enough times what a foolish, selfish thing you’vedone.”

“Apparently.”Holy mother, the woman was insufferable.

Marissapointed to the bags next to the door. “I’m packed andready. When will the car be here?”

“It’shere now.” Rennata shook her head. “Do the right thing.

Forgetyour training, ignore your instincts, and let him kill you.

Protectus. Serve the greater good.”

Marissa’sjaw ached from clenching it so hard. “Twice I have given upchildren I wasn’t allowed to know, and now you want me to playthe sacrificial lamb to protect this way of life?” She took astep closer. “We’ve all been raised to believe thatsomeday we’re going to be called upon to rise up and destroyour host.” She poked a finger at Rennata. “How do youknow that day isn’t today?”

Rennatashoved Marissa’s hand away. “Because you are a tiny cogin a very large machine, and that machine wasn’t built to saveyou. Or your remaining child.” She sniffed. “You shouldhave stayed in the breeding program. At least you were good at that.Instead, you’re throwing your life away. Pointless,” shemuttered.

Marissapicked up her bags and hefted the larger one over her shoulder. Toobad the sacre inside couldn’t come to the fight with her. She’dmake short work of Arnaud if she could use her sword. “The onlything pointless is this conversation.” She shoved past Rennata,walked into the hall, then stopped and took one last look at therooms she’d never see again.

Rennatascowled. “Having second thoughts?”

“Yes.”Marissa laughed with nervous energy, knowing it would only upsetRennata further. “About exactly how I plan to would only upsetRennata further. “About exactly how I plan to kill him.”With that, she turned and made her way through the estate’svast corridors. One by one, doors opened and the comarré inresidence stepped out of their rooms. Most stared at her as if shewere a leper, but a few nodded as if they understood. As if theyhoped they could be as brave.

Asif they wished she could fight for them.

Itbuoyed her and when she finally stepped out the front door, her fearwas gone, replaced by the calm of acceptance. What was to be wouldbe.

Apassenger door on the waiting limo swung open and Dominic got out.“Cara mia.” His smile broke with concern as he rushed toher side. Something unspoken danced in his eyes.

“Howare you?”

“I’mwell” She nodded and smiled back, hoping to reassure him. “Andready. Did you sleep?”

“No,but I used the time for good purposes. I have a plane waiting for uswhen this is over.” He took her bags and handed them off to thedriver, who deposited them in the trunk; then Dominic ushered herinto the car. “There is something I must tell you.”

“Mefirst.” She put her hand on his arm, her smile never faltering.“If it doesn’t go well today—”

“Donot say such things.”

Shesqueezed his arm and let her smile fade. “Listen to me.

Thisis important. If things don’t go well, take me with you. I Thisis important. If things don’t go well, take me with you. Idon’t want to be buried here. I want to be somewhere free.”

Heswallowed but nodded. “Si, I understand. And I promise you, Iwill”

“Thankyou.” She stuck her arm out. “You should give me theserum now.”

Hisface fell “Cara mia, that is what I wanted to tell you.

Thevial is gone, along with a few others I kept for personal use.

AlI can guess is that while we were incapacitated, Arnaud had my thingssearched. Anything that looked interesting, he took.”

Hercalm ebbed away. “So I am to face Arnaud with only what theholy mother has provided me with.” She nodded. “Very wellPerhaps that is how it should be.”

Hetook her hands. “You can still do this.”

“Ihave to. I have no choice.” She slid back in the seat until thecool leather pressed against the thin silk of her tunic and remindedher that she was not going into the fight completely unarmed. Shereached behind to her waistband. “I do have this.”

Shepulled out the slim wooden dagger given to all Primoris Domuscomarré.

Dominicrecoiled. “Holy magic. Just like Rennata’s sword.”

Shenodded. “All comarré weapons are hot. Our sacres arequenched in holy water and this”—she hefted the narrowblade in one hand—“this is Golgotha steel.”

“Iknow what it is.” He kept his distance from it. “Thethings I could do with a sliver of the True Cross.” He laughednervously.

“Ido not wish to touch it, though.”

“Neitherwill Arnaud, but he won’t have a choice when it’s buriedin his chest.” She tucked the blade under the front of hertunic and into the tight camisole she wore before settling back inher seat. Dominic reached over and took her hand. She let him,accepting the comfort and the support with a thankful heart.

Evenif he was a vampire, he was a good man and on her side.

Betterto go through this with him than alone. Just his belief in her madeher stronger. For that, she would be forever grateful to him.

Sheclosed her eyes as the car wound through the streets of Corvinestri,taking them to Arnaud’s home. A thousand thoughts whirledthrough her mind, most of them trying to anticipate the fight.

Dominic’shand tightened over hers. “Marissa, we’re here.”

Thecar slowed and she opened her eyes. Arnaud’s estate was asprawl of weathered stone and climbing ivy. The house might have beenenchanting had it belonged to someone else, but knowing who occupiedits walls gave it a menacing air instead.

Witha deep breath, she climbed out of the car.

Thenext few minutes passed in a rush. Arnaud’s servants pulled heraway from Dominic and shuttled her to a small anteroom. She wasscanned for metal and patted down, but with her flowing tunic, therewas no chance of the Golgotha steel being detected in her snugcamisole. “I assume you’re treating Lord Arnaud the sameway?”

LordArnaud the same way?”

“Yes,”Rennata answered from behind her. “He’s being checked forweapons as well You should be grateful he agreed to that much.”

“Yes,it’s such a boon.” Marissa turned. She hadn’t heardthe woman come in. “And if he secrets one in anyway?”

“Heprobably will You should be prepared for that.”

Iam, Marissa thought, but Rennata didn’t need to know that.

“Out,”Rennata commanded, and Arnaud’s servants departed. Once theywere alone, Rennata sighed and took the nearest chair. “Are youcertain you want to go through with this?

Youmight still be able to apologize and—”

“No.”Marissa planted her

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