“Let’s dance, motherfuckers!” he howled.
The first thing I did was to step in front of Ember as the entire street erupted into gunshots, laser fire, and total fucking chaos.
“Stay behind me, Ember. Go Sopeka hut tactics all over again,” I shouted, while deflecting a laser blast.
“Sure thing, boss!” she shouted, as she pulled out her sword.
I continued to whirl Havok around to deflect any fire. I won’t lie, though, he continually made slight adjustments as I moved, deflecting bullets and laser fire as he went. It was rather uncomfortable to wield him when he did his own thing, but I was so grateful.
After the first volley of gunfire, the only people to come out unscathed in the whole shoot out were the people standing next to me. Ember, and unsurprisingly Mick, and Gus. Seems they knew where to be when shit went down.
The leader started clicking at me loudly and aggressively.
“I’ve got no fucking clue what you’re saying!”
Then, in an uncharacteristically violent move for me, I took his head off with Havok. Well, the fucker did just randomly shoot Rob and kill six of our people. Once Havok had passed through his neck, I didn’t stop moving. I pushed straight into the crowd of alien shit-stains.
I ended up in such a crush that Havok was occasionally getting snagged. It never took long to free him, but in those moments that I was vulnerable I had a ferocious ex-panther lady who had my back. She was stabbing and thrusting, saving my life again and again.
Meanwhile, Gus followed shooting, and Mick was levitating various objects into people and various people into objects. In the end, we had produced quite the massacre. Over forty bodies were laid strewn around.
“We need to move, now!” Ember shouted. “Shaun! Cover us. Mick help check if any of our guys are alive and we’ll get them on the hover-loaders. And Gus, you need to contact the ship.”
I scanned the surrounding area. No one else appeared to face us. Gus was shouting desperately into the communicator. “I can’t get through. Shaun, will you try? It may be just my comm,” he said, raising his rifle to provide cover.
I tried, and got nothing back when Ember shouted, “Shaun! They’re all dead! Let’s get the fuck back to the ship!”
We ran through the streets, aliens jumping out the way as I shouted at them. They heeded the universal language of rage, aggression, and a big motherfucking axe that was charged with an energy field.
I saw a few armed and dangerous looking aliens in small groups, but evidently, they didn’t want to eat what we were cooking.
The momentary relief I felt when we made it to the street of the docks quickly vanished. There was a line of at least a hundred-armed men blocking our way. They started shouting at us. Well, clicking loudly.
I turned without missing a stride to shout at Ember and the guys behind me, “We’re going straight through!”
I hurtled forward, increasing my speed. Havok was a blur blocking laser fire, while Gus and Mick did their respective jobs from behind the safety of the human Shaun-shield. The line of enemies tried to thicken up at the point where we were going to hit. I didn’t give a flying fuck in a high wind. I was going through them.
Just before I hit the line, Havok shouted at me, “Give yourself some space this time. Swing for your first few opponents a few feet before we hit.”
I did as I was told, taking three heads and a bit of a shoulder off with one swing. Reversing, and swinging again. Havok helped my control a lot, and before I knew it, we were clear of the line. Havok’s reach allowed my friends to pass through in my wake, shooting and slicing like their lives depended on it.
As I passed the last man, I pirouetted like a fucking pro ballet dancer, all the while continuing to block the laser light show.
“Shaun! We’ve shields up,” Ember shouted.
I kept backpedaling smacking laser fire away like a mad man until I was beyond the shields.
Once I moved beyond their shields they closed up, and then we moved back as one. I was blowing out my ass trying to catch my breath.
“I finally have a signal!” Gus cried amid the onslaught. “I don’t know how they managed to block it.”
His comm crackled to life. “Thoth, come in.” It was Ogun’s voice.
“Ogun! We’ve been attacked. Our communicators were blocked. We have six men down and a numerous enemy. We need help. Now!” exclaimed Gus.
“Where are you?”
“On the street of the dock.”
“Hold on,” Ogun answered through the comm. “We’re coming.”
Despite our best efforts at moving backwards down the street, they managed to surround us. Now, I couldn’t exactly just charge through them as they could shoot from all sides, but it had come to the point where I would need to go back on the offensive. The shield-wall was far from perfect now we had been surrounded. It just couldn’t keep us safe.
Throwing caution to the wind, I attacked again. Ember, Mick and Gus tried to cover our back and sides with their shields. Once I’d fully engaged the crowd, Ember joined in with her sword, while Gus and Mick continued to protect us from behind with shields. The fight became a blur, yet somehow still seemed to last an eternity. There was still no sign of Ogun. He was taking far too long.
“Ember has been knocked unconscious!” Havok said, loudly in my head.
I turned to see Ember being dragged into the crowd and I almost passed out I was that angry. Literally seeing red, I went after her without a thought. Some emotions transcend words. I attacked anything that moved in front of me. I moved straight into the thick mass of enemy aliens with no