of it all. Winged unicorns occasionally broke through the trees for a brief moment, only to disappear again beneath the green canopy below.

                Of course, some of them fly.

                A deep-throated burp behind me reminded me that Trevor, on the other hand, was getting lost in the potent honey wine that our hosts were fond of brewing.

                Raina had wandered off with the green-skinned Gaia to explore their magickal libraries, while Vincent had set off in search of Angelique and Jack.  Evie was nowhere to be found, so I decided to take advantage of Trevor's considerable paranormal knowledge.

                He had wanted me to drink with him, but I took a drag on the local Fae cannabis instead.

                “So,” I began, exhaling, “What’s with the whole ‘Midnight Fae’ thing?”

                “Well, you know the Wood Fae.” Trevor replied.

                “Quite well.” I answered.

                “Between them, our current hosts, and the Morning-tide Fae, we have all of the Fae races still in existence.”  He downed the rest of his glass in a gulp.  “There used to be six races.” he continued, gesturing with his glass.  “The three we know, plus three more...”

                Trevor put his glass down and refilled it.  “The Water Fae,” he continued, holding up a finger on his free hand, “… an ancient and powerful race who were said to be able to control the waters of the oceans.  Two, the Noontide Fae… powerful buggers.”  He picked up his glass as he held up a third finger.  “Three, the Midnight Fae.  Probably the most powerful of them all.  Scary fuckers.”

                “What happened to them?” I asked.  Powerful beings like this wouldn’t go down without a fight, that was for sure!

                “Nobody knows.” he said with a shrug.  “Something big, dark, and explosive, from what I hear.  Then poof! We go from six Fae races to three.”

                I wonder if Rini knows anything about this? I thought.  My train of thought was interrupted, however, by the french doors that led back into the house opening.  I looked up in time to see Angelique glide in.

                She was dressed in a different outfit, this one green.  It was as skin-tight as ever, and I had a hard time breaking away from my thoughts to generate speech.

                “Hey there, Angelique.” I slightly stammered.  “Vincent find you?”

                “Yes, he did.” she said.  “He’s currently trying to raise Jack’s spectral traveling party on a communicator to see about their arrival.  Everyone else is here.”

                “Good, good.” I went to take another hit of my joint when Angelique continued.

                “Has anyone offered you an extra bed-mate tonight?” she asked.  “I told them that they could offer, though I doubted that you would take them up on it.”

                Whatever I was expecting her to say, it wasn’t that.  “Wha… what?” I choked out, coughing on the pungent smoke and my own surprise.

                “In case you couldn’t tell, Twilight Fae are a bit, uh, your word would be ‘horny’.” she explained.  “It’s their custom to offer a sexual partner to guests.  It started as their way of not feeling guilty as they pursue their own carnal interests, but it has become a very popular duty.  They love magickal creatures, empowered humans included.”

                So that’s why so many of the Fae who have been tending to us have been so friendly! “No, no offers yet.” I said.

                “Well, don’t be surprised when the offer comes.” Angelique smiled.  “Vincent’s not the only one with a weakness for bespectacled beauties such as yourself.”

                She glided out of the room again, and I hit the joint.  I suddenly needed another one.

                                                                                                *                *                *

                The weed had done it’s job.  I was no longer stressing out over the ramifications of Angelique’s compliment to me out on the balcony.  Instead, I was wondering if I shouldn’t just plan on sleeping in the ridiculously comfortable cushion I was laying in, mobility not being my strong suit at the time.

                Across from me, Raina and Drucilla sat on an overstuffed sofa.  They weren’t touching, but I could see how open to it the blue-skinned Fae woman was just through her body language.  Raina didn’t look turned off, but she was obviously keeping her space personal… for now.

                “Oooooh, that’s good… right there!”

                Evelyn’s moan showed that she was not only more open to the standing invitation of Darla, Dru’s older (and slightly darker blue) sister, she was enjoying the company quite a bit.  I looked over to where she was laying in between the Fae woman’s legs, Darla’s hands rubbing her shoulders in slow, sensuous motions.

                “I hope you’re as good with your

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