Atleast they were upright. Marissa sat on the couch beside him, slumpedagainst the arm. The well-appointed room’s beauty was marred byArnaud sitting across from them.
“It’sabout time you woke.”
Dominiccleared his throat. “You had us drugged.”
Arnaudnodded to an older comarré. “Wake her up. I’mtired of waiting.”
Theolder woman snapped a small white tube, then waved it under Marissa’snose. She came to with a start. “What…where are we…oh.”She blew out a breath. “The Primoris Domus.”
Sheeyed the woman who’d woken her. “Rennata.”
“Whathave you done, woman?” Rennata slanted her gaze at Dominic, herwords an angry hiss. “Lord Arnaud says you were taken inflagrante delicto.”
“Worsethan that,” Arnaud added. “I believe he’s fed fromher. And all the while doing nothing to fulfill the task I’dgiven him.”
“Howdo you know?” Dominic asked. “Were you watching us?”
“Yes.I almost lost you when you went to Venice, but my comarré iseasy to track.”
Marissalifted her head. “How?”
Witha snort, Arnaud’s gaze dropped to her hands. “Your ring.Did you think I would give you a gift for no reason? I am no fool. Iactually expected you to run.”
Rennatatsked. “I do apologize, Lord Arnaud.”
Arnaudstood. “It’s not your concern, Madame Rennata.
Fromyou, all I expect is that this comarré is dealt with. I didnot pay good money for her blood rights only to have my authoritydisregarded. She is—”
Rennataspun. “As I told you when you arrived, Lord Arnaud, I am sorryfor your troubles, but you signed a contract agreeing not to returnher. If she has caused you a problem, deal with it as you see fit.”
Silvergleamed in his eyes. “I do not believe you will care for mysolution.”
Marissastruggled to her feet. “You would give me over to his whims,Rennata? Do you know what he wanted done with me?
Tohave my blood—”
Arnaudflashed to her side and backhanded her. “From now on, you willnot speak unless you are spoken to. Is that understood?”
Ragepropelled Dominic forward. He caught Arnaud by the waist and took himto the ground, rearing back to strike him.
“Touchher again and I’ll kill you myself.”
“Enough!”The shush of metal punctuated Rennata’s command. A long ornatesword glimmered in the space between Dominic and Arnaud. This close,Dominic could feel the weapon was hot with holy magic. “This ismy house,” she continued. “If you want to kill eachother, do so on your own property. I do not wish to breathe ash forthe next week.”
Neithervampire moved for a moment. Then slowly, Dominic retreated. Hestruggled not to show the residual effects of whatever he’dbeen drugged with, but his head swam and he knew his leap across theroom had taxed his strength. He held his hands up in surrender forRennata’s sake. “As you wish.”
Arnaudjumped to his feet and brushed himself off, his eyes never leavingDominic. “You’ve made a fatal mistake, Falconetti.”
“No,”Marissa said. “You have, Arnaud. Because one way or another,I’m done with you.”
Arnaudlooked past Dominic and laughed. “I own you, comarré.”
Dominicturned to see her. Even after their abduction, with her hair wildabout her face and her eyes like shards of blue ice, she looked likea goddess. Like Belona come to life.
“Youdon’t own me, vampire, just my blood rights. And I’mabout to change that.” With hard purpose, she glared atRennata.
“Infront of you and Lord Falconetti as my witnesses, I claim libertas.”
Dominicwished he could go to her and tell her how proud she made him, butany show of emotion between them would serve no purpose at thispoint. He stayed quiet but hoped she saw the pride in his eyes.
Rennata’sface blanked, then twisted into contempt. “You cannot beserious.”
Marissastraightened. “I am.” Her voice was eerily quiet.
“Howsoon can the challenge take place?”
“Challenge?Libertas?” Arnaud pushed past Dominic to stand beside Rennata.“What is this bloody nonsense?”
Rennataraised her brows and pursed her lips, her look coolly appraising.“Marissa has claimed libertas. It is every comarré’sright, although I’ve never known one to do it.” Sheglanced at Marissa before turning back to Arnaud. “It meansthat she believes she has the right to her freedom.”
“Likehell she does—”
Rennataheld her hand up. “This is all detailed in the contract everyvampire signs upon purchase of a comarré’s blood rights.
Notthat any of you bother to read the fine print.”
Notthat any of you bother to read the fine print.”
Dominicsnorted. He hadn’t. But then the thing was nearly three hundredpages long and he’d merely inherited his copy.
WhenArnaud stayed silent, Rennata continued. “The challenge oflibertas is that the comarré and her patron must battle eachother. If the comarré wins, she also wins her freedom.”
Arnaudgrinned like he’d just heard something funny. Dominic sneeredand wished for a short blade to run him through then and there.Arnaud crossed his arms. “And if I win?”
“Youmay have your choice of a new comarré.”
Hepractically beamed, which did nothing for Dominic’sdisposition. “Then by all means, let us do battle and see whocomes out the victor. Tomorrow at sundown?” He shook his headat Dominic. “That should coincide nicely with Lord Zephrim’sarrival.”
“Youcalled the Dominus of the House of St. Germain?” Not that itmattered. Too much had been set in motion already.
“Yes,”Arnaud hissed. “I thought he should decide what to do withyou.”
Rennataglared at him. “There is a little more you should know.”
Arnaudwaved his hand and strode toward the door as though he’d justbeen invited to a picnic. “I’m sure it’s all fine.”
“It’sa battle to the death,” Rennata called after him.
Hepaused, then slowly turned around, eyes sparkling He paused, thenslowly turned around, eyes sparkling metallic, smile unchanged. Hetipped his head and stared directly at Marissa. “Even better.”
Chapter Twelve
Forthe third time, Marissa closed her eyes and tried to meditate, butfailed. Twilight’s purple gloaming cast her suite at thePrimoris Domus in long shadows. The moment she’d been workingtoward had arrived. She would face Arnaud, win her freedom, and beginthe second part of her plan to give that same gift to her daughter.
She’djust hoped to see Dominic alone one last time.
Aknock on her door brought her to her feet with a sense of hope, butthen she exhaled. It wasn’t him. It couldn’t be.
Vampiresweren’t allowed in this part of the Primoris Domus.
Sheopened the door. “Rennata.”
Theelder comarré pushed in, then shut the door behind her.
“Icannot say