press briefing had been put off to a late hour because of all the activity. The journalists and photographers were getting twitchy for their bite of news. They hated to be kept waiting and they had an idea that a family member might be up for grabs today. They loved the money shot of a loved one breaking down, no matter how sensitive they were at the time of recording, their viewership and readership went up and that’s what they lived for. Everyone loved heartbreak. Mostly in their fiction, but if it was in the comfort of their own homes, while they were able to watch someone else’s life collapse around them and they were able to stay safe but talk about it with their own loved ones or friends, then they lapped it up.

As they walked towards Kapoor’s office, Dominic updated him on the name of the app that was being used by the women. ‘I think we should consider mentioning it in the press conference.’

‘Warn the women off?’ Kapoor frowned.

Dominic understood why. Telling women what to do in their dating lives was not a good stance to take. Most women would tell you to get the men to control themselves. Keep their hands to themselves, their urges to themselves. Their nasty, violent thoughts to themselves. And they were right. ‘Not exactly warning them off, no. But I do think we need to let them know what’s been happening and let them make informed decisions when actively engaging in their love lives.’

‘You’re right.’ Kapoor bit his lower lip, the tension of the day making itself seen. ‘But we have to tread carefully.’

He would have to tread carefully. This was his press conference. Dominic was only here in a support capacity. This was all down to Kapoor.

They stepped into Kapoor’s office and greeted the Butlers who had no idea what they were heading into. Running the gauntlet, sitting in front of steaming hot cameras and people crowding in at you, desperate for your pain. It was something indescribable. Intense. Intrusive. Inhuman.

‘Do you have any news, DS Harrison?’ Jonathan was eager to find out the latest the minute they clasped hands.

Dominic looked to Kapoor, unsure what had already been discussed, not wanting to go over old ground. Kapoor discreetly shook his head. The old goat had run shy of giving them this morning’s information.

‘I’m sorry, we’re still working as hard as we can on the investigation. Nothing will slow us down. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that another woman has been killed. We’re keeping an eye on the evidence to see if they’re linked, but because of the timeframe, we’re taking investigative control of that case as well.’

Helen paled and grabbed hold of Jonathan. ‘Another one?’

‘We’re not sure yet,’ he reiterated. He didn’t want the press or the public to have this information. Not until they had . . . what? They’d done the PM and the injuries were consistent. What were they waiting for exactly? Kapoor didn’t want to frighten anyone but there was a difference between frightening people and keeping them updated. He’d go with Kapoor. They could always update the hoards later. ‘We still have some lines of enquiry. We’ll let you know as soon as we’re sure.’ When would that be? ‘In fact.’ He looked to Helen. ‘It may be that we have a photograph we want you to look at in the near future, if you’d be okay with that?’

‘Anything I can do to help. Though I don’t know what it is I can help with.’ She paused. ‘Oh, the dating app photograph. You do think it’s the same person!’

Damn. ‘We’re not sure. If we get a photograph and we get you to confirm it then we can say positively.’ Kapoor was scowling at him behind the Butlers. Dominic minutely shook his head that this was not his fault. This was Kapoor’s own fault for not having a discussion with him before they got into his office. ‘At this point we’re not directing the press to any potential link between the cases because we don’t want to jump to conclusions.’ He had to warn them of this so they didn’t blurt anything out during the press briefing.

‘Okay.’ Her voice was subdued.

Kapoor stepped forward. ‘I’ll talk first, providing a brief outline of the case so far and then I’ll pass the baton to you at which point you can ask for witnesses or anyone with any knowledge to come forward. Then Dominic will close by taking a few questions.’

The couple looked at each other.

‘Who’s going to speak?’ Kapoor asked.

‘I will.’ Jonathan took a physical step forward, straightened himself, brought his shoulders back, readying for the ordeal ahead of him.

‘Okay. My advice is to keep calm. Don’t speak until you’re ready. Don’t let them rush you. Take as many breaths as you need. There’s no rush for this. You have the power in that room, not them. If you start to feel flustered, stop and breath and start again when you’re ready. We’re there to pick it up if you can’t continue. Do the best you can.’ This was Kapoor’s forte. He was good under pressure. Always calm and composed and now Dominic understood how he managed that. It was in his breathing. He allowed himself to breathe before he made major decisions and when he was talking to people. Dominic liked it. He’d keep that nugget himself. He tended to lose his cool pretty easily. A trait he would like to change if he could.

‘Are you ready to face them?’ Kapoor asked, a hand on Helen’s arm.

The couple nodded in unison.

They moved towards Kapoor’s office door and towards the waiting media who were hungry for a story they could milk for as much emotion as they could manage.

Lights started to flash as soon as they stepped from behind the boards.

Bright and sharp.

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