He mapped the muscles of Zavion’s slim chest and then repeated the journey with his mouth. Lapping at one copper-colored nipple, he
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sucked the hard bud between his teeth and nipped lightly, groaning at the sensual gasp that puffed from his lover’s lips.
Zavion’s taste on his tongue, his scent in Cian’s nose, and his warm body undulating beneath him had him reeling. The lines between fantasy and reality blurred, and his vision shadowed in the peripheral, narrowing so that Zavion was the only thing he could see.
His heart thundered, his cock flexed, and the pressure built inside his sac. Currents of desire crawled over his skin, his abs clenched, and
a tingle started at the base of his spine. The ability to breathe was becoming more difficult, the gums around his canines were on fire, and if he didn’t get this party moving, it was all going to be over before the fat lady got her standing ovation.
The nightstand beside the bed had only one drawer, and when he finally managed to get it open, he found it completely empty. Growling in frustration, he slammed it shut with more force than necessary. What gay man—any man, for that matter—didn’t have lube in their nightstand?
Lotion, massage oil, anti-wrinkle cream—he’d settle for anything at that point. Zavion didn’t make him suffer long, however. Reaching over his head, he produced a small, half-empty bottle of lube from the top of the headboard.
“Clever,” Cian rasped in approval. Grabbing the slick from his mate, he wasted no time popping the cap open and generously coating his fingers.
Slipping one finger into Zavion ’s fluttering pink star, he paused at the first knuckle and cocked a questioning eyebrow at his mate. While still the tightest, most wonderful thing he’d ever felt, the ring of
muscles relaxed quickly, sucking his finger in without resistance.
Zavion simply shrugged and gave him a sexy grin. “I was horny earlier.”
“I’m thinkin’ ya should elaborate on that.” Jealousy was a new emotion for Cian, and he didn’t much like it. He punctuated his request with two hard pumps into his mate’ s channel. When he
From This Moment 27
received no answer other than a garbled moan, he inserted a second finger and gave a sharp turn of his wrist.
“Vibrator,” Zavion whimpered, whipping his head back and forth on the mattress. “It was a vibrator.”
Cian eased up, sawing his fingers in and out of Zavion’s ass at a more leisurely pace. “And what do ya think of when you’re pleasurin’ yourself?”
Again, he received no response. Fisting Zavion’s swollen cock, he stroked his lover lightly, paying special attention to the bundle of nerves just under the crown. “Tell me, Zavion.”
“I don’t know.” Lie. “Just stuff.” Lie
Pulling his fingers free of Zavion’s clenching tunnel, he lightly ringed the slick rosette while he held a loose grip on his lover’s dick. The urgency was still there, and it was as much torture for him as it was for Zavion, but he wasn’t moving until he got his answer. “Tell me.”
Zavion growled and tried to hump up into his fist, but Cian anticipated him and moved his hand to Zavion’s hip, pinning him to the mattress. “You!” Zavion wailed. “I think about you when I’m jerking off. Please, Cian! Ahh!”
Gods, yes. Searching through the tangled blankets, he finally found the lube, dribbled it over his pulsing cock, and lined the head up with Zavion’s entrance. “Yes?” Considering that his mate was practically begging him, he figured he knew the answer, but he needed confirmation one more time.
Once he started, there would be no turning back, and he didn’t want to make assumptions while his dick was doing most of the thinking.
“Fuck, yes!”
They both groaned long and deep as he sheathed himself to the root inside Zavion’s heated channel. His mate’s inner walls clamped down around him, massaging his cock, gripping him in a velvety
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“Move,” Zavion demanded, breathing heavily as sweat trickled
from his brow.
Moving sounded like an excellent idea, but Cian needed a moment to get it together, or he was going to go off like a Roman candle. He sucked in several deep breaths, but the scent of Zavion’s desire blasted him each time, doing nothing to tame his runaway lust.
“I can’t…” With that little bit of warning, his restraint finally snapped. Growling like an uncivilized beast, he jerked his hips back and slammed forward, plunging into Zavion’s sweet body with a wild abandon that scared him just a little.
“Cian!” Zavion screamed and clutched at his shoulders, arching up to meet him thrust for pounding thrust. Their damp skin slapped together, groans and grunts echoed around the room, and the air thickened with the scent of erotic passion.
A dozen snaps of his hips, and Cian knew he was done for. With the tight suction on his cock and the sinfully delicious sounds spilling from Zavion’s kiss-swollen lips, there was just no way he was going to last. Thank the heavens for the speedy recovery time of young shifters, because he wasn’t anywhere near satisfied.
A hiccupping gasp penetrated the fog around his brain, and warm wetness splashed against his belly as Zavion tumbled over the edge and into orgasmic free fall.
The smell of spilled seed sent a shiver down his spine, and Cian buried his face against the side of his lover’s neck to muffle the sounds of his moans as he pumped endless ropes of semen into Zavion’s convulsing channel. His canines lengthened, growing into sharp, pointed fangs that startled the hell out of him.
As an herbivore-type shifter, he didn’t naturally have fangs. Apparently, the magic that lived inside him knew exactly what was needed to complete the mating bond, however. The need to sink his new hardware into the side of Zavion’s neck was powerful, but it was a step he couldn’t take alone. Once bonded, once claimed, there was
From This Moment 29
no going back. After a lifetime of being used and abused, Zavion
would need full control of this decision.
Though painful to pull away, Cian managed it. In some ways, shifters were very much animals