This whole case was urgent.
It made Dominic’s stomach crawl. Especially now they had two bodies. Someone was getting a taste for murder and Dominic didn’t like it.
Kapoor walked into the incident room. His mood sombre. ‘How are you, Dom?’
‘About as you’d expect after visiting that scene, sir.’ He leaned back in his chair.
Kapoor crossed his arms over his chest. ‘Are we dealing with the same killer?’
‘It looks like it. I’ll know more this afternoon after the PM.’
‘Sorry, boss.’
Kapoor shook his head. ‘It’s not your fault, is it? We need to do a press conference as soon as possible. Get in front of this before they start printing whatever they want to.’
‘What are we going to say?’
Kapoor let out a deep sigh. ‘I’m not sure I’ve got that far, Dom. That we’ve found another body and at this time it’s too early to say if it’s linked to the one we’re investigating from three weeks ago. We’re cautiously using the same investigating team and will let them know as soon as we have anything more definitive.’
‘I think you’re telling them it’s linked by using the same team.’
‘I know. But they’re going to know. No matter how much I tell people to not talk to the press there’s always a leak. They always find out. We have to be as open as we can be. It saves embarrassment further down the line.’
Dominic tapped his pen on the desk. ‘Do you want me there for the press conference?’
‘Ideally. You’re the one who’s been to both scenes. If they ask any questions you’re going to be best suited to answer.’
‘The answer will be no comment. Even you can give that response, boss.’
Kapoor laughed. ‘You’re right, I can. But there might be one or two in there we’re willing to answer. You never know. I’d feel better if you were there.’
‘I have the PM today, what time are you scheduling it for?’
‘What time are you back?’
This time it was Dominic’s turn to laugh. ‘Okay. I get it. I’m definitely doing this press conference. I’ll get on to Nadira and see how soon she can set up the PM.’
‘I’m grateful, Dom. Go and get a bite to eat. You have a busy day ahead of you.’
The PM was grim and evidence gathered indicated that it was the same offender who had killed Julie Carver. Nadira put her time of death at seven days which meant he had kept her for a few days before killing her. She’d been missing a week and a half. Cause of death was exsanguination from the knife wound to her neck. It appeared he had had some fun with his hands before he finished the job with a knife. She would have bled out quickly. Death, Dominic thought, might even have been a release for her. He couldn’t imagine the fear she would have gone through at the hands of this guy.
By the time he made it back to the station the DNA test had come back from the lab and it was confirmed that the body they had examined belonged to Madeleine Chapman. He let out a long sigh. He had to go and break the news to her mother. A task he hated with a passion. Parents should never lose their children under any circumstances. Murder was particularly horrific.
He walked to Kapoor’s office, knocked on the door. ‘Boss.’
Kapoor waved him in. ‘What is it, Dom? How did the PM go? Anything out of the ordinary?’
Dominic barked out a laugh. ‘It was all out of the ordinary. He’s one sick bastard.’
Kapoor leaned back in his chair. ‘You know what I mean.’
‘It looks to be the same offender. He has his own rituals and we need to get to the bottom of them.’
‘None of this goes out to the press, are we clear on this?’ Kapoor opened a notebook on his desk and started to scribble in it.
‘About that . . .’
‘You’re not backing out. No way. Not now we know they’re connected. This is something you need to be present for, Dominic. No excuses.’
‘The DNA has come back on the toothbrush I submitted. We have a result, an ID on the woman. I need to go and speak to her family. Give them the death message.’ He paused. ‘Before the press tell them we’ve found another body of a middle-aged woman and they jump to conclusions.’
Kapoor let out a sigh. ‘Okay, you get some time to inform the family, but I’m delaying the press conference, I’m not cancelling it and I’m not doing it without you.’
‘Yeah, okay.’ Dominic stood. ‘I’ll get on that home visit and catch up with you when I’m back.’
‘Don’t be too long, Dom. I can’t keep the baying crowd back for long.’
Dominic walked towards the door. ‘Beers are on you, boss, when we catch this bastard. The team are working their arses off on this case.’
‘I’ll take them all out and thank them when the time is right. But let’s make sure we have something to celebrate, shall we?’
Chapter 26
The house was a small terraced property with a ramp at the door. Dominic had come alone. The team were tied up with their own enquiries. He couldn’t pull them away. He’d allocated an FLO who was currently tying up all their loose ends on their own workload and preparing to visit the family after Dominic had broken the news, which involved getting a personal briefing from Kapoor. They needed to be up to date with the investigation as it was.
The door was opened by a woman in a wheelchair. Her left leg was amputated from above the knee. She appeared to