Butlove was not on her mind at the moment. Now, bent over, sword in onehand, fists on her thighs, Marissa took a moment to let her breathingeven out. “Well, that made a difference. How much did you givehim?” These past weeks, she’d dispatched a handful offringe vampires, but this last one had been more of an effort.
Dominiccame to her side, concern marring his handsome face. “A fullvial of the Belona.”
“Howmuch did you give me?”
“Half.”The furrow between his brows narrowed. “I will give you thefull vial as well before you face Arnaud.” He checked hispocket watch. “Almost four minutes.”
Shestraightened and lifted her braid to cool her damp neck.
“Thefight with Arnaud won’t go much longer.” She smiled,trying to ease the alarm in his eyes. “Because I’m readyfor him.”
Dominictucked his watch away and nodded unconvincingly.
“Ihope you are right. I cannot help my worry.”
“Don’t.Not one of these fringe has laid a hand on me. I’m not sayingthe fight ahead will be easy, but with this practice and your serum,I feel very confident.” Her smile deepened and reached out tohim, taking his hand. In these past weeks, he’d fed from hernumerous times and the bond between them was now almost a tangiblething. But more than that, the unthinkable had happened. She’dcome to genuinely care for him. To miss him during the daylight hourswhen he slept and her mind wandered to unhappy outcomes. “Idon’t like it when you worry.”
Hismouth bent in a half smile. “How can I not? The prospect of aneternity without you, bella mia, is not something I care tocontemplate. Not after this wonderful time we have shared. I wantmore of that. Much more.”
“Sodo I.” And that was the truth, so help her. She let him pullher in close, protesting only slightly. “I need a shower.”
Heignored her words to kiss her wrist, his fangs grazing her skin, hiseyes shutting briefly. “Our time comes to a close.” Stillclasping her hand, he pressed her palm to where his heart hadclasping her hand, he pressed her palm to where his heart had oncebeaten. “You’re sure you feel confident?”
“Very.”Or at least as much as she could feel when her next meeting withArnaud could be her last. In more ways than one.
“Icould fight him tomorrow.”
“Threedays from now is time enough.” Dominic nodded.
“ButI am glad you feel this way. And… I would like to propose wetake a break from the training.”
“Anddo what?”
Hiseyes crackled silver. “Get to know one another more than wealready have. We are anticipating a very long future in each other’scompany.” The silver died a bit. “Or perhaps not.”He squeezed her hand. “Either way, I know better ways to spendthese nights before we return to Corvinestri.”
Shetipped her head back. A shiver of anticipation ran through heralready-flush body. She was no innocent virgin. If she was going todie at Arnaud’s hands, she would prefer one memory that waspurely her own, untouched by comarré law. If that’s whatDominic was suggesting, she would gladly agree.
“Wineand song, revelry, and the chance to be whoever we desire.” Hestroked a fingertip over the signum on her cheek and whispered,“Carnevale di Venezi,” like he tasted sunlight on histongue. “We shall go and lose ourselves in the crowd andforget, at least for these few last days, what awaits.”
Hestepped away and held out his hand to her. “What say He steppedaway and held out his hand to her. “What say you, cara mia?Shall we dance in the streets of Venice and take our pleasure wherewe find it?”
Theidea of walking among mortals, hidden by masks that would allow themto go unnoticed and unfeared caused her head to spin. Embolden by theephemeral ticking of fate’s clock, she reached for his hand. “Isay we go. I say we live like we have no tomorrow.”
Becauseshe knew very well they might not.
* **
Wavesof masked revelers flowed through Venice, turning the streets into asea of iridescent silk and shimmering satin. “It’sunbelievable,” Marissa whispered as their gondola passedbeneath a bridge and turned toward the Grand Canal. Lights from othergondolas dotted the waterway, bobbing up and down on the gentleswells “I can see why you keep a home here. It’sperfect.”
Besideher, Dominic nodded, but his gaze picked through the crowd peeringover the bridge. “It’s only perfect because we are heretogether.”
Shesmiled and leaned into him a little more. Thanks to his wide web ofinfluence, they were also perfectly outfitted. A favor owed turnedinto matching costumes and masks, both elaborate designs in white andgold. They looked like a grand lord and lady from centuries past. Herhair was tucked into a tall white lady from centuries past. Her hairwas tucked into a tall white wig, while long, white curls coveredDominic’s dark locks.
Pearlsand crystals decorated the gold masks that hid everything but theirmouths.
Dominichad insisted on that, refusing, he said, to be kept from kissing her.His bold words had made her blush; she was thankful that she’dhave the mask to hide behind all evening.
“Whenare you going to tell me where we’re going?”
Hetipped his head toward a grand palazzo ahead of them.
“Now.We’ve arrived. The ball will already be under way.”
Shestudied the gorgeous coral mansion ahead of them on the Grand Canal.Colored smoke curled up from large gold pots outside the entrance. “Aball? What house is that?”
“ThePalazzo Pisani Moretta. And the ball is the Il Ballo del Doge. Themost famous ball in Venice.” He smiled. “Impossible toget tickets for.”
Shelaughed. “But somehow you managed two.”
“Ofcourse.” He nodded as the gondola pulled up to the steps,looking once behind them and scanning the other gondolas.
Maskedfootmen helped her out, and as soon as Dominic was beside her, hetook her hand and led her forward. At the door, he showed a goldcoin, and after its inspection, they were granted entrance.
Insidewas another world.
Fire-eaters,jugglers, and musicians greeted them as they strolled through thehouse. Acrobats hung from the ceiling in the main ballroom, twistingand spinning on yards of red and purple silk, while others dangledfrom enormous