“What weaponry did they have?”

“Standard Glocks, stun guns and batons.”

“Why did they need to batter you if they had guns?”

“Because we fought back. They could have shot us but they didn’t but I don’t think it was because they were showing mercy. They enjoyed the fight. They were all pumped up on adrenaline.”

“Or drugs?” said Vance.

“No way. They were far too organised.”

“Were they male or female?”

“All four were definitely male and all were white. I’m sorry, that’s all I noticed.”

“Why are you blushing?” said Caleb.

“I’m not.” He sighed when they all stared at him. “All right, one of them was a woman. She was the smallest of the four but she was one mean bitch.”

“Why didn’t you tell us that in the first place?” said Faith.

“Because she kicked the living shit out of me and I was embarrassed, okay?” he mumbled, blushing even more. “She was so bloody fast and she knew karate or some sort of martial art. She hit me with a stun gun but that wasn’t enough for her, so she started battering me too. She enjoyed herself, the sadistic witch. How are the others?”

“They’ll be fine,” said Caleb. “It looks like you got the worst of it.”

“Story of my life,” he muttered.

“Has anything unusual happened lately?” said Faith. “I don’t just mean at the vault, I mean in your daily life. Have you noticed anyone following you? Any weird messages or phone calls?”

“No, nothing and there’s been nothing weird at the vault either. I’m sorry I messed up but they took us by surprise. We had no time to react.”

“Have you had any financial problems Greg?” said Vance.

“No, everything’s been good actually.” When he realised what Vance was referring to, he scowled. “If you’re trying to say I sold the location of the vault then you’re wrong. I’m not a fucking grass.”

“No one’s saying that Greg,” said Faith soothingly. “You’re one of our best men.”

“Well, that’s all right then,” he sniffed.

“Have you heard anything lately that might indicate who did this? Any new crews in the area?”

“Nope. I reckon they’re from out of town. They were like the bloody SAS bursting in. No one around here’s got the skills they had.”

“Thank you Greg, you’ve been very helpful. We hope you feel better soon,” she said, taking a wad of money out of her jacket pocket and placing it on the bedside table. “A little get well present.”

“Cheers,” he said, smiling and then wincing at the pain in his face.

They left and got back into Vance’s car.

“Do you think he was being honest?” said Caleb.

Faith and Vance nodded.

“He said something very interesting,” said Faith. “About those flash devices.”

“You mean the things that blinded our men?”

“Yeah. I know who supplies them – Raven, a bounty hunter and assassin for hire.”

“Raven?” frowned Caleb. “Never heard of him.”

“She’s a woman, based in Leeds and a good friend of Jules. They’ve worked together a lot. Raven’s father makes the devices, as well as other similar gadgets and sells them to a select few. It’s not like you can buy them in the shops. You have to have the right connections to get hold of them. This could be our biggest lead to finding these blaggers.”

“Brilliant Faith,” he grinned.

“Yes,” said Vance. “It’s a great start but how do we contact this Raven?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, taking out her phone. “Luckily I know a woman who does.”

“Faith babes,” said Jules when she answered. “Don’t tell me you’ve solved the mystery already?”

“Nope but we’ve got a big clue – the attackers were using Raven’s flash devices.”


“As I don’t know how to contact her, I wondered if you could…”

“No problem. I’ll get straight on it and let you know. What’s your next move?”

“We’re going to discreetly ask some trusted sources who have their noses to the ground in this town. We won’t tell them why we’re asking and Jason and Kev are on with finding new premises to store the product.”

“Sounds like you’ve got everything under control. I’ll get onto Raven.”

“Thanks Jules, I really appreciate your help.”

“It’s only fair. You came through for us when we needed your help.”

Faith felt a little better after hanging up now she was reassured that Jules genuinely wasn’t pissed off at her. That woman was not someone she wanted as an enemy.

“She’s on it,” she told Vance and Caleb. “Let’s go and talk to the other two men who were at the vault. Then we’ll speak to our contacts.”

The two men who’d been attacked at the vault along with Greg confirmed everything he’d said but couldn’t tell them anything new. So, while Caleb went to speak to Lil and Vance went to see Kingsley, Faith headed to a very respectable detached red brick house with a neat garden and net curtains hanging in the window. When Faith knocked, the door was opened by a sweet-faced old lady in a flowery dress, thick stockings and cream cardigan, glasses hanging from a chain around her neck.

“Hello lovely,” smiled the old lady. “Do come in.”

“Thanks Flo,” replied Faith, stepping inside.

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. I take it business is going well?”

“It is thanks. How about yours?”

“Oh, good.”

Faith thought she caught a flicker of something in her eyes, an emotion she’d never associated with Flo Fairweather before – uncertainty.

“I’m after some information,” said Faith.

“Do you have the cash?”

Faith handed her a roll of notes.

“Lovely,” she smiled, slipping it into the pocket of her dress. “Let’s chat over a brew.”

Once they were ensconced in the kitchen with a cup of tea each, Faith said, “Is Gordon in?” Gordon was Flo’s very rotund grown-up son who still lived with his mother.

“No. He’s gone

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