figure he’d noted. ‘Will you be happy to pay me this?’

‘On one condition,’ he said. ‘We will review the amount after three months. Is that a deal?’

‘It’s a deal,’ she said, holding out her hand for him to shake.

Instead he placed his hands onto her shoulders and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

‘I hope that’s purely platonic,’ Ruby laughed.

‘I can confirm that it is platonic,’ he said.

‘Thank goodness for that. Your mother would have something to say if you took me for your fancy woman, carrying on with you in the flat over the shop,’ she chuckled. ‘Now, would you like another cup of tea to celebrate the start of your business empire?’

‘No, I’d best get going. I want to finish work a couple of hours early tomorrow to go and view the shop, so best not roll in late due to oversleeping. Would you like to come with me to view it?’

‘I can think of nothing better. Oh, Frank, I’m so excited for you – this must be a dream come true.’

‘It certainly is,’ he said as he opened the front door to let himself out. Turning to face her at the gate, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. ‘Thank you for believing in me, and for being a true friend, Ruby. If I can ever pay you back, I will,’ he promised.

Ruby stood on tiptoe and returned his kiss. ‘Thank you for inviting me to be part of the adventure. I’m so thrilled for you. Sleep tight, Frank,’ she said as he waved goodbye, crossing the road and letting himself into number fourteen.

Stepping into the hallway, Ruby closed the door and leant against it, thinking of how bright her future now looked. She had not seen the bedroom curtains part as Stella watched her kiss Frank. Neither did she see the man standing in the shadows, watching thoughtfully.

Yawning widely, she decided to head to bed; the washing-up could wait for the morning. She hadn’t taken one step away from the door when she heard a slight rattle of the letter box, and an envelope fell onto the doormat. She recognized the handwriting – the swirl of the ‘y’ and the short line struck below her name. Even though there was just the one word – Ruby, neatly written in the middle of the envelope – this was a chance to find out who had been sending her money over the past five years. Opening the door, she hurried down the short path, recognizing the outline of the person as he walked away.

‘Eddie!’ she called, catching up to him and grabbing the back of his jacket. He turned and silently looked at her, his eyes burning into hers.

She couldn’t believe this was her husband. Somehow, she’d imagined him sinking into the depths of depravation as the drink and gambling took more of a hold on his body and mind. Instead he was clean-shaven, leaner, and just as handsome as she remembered from the days before the demons arrived and ruined their marriage.

She held out her hand. ‘Please – come inside. We need to talk.’

‘But George?’

‘He’s sound asleep. If we are quiet, he won’t even know you’re here – if that’s what you want?’

He nodded. ‘Your visitor . . .?’

‘It was Frank Green. We are friends, nothing more. Please, Eddie, come indoors,’ she begged.

Eddie followed his wife, stepping over the threshold into what had been his home. Memories of past arguments, his unhappiness and his drinking were forgotten as he followed Ruby and closed the front door.

Ruby beckoned him to follow her into the front room and pulled the door to. ‘George is unlikely to hear you from his room at the back of the house. If that’s the way you want it? After the busy day he’s had, he’s in a deep sleep.’

Eddie nodded without saying a word.

‘Eddie . . . why?’ Ruby searched his face for an answer. ‘I don’t understand why you left as you did when Mum died. You must still have cared for us in some way to leave the money over the years. Please tell me what happened?’ she begged.

Eddie didn’t speak, he just looked hungrily at Ruby’s face. He knew he should have walked away and not accepted her invitation to come into the house. His wife had grown more beautiful during the past years. ‘God, Ruby, I’ve missed you,’ he whispered, pulling her to him and holding her close.

‘Oh, Eddie, this isn’t a dream, is it? Have you come back for good?’ she asked, not caring when he didn’t answer her question.

‘Shush,’ he said before kissing her gently.

Ruby felt memories surface of the man she loved and thought she’d lost. Feelings she’d buried for so long came rushing back as their kisses became more intense. From the very first time Eddie had kissed her, she had known she was smitten. Nothing else mattered when she was in his arms; his gentle lovemaking stirred a longing in her that she’d never felt for any other man. Eddie wasn’t solely to blame for the intensity of their love and her giving in to him so quickly when she fell with their George. She had wanted him as badly as he wanted her. If only life had not interfered, she knew she would have been with Eddie until the end of time.

Eddie felt for the buttons at the back of her dress and started to undo them slowly with one hand while holding her close with the other.

She thought she would burst with the intensity of her feelings as her dress fell from her shoulders. Pulling away from him, she fought to control her breathing. ‘Not here, Eddie, not here,’ she said, taking him by the hand and leading him slowly upstairs to their bedroom, stopping for a moment to listen for any sign that George was waking. Pushing the door closed, they fell onto the large double bed, the past forgotten, thinking only of the moment.

Dawn broke, bringing fingers of light into the bedroom as Ruby stirred.

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