She jumped up with shock, embarrassed that she’d been caught. “What are you doing here?”
“See you’ve been busy,” I said, completely ignoring her question.
“Ugh! I’m just thinking about how to sort it. I like to plan.”
“Right,” I laughed. “That’s exactly what it looks like. Anyway, I’ve come here to offer my services. Honestly, I felt like tearing my hair out. I mean, I did try to tidy, which is more than I can say for you. But still, I was getting nowhere fast. Maybe if we work together, we’ll go quicker, or at least be less disheartened. I’ll help you, then you’ll help me?”
“Yeah. I think I’d like that. It’d be nice to have company,” she paused, looking thoughtful. “Maybe the axe would be able to offer some advice.”
“You’re right. I hadn’t even thought to ask it.” I tried reaching out to it from Ember’s mind.
“What’s up Shaun?” came the reply, almost immediately.
Ember spoke over me before I had a chance to reply, “Hey, Axe. Me and Shaun are organizing my Cognition Room. We’re wondering if you’ve any advice?”
“No. Although, I saw Jotun’s Cognition Room and it was immaculate. He very rarely went in there and there were only ever a few things out of place.”
“That’s disappointing. Stupid Jotun,” she said, sulkily. “And sorry for calling you Axe. I feel bad about it.” She turned to me and complained, “I can’t believe you still haven’t named him.”
“Yeah. A name would be nice, Shaun! I know I said that I didn’t like my last name, but I didn’t think it would take you this long.”
I shrugged. “Sorry, dude. Do you have a name in mind yet?”
“No. That is your job, lazybones, and I think I’ve waited long enough. No name and I haven’t even been swung in anger yet. I want to go and wreak some havoc man.”
“Boom!” I shouted with a big grin. “There you have it. As simple as that. You’re no longer Axe. You are Havok.”
“I like it. I like it a lot, Shaun,” Havok said.
“Me too, Havok, me too,” I replied.
“Nice name, Shaun,” Ember added happily, “I think we both thought you were going to call him something completely shit, so well done.”
“There’s a double-edged compliment, if ever I heard one. Now, come on. Let’s get you tidied up a bit, huh?”
We began in Ember’s Cognition Room in earnest. Havok had nothing to offer, but he was strangely very good company for an axe. He even started singing at one point. Go figure!
We spent most of the day in her room. We figured getting things onto shelves was the most efficient way to do it. By the end of the day, Ember’s stats seemed to reflect our hard work.
Name: Ember Davison
Age: 25 GY
Transcendence Level 76
Strength: 70/1000
Agility: 98/1000
Speed: 89/1000
Intelligence: 34/1000
Constitution: 80/1000
Wisdom: 44/1000
Mental Resilience 121/1000
Mental Clarity 18%
Potential: 83%
“Fuck’n hell Shaun, who’d have thought I would shoot up so much in a day of clearing. This is definitely the way to do it. Yet again we make a great team.”
I didn’t get the chance to respond as we were interrupted by a message over the ship's comms We were approaching our very first completely alien planet, and we were early.
The Butcher of Xzonico
Ember and I stood watching the screen on the bridge. There was a predominantly red and blue colored planet ahead of us. Ogun told us it was called Xzonico and it presented an odd paradox. Apparently, it was much smaller than Earth, yet had very similar gravity. The atmosphere was breathable for us, thankfully.
I had thought the surface would be a barren wasteland, but to my surprise as we descended, I realized that there was actually a lot of plant life, which had predominantly red hued foliage.
When we landed on the planet, I spoke to Ogun, “So, how long are we staying here?”
“Not long, Shaun. Just long enough to get some supplies. There's nothing down there but one small town that operates as a supply hub. Hopefully, they will have everything we will need. I am still conscious that the Fystr are not far behind. Only we will be going down. The Seshat and the hunter will stay in orbit to watch for Fystr, we will get enough to supply all of our ships.”
Ember quickly butted in, “Can we go out? I really need to get off this ship for a bit, and I know Shaun feels the same.” This was the first I’d heard of me wanting to get off the ship, but who was I to argue?
“Yes. Possibly, though you may have to leave the axe. At least, until we know that we won’t offend the customs of the people here. I will be going first with a small team to negotiate for supplies. I will assess the temperament and laws of the place and let you know.”
“Sounds fair enough. Do you mind me asking why there are no aliens in our section of the galaxy? Havok mentioned the purge, but I couldn’t really get much more out of him.”
“Not at all. It’s probably prudent that you know. The Fystr either wiped them all out or chased them into the other sectors of the galaxy. There are some dangerous warlike races in our galaxy, bigger, stronger, and more violent. There are some races who have a higher natural intelligence and cunning. There are none who combine their intelligence, strength, cunning, and ruthlessness into the complex harmony that the Fystr have managed. No matter the problem, we always overcome it.” Ogun stopped talking to us for a moment while he responded to a message over his comm I could only hear Ogun’s part of the conversation
“Okay, Rob. Thanks. I am coming along now.” He looked back to