to the pub for a pie and a pint.” She sighed and shook her head. “I do wish he’d take better care of his health. I couldn’t stand it if I outlived my boy. Anyway, that’s enough about me. How can I help?”

“Have you seen any new faces in town? Has anyone come to you for weapons or asked for anything different, stun guns for instance?”

“Stun guns?” Flo screwed up her face. “I do stock them but they’re not a weapon I like. They’ve no finesse, no style, although I admit they are useful when you want to incapacitate but not kill and no, I haven’t sold any for a while. Business has been a bit slow lately. I hope everyone isn’t growing a conscience.”

“I’m sure it’ll soon pick up,” said Faith, a little amused by her attitude. “What weapons have you sold lately?”

“A couple of sawn-offs, a Beretta and a Glock.”

“A Glock? Who to?”

“You know I can’t tell you that my lovely. I respect my client’s confidentiality. Why so curious about the Glock anyway? Has someone come after you with one?”


“Interesting,” she said, eyes sparkling. “Well, since you’re one of my best clients I’ll give you a little hint – the person who bought it was arrested four days ago for attempting to kill his ex-wife with it.”

“Bloody hell.”

“The fool wasn’t successful, mainly because he didn’t know how to use it. He left the safety on. His wife took it off him and beat him with it.”

Faith chuckled. “How come I haven’t heard about that?”

“Because he was from out of town. He came all the way up here from down south to purchase one of my little treasures, he’s a friend of a long-term client of mine. That client warned him that it would be better for his health if he lied about where the weapon came from, which he did, so nothing should come back on me.”

“That’s a relief. Have you heard of any new crews in the area?”

“I should think you’re in more of a position to know that than me.”

“Since we climbed to the top of the tree people try to hide things from us. You hear what goes on in this town.”

“I see. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint but I haven’t. As I said, everything seems to be pretty quiet. Sorry deary. Did I not tell you what you wanted to hear?”

Flo’s gaze was searching, hoping to spot a clue as to why she was here, so Faith forced a smile. “Actually, you’ve been very helpful. Thank you.”

“Has someone been giving you bother?”

“Nothing we can’t handle,” she replied with a confidence she didn’t feel. Faith drained her cup of tea and got to her feet. “Thanks for your time Flo. It was nice chatting with you.”

“Leaving already?”

“I’ve got a lot on.”

“It sounds like it. One more thing Faith,” called Flo as she made her way to the door.

Flo might have been a frail septuagenarian but her voice was still very commanding and it stopped Faith in her tracks.

“Yes?” she replied, turning to face her.

“Have you heard anything about Harry Paisley?”

“No, sorry but then again he’s a clever man, he’s good at hiding and the police are still looking for him.”

“That is true but what if he’s not hiding? What if he’s dead?”

“Why, have you heard something that makes you think that?”

“No, nothing. I just find it strange how effectively he dropped off the face of the earth.”

“As I said, he’s a clever man.”

“You do know Faith that I will be extremely pissed off if I find out someone killed him. As I once told you, he was the joy of my best friend’s life, God bless her dear departed soul and I will go after the person who killed him, if that’s indeed what happened to him.”

“If something did happen to him Flo then you’re looking at the wrong person. When Harry disappeared I was in hospital fighting for my life after Marlow stabbed me.”

“That is true but you do have four very handy brothers, any one of whom is capable of getting rid of him.”

“It wasn’t us Flo. We had enough on our plate at the time and have you forgotten the Wallace brothers? They’re the ones who swore revenge on him for getting their brother sent back to prison.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I did ask them and they denied it, not that I’d believe a word that came out of their mouths. But they weren’t the only ones with something to gain by Harry’s murder.”

“It wasn’t us Flo. I can tell you that for a fact.”

Silence swelled inside the room as Flo studied her. Faith felt like it was smothering her it was so intense. She knew Flo carried a small pistol in the pocket of her flowery dress at all times should it become necessary to defend herself, as it had in the past. The weapon had been specially selected because it made a slight popping sound. Flo could murder her with it right here before she could reach the front door and the neighbours would hear nothing.

“All right Faith,” said Flo. “I’ll take your name as an example.”


“I’ll go on a bit of faith and believe that you’re telling the truth. But if I ever find out that you’ve lied to me today then I will come for you, as much as I like you.”

Faith nodded. “And I’ll be ready,” she said before leaving.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she got back into her car without getting a bullet in the back. She started the engine, anxious to get away from that house, Flo watching her from the window. Faith thought it was fortunate she was a good liar because she knew that Harry Paisley was dead and who

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