“Dillon must have been part of this conspiracy. He had inside information about our organisation.”
“But he didn’t know where the vault was,” replied Caleb.
“Oh great,” said Tariq. “We’ll have the police sniffing around now because of Dillon’s murder.”
“Let me worry about the police,” said Faith. Although Tariq had guessed the Chambers must be paying off a few police officers in order to operate, he had no idea about their working relationship with DI Young. “I’ll see what I can find out from my police contacts. Caleb, you do the same with yours. We need to speak to those closest to Dillon as well. They might know if he got wrapped up with a crew vicious enough to kill him.”
“Why would they kill him though?” said Tariq. “Working for you he would have been more useful alive. He could have got them more information.”
“Maybe he got greedy and wanted a bigger cut,” said Abi. “Or he might have threatened to tell us for some reason.”
“Could be,” said Faith. “Tariq, if you and your friends could get on with following the trail of the drugs, we’ll look into Dillon and I’m talking to you all when I say this – be discreet. Tell no one why we’re asking. If anyone gets wind of what’s happened it will be very dangerous for all of us.”
They nodded in understanding.
“What are you doing now the vault’s been compromised?” said Tariq. “Have you found anywhere else yet?”
“We’re on with that,” said Faith. “We have a bit of time before the next shipment.”
“And in the meantime nothing to sell,” he sighed.
“In future we could use two separate storage areas and split the product between two locations, so if one place gets robbed we won’t lose our entire stock. We’ll use two completely separate groups to guard them who will know nothing about each other. What does everyone think?”
Vance nodded. “Sounds a good idea but it is more places to guard.”
“It’s something to consider but right now our priority is finding the product, so let’s get to it. Tariq, keep us updated.”
“And you’ll do the same?” he said, his gaze holding a challenge.
“Of course.”
He nodded before looking to his friends. “Let’s go,” he said.
Faith had to hide a smile as they strutted out self-importantly.
“So,” said Kevin. “Me and Jason are looking for two new places to stash the product, are we?”
“Yes you are,” replied Faith. “But not for the reason I told Tariq. One place we’ll use as a decoy. Only the six of us will know the location of the real vault. Abi, you want to help then you can go with them, scout about a bit.”
“Great,” she smiled. “Thanks Faith.”
“You’re welcome. Well don’t just stand there, on you go.”
Only once the three of them had left did Faith continue, looking to Caleb and Vance, who were the only two that remained. “That should keep her out of our hair for a while.”
“So, what do we do?” said Vance.
“I’m going to arrange a meeting with Matthew.”
“Again?” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes. He’ll be speaking to everyone who was close to Dillon. Rather than run around the town drawing attention to ourselves and making everyone wonder why we’re asking, we can get all the information we need from him.”
“Makes sense,” said Caleb.
Vance didn’t argue the point, he’d only make himself look ridiculous and he hated feeling jealous but when it came to DI Young he couldn’t help it. If Faith hadn’t slept with the man then he wouldn’t mind her meeting up with him but just the thought of the two of them together was enough to drive him mad. It didn’t help that Young was a good-looking man. If he’d had a face like a gargoyle he could have stomached it better. “What shall me and Caleb do?” he said instead.
“We’ll know that after I’ve spoken to Matthew,” she replied, taking out her phone.
Matthew wrenched the skinny man’s arms up his back, who was a lot stronger than he looked, cuffed him and shoved him towards two waiting uniformed constables.
“Get that back to the station,” he told them.
“Yes Sir,” said one of the constables as he took a firm grip of the skinny’s man’s arms, who continued to struggle. It took both him and his colleague to get him into the back of the police car.
“Are you okay Sir?” said DS Warner as Matthew examined his left forearm.
“Fine. He didn’t break the skin. It’s a good job I’m wearing a thick jacket,” he replied, grimacing at the slimy spit that had been left behind on his sleeve. “Have you got a wet wipe? What’s so funny?” he added when Warner’s lips pursed in an effort to stop himself from laughing. “Oh what now?” he sighed when his phone started to ring. When he saw who the caller was, he moved out of earshot of his colleagues. “Faith,” he said. “It’s not a good time to talk. A meeting? Right, yeah, err, in an hour at Layton cemetery. I’m sorry if you don’t approve of the location but it’s quiet and we won’t be spotted, take it or leave it.” He smiled at her sassy reply. “See you then.”
He hung up, feeling a little more cheerful after being bitten by a rabid shoplifter. Despite his relationship with Alice, he always looked forward to a meeting with Faith Chambers. She was a very unique woman and he liked the danger that surrounded her. His Alice was sweet, loving and supportive with an unblemished record. She was a good partner for a copper. Faith Chambers had a