The constant whirr and click of the cameras was almost overwhelming, even to Dominic who had been here countless times before. He simply took in one deep breath and continued his walk to the chair he was allocated. In front of him Jonathan and Helen stalled. Helen nearly tripped over Jonathan as he stopped dead in his tracks.

Kapoor sensed what was happening behind him and turned and smiled at the couple, a reassuring, warm smile that said to them that they were okay, that they were not alone and that they were protected.

The line started to move again.

Chair legs screeched as they settled down behind the long row of tables that had been laid out, the sound exacerbated by the strangeness of the situation. A sea of faces stared expectantly at them. Hands clutching notepads, pens poised for the one remark they could cling to and analyse for the rest of the day. Behind this table everyone was on display. Every word was checked for meaning and secrets.

Jonathan and Helen were bolt upright, like they had broom handles up the back of their clothing keeping them in position. Their eyes were wide. Whatever they had been expecting, the reality had invaded and shocked more than they had prepared for. Dominic wondered how much Kapoor’s advice to breathe was going to help them. It was great advice but they needed to take it on board if they were to get through this.

Kapoor cleared his throat and the room which had been a hubbub of low chatter quietened.

‘Thank you for waiting for this briefing today. We appreciate it’s not the usual way of doing things, but it has been a long day here at Snig Hill Police Headquarters and as you can imagine with policing, we can’t always run to a timetable. Sometimes things demand to be dealt with.’

Pens slid across notebooks. Cameras flashed. Jonathan and Helen stayed rigid, hands clasped under the table.

Kapoor continued, ‘Today we want to appeal for witnesses to the murder of Julie Carver and to update the public on some new information that has come to light.

‘We have become aware that a dating app has been used and that this is how the murderer identified Julie. Now while I’m loathe to name said dating app, I do think it is in the best interests of the women of Sheffield to be aware so they can make informed choices.’

Cameras clicked and pens scribbled their notes. He had everyone’s attention. This was a scoop. Kapoor would get blowback from the app creator but putting the safety of the women of the city first was his priority. He could take whatever heat was coming his way. With quiet sincerity Kapoor named the app and asked the women using it to continue their lives but with a little added caution.

Dominic could see Kapoor let out a small sigh of relief but he knew the stress of this event was far from over. ‘Now I will pass you to Julie’s brother, Jonathan Butler—’ he stared hard at the gathered press — ‘who will not take any questions. Then you will be passed to DS Dominic Harrison, to my right, who will take some questions.’

He nodded to Jonathan, the hush over the room palpable. Jonathan took a huge gulp then picked up the glass of water that had been placed in front of his position — there was one in front of each of them — and swallowed the water like he’d been in the desert for a month. Gently he placed the glass back on the table and stared out in front of him, at the faces that stared back. Bright eyes in the darkened room.

‘Thank you for letting me be here today,’ he croaked and cleared his throat. He picked up his glass again, his hand shaking. He swallowed hard and then put the glass back on the table. Swallowed again, licked his lips, and was ready. ‘As you know my sister was murdered three weeks ago.’ His tongue came out to wet his lips again. ‘It’s a huge loss for my family. She was a special woman and I—’ he looked to his wife — ‘we, want to appeal to anyone who might have any information that can lead to the apprehension of her killer. He can’t be allowed to be left to wander the streets. Not after what he’s done. He will be your husband, your brother, your son, maybe even your father. You may have noticed him acting differently. He can’t have done what he did to our darling Julie and not be a different person. Please, if you do suspect someone, or you think you saw something, let the police know.’

‘Do you really want him to do it again?’ blurted out Helen at the side of Jonathan.

It had been going so well until that point. Tears streamed down Helen’s face and Jonathan was silenced. He was watching his wife intently.


Dominic needed to stop him. ‘I’ll take some questions now.’

‘He’s already killed again. How many people does he have to kill for you to help us?’ Jonathan asked quietly at the side of Kapoor. So quiet Dominic could barely hear him, but he had been heard. The room exploded.

Flashbulbs lit up the room. Voices began to shout out questions.

‘Who has he killed?’

‘How do you know it’s the same person?’

‘What are you doing about this, DI Kapoor?’

Dominic raised his voice and spoke out over the din. ‘If you direct your questions this way, I’ll try to answer what I can.’ What the hell was he going to say? They hadn’t agreed on a way forward for this scenario.

Every eye turned to Dominic.

The first question was shouted across to him. ‘What’s this about him killing again, DS Harrison?’ Straight to the point.

Dominic cleared his throat. ‘We attended a crime scene this morning. A woman

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