She was still snuggled up to Eddie, her head on his bare chest. She ran her fingers delicately across his chest, marvelling at how his body had changed in five years. Now he had a torso rippling with muscles, his skin tanned and his face healthy. She felt herself blush as she thought of the night and their lovemaking. She would have been content to lie here forever, but thoughts of George came into her head. What would he think about seeing Eddie back in the home? She needed to prepare him for the surprise of his dad returning to live with them. Giving Eddie a gentle shake to wake him, she was rewarded with a bear hug and a kiss that melted her insides.

‘Eddie, we need to have a talk about George and what to say to him when he comes down to breakfast. It is going to be a shock to see his daddy home once more.’

Eddie froze and pulled away from Ruby. ‘My love, I can’t stay. It’s too dangerous for you to have me in the house. I promise you I will return when I can, but for now I need to go.’

‘What do you mean? I thought you’d come home for good once you followed me into the house – what was last night about?’

‘Darling Ruby – it shouldn’t have happened. What we did was foolish, but I couldn’t resist you. My heart has always been here with you in this house. You’ve got to believe me.’

Ruby sat up, pulling the sheet over her bare breasts. ‘I don’t understand. Why do you keep running away? We can’t live like this. You’ve turned into a stranger, Eddie. You took Mum’s money and then when I needed you most, you ran away. I should think of you as a thief and a coward, but I love you, Eddie,’ she said, fighting the urge to shout at him. Instead she kept her voice to an intense whisper, afraid of waking George. ‘I was angry for ages! The names I called you should never be repeated in public. I spent sleepless nights fuming, then worrying and being so angry with you. My head told me to forget you, but my heart wanted you back. Now you’re here, and last night was like a dream come true – and now you tell me you’re going away again? How long will it be this time? Tell me that, Eddie. How can I live without you?’

He climbed from the bed, and Ruby averted her eyes. She’d never looked directly at her husband without his clothes before; he had always covered himself out of respect for her shy disposition. When did that change – had there been another woman? She needed to know.

‘Eddie, is there another woman?’ He spun to look at her as he tightened the belt around his waist. There was hurt in his eyes.

‘How can you even ask that question? There’s never been anyone else. I swear to you, Ruby, on our son’s life – you are the only woman for me.’

‘Then why?’

‘One day I’ll be able to tell you, but for now, I have to go,’ he said, buttoning up his shirt and reaching for his jacket, which had been thrown to the floor as they’d pulled at each other’s clothes hours earlier. Kneeling on the side of the bed, he leant over to kiss her. She reached out to pull him closer, but he struggled and stepped away. ‘No, Ruby, I’m going. I have to, because if I were to stay, it could put you and our son in danger. Please believe me – I’d tell you if I could, but for now, please just listen for George, so he doesn’t hear me leave the house?’

Ruby now knew she couldn’t keep him there. ‘I’ll remember this night for the rest of my life. Come back to me when you can, Eddie. There will never be another man for me. Whatever happens, remember I’m here, and I will be waiting for you as long as it takes.’ She could see he was close to tears. ‘You’d best go before you are spotted. There will soon be people out in the street heading to work, and curtains will start to twitch if they see you leave by the front door.’

‘I’ll go by the back door and along the alley to Britannia Bridge. If I can get a message to you, I will. I love you, Ruby,’ were his parting words.

Ruby stepped into her dress and hurried through to the spare back bedroom. Pulling aside the curtain, she watched her husband disappear through the wooden gate at the end of the long garden. ‘I love you, Eddie Caselton,’ she whispered, kissing her fingers and waving as he disappeared from view.


August 1910

‘You do look pale,’ Frank said as he entered the bookshop from the back room, his arms full of books. ‘Are you under the weather?’

Ruby brushed a stray hair from her hot face and fanned herself, using a sheet of paper picked up from the counter. ‘It’s nothing. We’ve had a rush on since you popped out. Your window display of adventure books certainly attracted shoppers. F. Green, Bookseller will be a resounding success, I can feel it in my water,’ she smiled, trying hard to focus although her head was starting to spin. ‘It is rather warm,’ she faltered, as her knees started to buckle beneath her.

Frank dropped the books he was carrying and along with an elderly gentleman who was perusing books from the history shelves, he rushed to her side, just about catching her as she sunk to the floor. The man pulled up a wooden chair from the other side of the counter and helped Frank make her comfortable.

‘Could you fetch some water, please?’ Frank asked the man. ‘There’s a tap just inside that door and you will find cups on the shelf.’

Ruby tried to push Frank away. ‘I’m fine . . . I’m fine . . .’ she mumbled.


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