At the far end of the hangar, the formation of Stygian-armored pirates marched through an open airlock hatch, their boots booming. After passing through the airlock, they entered the side access hatch of a Comet Class destroyer.
For a moment, the hangar was quiet.
Then, slicing the silence, a frightening Ting-Ting-Ting! as Hade himself strut across the hangar, heading toward his private destroyer. Hade’s rapid-fire footfalls sounded like titanium hammers attacking iron anvils.
The rank-and-file deck crew snapped to attention and bowed their heads respectfully as Hade passed. None of them dared look at Hade’s brutal and powerful form as he boarded his destroyer, nor meet his evil white eyes that flared magnesium-bright inside the shadows of his spiked and horned helmet.
Once Hade was inside his private destroyer, its hatch whirred closed and the airlock hatches connecting it to the hangar deck rumbled shut on their tracks. A short time later, the lock decompressed with a loud hiss that echoed through the hangar.
Outside, small plasma docking thrusters on the hull of Hade’s destroyer lit up and powered it out and away from the hangar bay of the much bigger Nova Class warship. Although the destroyer was also shifted, the purple-white flares of its pinpoint plasma docking thrusters were clearly visible, stabbing brightly into the blackness of space. After traveling several hundred meters down from the warship, the destroyer’s docking thrusters darkened and its main plasma drive thundered to life, accelerating it on a fast course to Zalaxia. Soon, it too would transition from plasma drive to Gravitron Projection Drive for maximum stealth.
Back inside the warship, a group of mutant pirates working on the hangar deck were unloading rifle cases of Stygian K177’s from one of several large cargo containers stowed to the side, and unpacking the individual rifles for inspection.
“Lucky skrucks,” said a burly Quadron, lifting two K177’s out of a case of ten and placing both on an empty rifle rack at the same time, his four arms working in tandem.
“How come they get to go down-planet to Zalaxia and we don’t?” asked an angry Hyenok who took another rifle from the case.
“Cause they were hand-picked by Hade,” grumbled a stoic Gorillan who was carrying two cases of ten out of the cargo container, one on each shoulder like they weighed nothing. To a mutant brute like him, they effectively did.
“Skruck them,” snarled the Hyenok. “We should be going instead of them. I want me some of that legendary Zalaxian ass before Crewd takes it all for himself.” He licked his fangs for emphasis.
“We all do,” gurgled the warty and slimy Gluglon named Griggit.
“Nobody wants your froggy face, Griggit,” the brawny Quadron taunted.
The other pirates laughed jeeringly at Griggit.
“Skruck you guys,” Griggit glowered at them.
When the laughter died down, the Hyenok said, “When Hade gets back from Zalaxia, he better bring us enough Zalaxian ass to fill a Chuggutch donkey farm, or it’s mutiny.”
The pirate crew chuckled heartily and agreeably, except for the Gorillan, who was more focused on hauling out rifle cases and getting the job done.
“Talk like that’ll get you iced,” the Quadron snorted at the Hyenok, pulling out two more rifles with his four arms. “You think Hade is gonna share any of that priceless Zalaxian tail with us? Don’t be stupid. Hade will take what he can get while he’s down-planet now, and Crewd gets the rest when he becomes king. We won’t get skruck-all except what Crewd pays us in coin.”
“I don’t want Zalats or ITAP credits,” the Hyenok barked. “I want ass. Hot, wet Zalaxian ass!”
That brought lascivious chuckles and drooling approval from every pirate there, even the Gorillan.
“You see?” the Quadron reasoned. “This is what I’m talking about. This is why we should be on Hade’s destroyer right now. Take whatever ass we can while we’re down there. It’s the only chance we’ll get.”
The men grumbled agreement and returned to the topic of why they weren’t on Hade’s destroyer now. They suggested a variety of elaborate, paranoid, and often nonsensical explanations that ignored the obvious: none of them were as qualified or had as many confirmed kills as the 100 hardened soldiers with Hade now. That was a sad fact they would never admit out loud to anyone, least of all themselves, smoothing over the uncomfortable truth with bravado and bluster.
After enduring several minutes of this stoically, the Gorillan slammed a case of rifles onto the growing stack and warned, “Quit complaining and unpack those rifles. You’ll have your chance at Zalaxian ass when our army hits the outpost and we kill the king.”
“You’re right,” the Quadron nodded thoughtfully. His eight eyes lit up with an idea. “There’ll be so much action and mayhem, nobody’ll notice if we sneak off into the jungle with a Zalaxian whore under each arm!”
That brought wicked grins to the faces of every man and mutant on the hangar deck, inspiring them to sharpen their focus and double their efforts on the task at hand. Because every pirate knew, there was no higher prize in the universe than running off with a Zalaxian whore under your arm, unless it was two — one under each arm — or in the Quadron’s case, four.
It wouldn’t be long now…
—: Chapter 4 :—
Before I had a chance to dwell on how annoyed I was at Dyna — Pinup Blonde from a moment ago — another crowd of four beautiful Zalaxian women in uniform approached me in the long hexagonal corridor that was Babe Street. Like every woman here, their beauty instantly stole my focus away from any thought of assassins, repairing Shield Domes or outpost defense in general.
Unlike Dyna, these four women each had a different shade of brightly colored hair and colorfully tinted skin:
Crimson red hair with