back for me, darlin’. This isn’t you.”

No, it really wasn’t. A few ripples of whatever magic coursed  through him and he was back to his regular appearance. “That’s not  all I can do,” he whispered, shame and embarrassment heating his  cheeks.

“I know that, as well,” Cian confirmed in a voice barely louder  than a whisper.

Maybe he knew all of it, and maybe he didn’t. Either way, Zavion  had to get it out, had to purge himself before he combusted under the  pressure. “Any kink imaginable, anything you could ever want, from  foreplay to needle play, I can do it. I only had one year of training, but  it was extensive.”

A soft, dangerous growl rumbled through Cian’s chest, and his nostrils flared as fury flashed through his eyes. When he spoke, though, his words were calm and measured. “That is not who you are.  Bad things happen, but they only define us if we let them. You are desirable, Zavion, but you are  no longer  a Desirable, not if ya don’t want to be.”

“I don’t want to be,” Zavion confirmed. “I don’t want to be a


Cian’s fingers massaged the back of his neck, kneading the tense muscles there. “What  is it ya do want?”

“I just want to be normal. Well, normal for a shifter. I want my friends and family close. I want to shift when I want and not have to call anyone Master. I want to eat cold pizza for breakfast. I want to go camping, fishing, hiking, and all those other things I’ve never done. I

want  to have sex with who I want, when I want, and because I want

to, not because it’s written in a fucking contract!”

“Now, those are all right fine things to want,” Cian answered with

a quirk of his lips. “I’m thinkin’ we might have a problem on this

From This Moment                       23

whole ‘sex with  who you want’ part, though. I’m not the sharin’ sort,

ya see.”

The response brought him up short for a heartbeat, and then snorts  and giggles began to escape him until he was laughing right from his  belly. Cian just had a way of making everything seem less formidable,  and Zavion couldn’t have been more grateful. Now that he wasn’t  feeling like he was going to vomit or shatter into a million pieces,  maybe it was a good time to mark one of those things off his list.

“I promise you are the only one I want in my bed, Cian Murphy.”  Straddling the man’s powerful thighs, he looped his arms around  Cian’s neck and pulled him closer until their lips were only a breath  apart. “Sharing is overrated, anyway.”

24                        Gabrielle Evans

Chapter Three

The injustice Zavion had suffered at the hands of The Hive was unacceptable. They would pay dearly for what they’d done to his mate, but right then, Cian had very different things on his mind—like acquainting himself with every inch of Zavion’s body.

Clothes were discarded and flung about the room haphazardly.  Their lips locked, their tongues dueled, and the only time either of them came up for air was when Zavion pulled Cian’s shirt off over his head. After months of depriving himself of his mate, Cian couldn’t get enough of that delectable mouth or all the creamy, naked skin on display just for him.

Zavion’s eagerness only added to the intensity of the experience, spiking Cian’s urgency to a higher level.  At twenty-six, he was no blushing virgin, but never had he wanted someone like he did Zavion.  An animalistic need to mark what belonged to him, to ensure that no one sought to claim what was his, rode him hard until it all but consumed him.

He couldn’t count the number of ways he’d fantasized about taking Zavion. Wet dreams about the gorgeous fox-shifter had become an almost nightly occurrence. It probably should have clued him in as to which of the twins he was fated to be with, but still, he’d

chosen to err on the side of caution.

With no more doubts or uncertainties plaguing him, he was free to live out those late-night fancies until they both dropped from exhaustion. And that was exactly what he intended to do.

Turning to the side, he pushed Zavion’s back to the mattress and insinuated himself between his mate’s thighs, still locked in a battle of

From This Moment                       25

tongues, lips, and the occasional scrape of teeth.  His cock throbbed to  the point of pain, dripping translucent drops of pre-cum that smeared  over Zavion’s hip.

If Cian had ever had a type, it was definitely the man writhing  beneath him. He didn’t much discriminate, but if given the choice,  he’d always preferred the smaller, more petite men. Big, bulging  muscles did absolutely nothing for him. Not that he was narcissistic,  but he had plenty of muscles he could admire in the mirror if the  mood  struck.

Mostly, he figured his preference came from a desire to be needed. He was a protector, a champion of the weaker, and had been since he was a little boy. With men his own size, it was a constant struggle for dominance, and he just didn’t have the patience for it.

Zavion’s fingers tangled in his  hair, and his legs wrapped around  Cian’s waist, driving all thoughts from his mind other than getting inside his mate as soon as possible. It wasn’t very romantic of him, but with his Thoroughbred demanding he claim their mate and cement that last  piece of the  bond, he was fighting tooth and nail just to

remain gentle with his smaller lover.

Their naked cocks rubbed together as Zavion humped up against  him, creating a friction that had Cian trembling with restraint.  “Can’t  go slow,” he warned through gasps for air. Gods, his mate deserved so  much more, but there would be plenty of time for that once he could  actually think beyond,  “Mine. Fuck. Yes. Now.”

“Don’t want you to,” Zavion answered as he pulled on Cian’s hair  to drag their mouths back together. “I feel like I’m burning.”

Yeah, Cian knew that feeling well. The embers that had been  smoldering inside him for months finally erupted into an inferno,  growing bright, hotter, and more

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