long until I went from being the acting king to the official king. Apparently, there was some sort of fancy coronation ceremony at the Royal Palace that had to happen first. Not that it mattered. Based on how everyone treated me here at the outpost, a flashy ceremony seemed a mere formality. But laws were laws. Once I was crowned, my understanding was I would then legally be King of Harem Planet, where every woman was my concubine, by law.

Don’t give me that look.

It was their law.

I didn’t write it.

Law abiding citizen that I am, I would abide by it.

I mean, who wouldn’t?

Best of all, my Bombshells were safe.

Oia, Venus, Cygna, and Sirius.

They were the most beautiful babes I’d ever known, two of whom I’d slept with already. Granted, they were still recovering from very serious battle wounds and beatings they’d endured, courtesy of the previous King Sekton. But Zalaxian medical technology was incredibly advanced, and I trusted Major Akeso — the lead physician — and her medical team would soon nurse all four of my Bombshells back to 100% health.

I also trusted that no assassins would kill my Bombshells.

Why would they?

I was the one wearing the king’s True Ring.

The Bombshells were Zalaxian exiles who meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, except to me, to whom they meant everything. And that was why I kept an eye on them constantly. Even if some random assassin tried to kill or kidnap them, the assassin would have to come through me first. No, they’d have to first come through the base’s Shield Dome — once it was repaired, the sooner the better — then come through 1,500 other guardswomen at this outpost who were loyal to me, their acting king. They were also trained warriors. All of them. Then and only then, the assassin would have to come through me and my rings.

I trusted no assassin was that resourceful.

You’d need a magic assassin with rings better than mine to get through all that.

In other words, I wasn’t worried.

As for repairing Zalaxia’s Planet Wall, well, that required a trip to the Zalaxian sun.

One thing at a time.

The only thing in my life not perfectly squared away and accounted for was the fate of Violet. She was the leather-bikini-wearing and gorgeous jungle babe who had taken me prisoner before taking off my control collar and taking me to bed. I had not seen Violet since leaving her in the night-shadows of the Zalaxian jungle on the back of Mrs. Mountainous. Remember her? Mrs. Mountainous was that many-legged earthquake of a rock monster, a walking rock island covered in jungle trees and brush. Several days ago, Mrs. Mountainous had randomly and unintentionally carried me and Violet directly to this jungle outpost for reasons we couldn’t determine. Surely there was a reason for that, but what?

Anyway, until I knew Violet had returned safely to her tribe — or wherever she wanted to go — I would do everything in my power to find her and make sure she was okay. My plan now was to spend every available second of spare time I had searching for Violet until I knew her safety was squared away.

Don’t worry.

I’d make sure the Bombshells were well guarded whenever I went out searching for Violet.

Unfortunately for me, them, and everyone here at the outpost, I had no idea that Baron Crewd von Bludlust was only one among many powerful conspirators vying for the Zalaxian throne and willing to kill me to get it. Conspirators like the Four CyberKnights of the Spacepocalypse and their diabolical army of space demons, who would attack long before Crewd got his pirate army together with the help of the mysterious and menacing pirate commander Hade.

And a mechanical space necromancer.

Can’t forget to mention the space necromancer.

What can I say?

When you were the soon-to-be-crowned King of Harem Planet, half the universe wanted your harem.

The male half.

All the more reason for me to get to that PowCon meeting and help those engineering babes fix the Shield Dome ASAP.

—: Chapter 5 :—

Nestled under lavender Zalaxian skies, Violet climbed naked and dripping from the azure lagoon at the base of the splashing tropical waterfall. She had no idea that dangerous space pirates were only minutes away from entering the Zalaxian atmosphere high overhead.

Droplets dribbled down Violet’s tan, tight skin, rolled down her thighs, and pooled between her toes on the sun-baked rocks. She reached behind her head and twisted her long, violet hair, squeezing out the wetness to go splattering on the rocks.

Wetness and hot weather made Violet think of one thing.

Tim Pittwell.

That strange man from another planet who had saved Violet’s tribe from certain death at the hands of the Royal Guard. The same man she had lain with several times afterward, the man with an insatiable appetite for Violet, the man who made her moan with abandon like no man or woman ever had.

Her Tim.

Her man.

It had been only a few days since Violet had said goodbye to him. She had thought about him every minute of every day since. It had been a mistake to let him go off on his fool’s errand into that Royal outpost to rescue his exiled friends.

For all Violet knew, her Tim was dead.

Forever lost.

Sighing, Violet looked around at her carefree tribeswomen. They were frolicking in the lagoon or sunning themselves on the rocks at the water’s edge. Every woman was tan and fit from rugged jungle life. Many had brightly colored hair of one shade or another: aqua, crimson, gold, jade, amethyst, tangerine, and every other hue from the visible spectrum. Some of the beautiful women had skin as vibrantly colored as their hair. Some had more familiar skin pigmentation. Some had fine fur dusting their smooth skin. The permutations of feminine beauty were endlessly varied, but in every case perfection.

Higher up the rocks, other women lay out on woven reed mats or oversized, freshly-cut blue-green jungle leaves. These women lay mostly in couples, twined together and moaning in

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