You’re fat. You can’t sing. Go home. You belong in a zoo, hippo. A wailing cat sounds better than you.
I gripped the microphone stand to adjust it to the right height, almost nauseated. I couldn’t do this. I was going to open my mouth and nothing would come out. I was going to mess up my notes. I was going to fail, no doubt.
This was a mistake. How the hell did I think I could do this in front of the whole school?
I clutched my guitar. I felt like I could bolt out of here at any moment, but then Blake’s words rushed back to me, reminding me of how important it was to stay.
“Running away doesn’t make bad things disappear. Tough it out. Fight back. And even if you get hurt in the process, at least you aren’t a pathetic coward in the end.”
Mel and Hayden had both told me how important it was to face my fears. I knew it myself, yet I always took the easy way out.
I could feel my muscles unwinding, and more air reached my lungs. I searched the audience again and found my parents. Even from my spot I could see my mom’s bright smile, which helped me calm down. They were there and they believed in me.
If I ran away now, without even trying to play, I was going to regret it. I had to push through this. It was an extremely personal song, but if I couldn’t perform it now, I couldn’t hope to perform any of my songs in the future.
I took another deep breath and looked at Sarah and Melissa, who were smiling at me with their thumbs raised. Okay, I can do this.
“I’m Jessica.” My voice trembled, but I pushed on. “The song I’m about to sing tells a story that started with bullying but turned into something else. It carries a special message, and I hope you’ll like it. It’s called ‘Trapped.’”
Here goes nothing.
I closed my eyes and moved my fingers over the strings, playing the first few notes. My hands shook so much I was sure I was going to miss some, but the melody that came out was good. It was even more than good. It embraced me and led me away from a place full of insecurities to a place of joy, allowing me to forget my fear.
It started with hate
It ended with love
You and me, we’re cornered
In the world of dust
In this endless circle
Our story is like shattered glass
I can’t stop loving you
I can’t start forgiving you
And I’m trapped
I’m cornered
In this world where there’s nothing but our pain
And I’m torn
I’m left to wonder
If this has all been just one big game
Fate has played us well
Between heaven and hell
I’m trapped
I opened my eyes and let them find Blake as I slowed down the tempo before the second verse. I felt a jolt in my stomach when our gazes locked, pulled to him by the same invisible thread that always kept us connected.
Sunflowers bloom
But some loves never do
This is my apology
And last confession to you
Scars run too deep to heal
And all that’s left is fear
I can’t stop loving you
I want to start forgiving you
And I’m trapped
I’m cornered
In this world where there’s nothing but our pain
And I’m torn
I’m left to wonder
If this has all been just one big game
Fate has played us well
Between heaven and hell
Blake’s eyes never left mine, and the raw expression on his face sliced me open. It was anguish, awe, and yearning combined together, allowing to me sing my heart out—allowing me to connect to him like never before—and my chest clenched with love for him.
I’m accepting my love as I watch you go
At the corner of past regrets, pain, and sorrow
Just a shade under a starry sky, you and me
And then a kiss
Or two
Or three
And I’m trapped
I’m cornered
In this world where there’s nothing but our pain
And I’m torn
I’m left to wonder
If this has all been just one big game
Fate has played us well
Between heaven and hell
I am trapped
I plucked the strings and stopped. My chest was tight with emotions that invited tears to my eyes. I couldn’t look away from Blake, truly trapped by his gaze, which conveyed his true feelings. He’d never looked at me like this before—a gaze so tender and immensely soft it almost undid me.
Now he knew. Now he knew I loved him. I’d stripped myself of all the layers of lies, doubts, and restrictions and allowed him to see it. I’d allowed myself to see it, accepting the truth. I loved him.
Applause erupted all around, and I looked at the audience with a start, only now remembering where I was. There were no mocking faces or sneers, only wide smiles and expressions of admiration as they gave me a standing ovation, and relief found its way through me.
I’d been able to pour my soul out.
I’d managed to do my solo in front of everyone and bring the house down.
A wave of self-pride stronger than ever before took over me. I had never felt better in my skin than now.
I grinned at Kevin. Only now did I realize I was shaking so hard. The audience still clapped, which eliminated any remaining doubts or insecurities I might’ve had.
“You were amazing, Jess,” Kev said as he turned off his GoPro. “That was awesome.”
“Thank you,” I mouthed before standing up to take a bow.
I looked at my parents and felt like I could tear up at any moment because they’d never looked prouder of me than they did right now. Both of them were on their feet as they applauded me fiercely. Mom wiped away a few tears, and I placed my hand against my heart.
I’d always hoped for my parents to look at me this way because of my music, and now that it’d happened, I felt like I could conquer the whole world with my voice