She felt rather weary as she started the engine. Was the rest of her life to be spent worrying about people threatening and attacking her and her family? It seemed so but she was in too deep to get out now. If she tried to leave then the Maguires would be the ones attacking her and she’d rather have every criminal and psychopath in Blackpool coming after her than that family.
The Chambers siblings all reconvened at the office at Pulse, this time with a very pissed off Abi also in attendance.
“Why did no one tell me?” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe you kept me out of the loop.”
“Don’t start making this about yourself Abi,” sighed Faith, sinking into the chair behind her desk.
“I’m not but I’m part of this firm now and you never tell me when something big is happening.”
“This is the first time anything big has happened since Harry Paisley,” replied Caleb in a bored tone, already sick of his twin sister’s dramatics.
“And I have a right to know about it. I can help.”
“How can you possibly help?”
“I don’t know yet but I’m sure there’s something I can do.”
“Where’s Michael?” Faith asked her.
“At the restaurant. We start serving in an hour.”
The Maguires, in their quest to buy up a substantial amount of property in the town, had purchased a small but popular bistro on the promenade when the owners had wanted to retire and handed it over to the Chambers family to manage. Faith had christened it Audra’s Kitchen after their paternal grandmother, who was in a care home with dementia. As it was an entirely legitimate business, it had been agreed that Abi and Michael would run it between them. Michael also had previous experience in restaurant management. They worked well together and the business was running beautifully in their hands.
“All right Abi,” said Faith. “If you want to help there’s something you can do.”
“Great,” she grinned. “What?”
“Shut up and let us talk.”
Abi scowled but remained silent. Faith was the one she always obeyed without question. Not even Vance could always get her to behave.
“That’s better,” said Faith. “Now Caleb, what did you find out from Lil?”
“Nothing, unfortunately. She’s not seen any new faces and she hasn’t heard of any new crews. What did Flo say?”
“The same. She seemed a bit down because people don’t seem to want to buy guns anymore. Vance, did you learn anything from Kingsley?”
“No joy I’m afraid,” he replied. “He doesn’t know of anyone new in the area.”
“What if this group aren’t strangers?” said Abi.
“They must be,” said Faith.
“Why? New people coming into the area nicking hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of drugs tend to get noticed.”
“If you hadn’t realised Abi, this town is packed with tourists twenty four seven. Even during the winter we get stag and hen parties pouring in. It would be very easy for anyone out of town to blend in.”
“And bring weaponry with them,” said Vance. “It was worth a try speaking to Flo but they wouldn’t risk buying from a local with close ties to the town’s underworld.”
“True,” said Faith. “But how would they know about us? Outside of Blackpool we’re unknown. We’re not the Maguires.”
“Maybe it’s someone connected to the Maguires?”
“They don’t go broadcasting who they work with. Only those in their immediate circle would know, they’re notoriously strict about security, especially after what they’ve gone through.”
“Even though our contacts came up with nothing, I reckon the perpetrators are local.”
“Perpetrators?” said Kevin. “You sound like a copper again.”
Vance ignored him. “Whoever did this could have followed Faith without her spotting them, which isn’t easy to do. That must mean they have local knowledge which allowed them to find the best places to watch her. Perhaps we’ve all been watched and Faith was the only one who sensed it?”
“Looks like your police training is coming in useful,” Caleb told him. “You’re building a good case.”
“I hate the thought of someone watching us,” shivered Abi.
Jason’s phone pinged and he looked at the screen. “Tariq’s at the back door.”
“Bring him through,” said Faith. “Kev, go with him.”
The two men nodded and left the room.
“I was thinking,” said Faith. “Anyone who knew Raven would probably know about her connection to the Maguires, so why buy those flash devices from her and risk leading us back to them?”
“Maybe they didn’t know about that connection?” said Vance. “Raven’s a Yorkshire lass with a lot of contacts around the country. It’s possible someone knows Raven but not about her connection to the Maguires.”
“This conversation is giving me a headache,” sighed Faith. “It feels like we’re going round in circles. Anyway, Jules is looking into the Raven connection, so all we can do is wait for her to get back to us. Oh great,” she sighed when Kevin shoved open the office door while furiously arguing with Tariq, a handsome, strapping Asian man. He and his gang had been their enemies for years but since the Chambers family had taken over Blackpool they’d started working alongside them. Tariq and his men – like the Chambers themselves – were all family and had proved themselves to be very capable and resourceful and the two previously warring factions now worked together harmoniously. Until now.
“What is all the shouting about?” demanded Faith, having to raise her