The foghorn doorbell blared, and I ran for the door. “That must be James!”
My brother burst into the house, dropping his backpack in the middle of the floor. “Viki!”
Before I could respond, he’d wrapped me in a bear hug so tight I could barely breathe.
“I’m okay, James,” I said, wriggling in his grip. Over his shoulder, I could see a blond girl standing awkwardly in our doorway. “You’re…going…to make…a bad impression…on your friend…”
As James released me, she stepped forward, holding out her hand. Bracelets jingled around her wrist. Her brown eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled. “I’m Sam. It’s nice to meet you, Viki. James has told me a lot about you.”
“I don’t know much about you,” I said, offering her a smile. “But I’m glad you were able to visit.”
Her smile faded a bit. “I wish it was under better circumstances.”
Due to prolonged power outages caused by the riots in Mation City, it would be some time before they could return to school. Sam’s parents lived halfway across the continent, so James had asked if she could stay with us until things settled down.
I nodded in sympathy. “Me, too.”
Sam absently tucked a few stray strands of blond hair behind one ear and looked around. “Your house is lovely. When James said that there had been a burglary and some of the house had been damaged, I was worried it might be more of a construction zone. You should see my house when Mom decides to do remodeling…”
“The front door took a beating, but they replaced that this morning. Now it’s mostly the garden that needs some work.” I gestured down the hall. “Come into the kitchen, Mom and Dad are making lunch. They can’t wait to meet you. I can take your bags upstairs.”
“Don’t bother, our stuff can wait.” James wrapped one arm around my shoulders and the other around Sam’s shoulders. “Let’s introduce Sam to Mom and Dad.”
“And me,” Halle said over the house speakers. “Hi, Sam. I am the resident AI.”
Sam jumped and looked around. “What?”
James groaned.
I planted my face in my palm. “Halle, please don’t scare her.”
“I apologize, that was not my intent. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sam. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
“You have a house AI?” Sam looked at me. “I thought those were still in the developmental stage.”
“Halle isn’t a house AI, it’s an AI,” I explained. “Who happens to live with us sometimes. I should have had James warn you, sorry about that.”
He frowned. “I thought Halle was still in hiding. Otherwise, I would have said something.”
I pushed open the door to the kitchen. “I’ll explain later.”
My parents looked up from their work—Dad chopping vegetables on the counter, and Mom with her hands in a bowl of dough.
“Welcome to our home.” Mom smiled. “Pardon the mess. Our kitchen robot is being repaired.”
“I’d love to help,” Sam said, stepping up to the kitchen table.
James was soon dragged into the hubbub as well.
I slipped away as soon as I could and hurried upstairs. Dropping into my chair, I prodded my waiting computer.
My computer screen lit up, and a white cat with gray ears and paws appeared. “I hope I did not startle her too badly.”
I shrugged. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. How are things going?”
“Agent Smith’s contacts were able to connect me with individuals further up the hierarchy, but there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with before the true negotiations can begin. I doubt much progress will be made in the near future.” Halle’s ears twitched. “No need to bore you with the details right now, however. You have homework to do.”
Falling backwards, I flung a hand to my forehead and gave a theatrical groan. “Is that really the most important thing right now?”
“Yes.” Halle’s image started to fade. “Also, you have some messages from yesterday that I forgot to tell you about.”
“House, play my messages,” I ordered.
Annabeth’s voice came over the speakers.
“Viki! Is everything okay? You and Dan left track. Betty Jean was freaking out. Please call me when you have a chance, okay?”
There was a click, then Mel’s voice burst out. “Viki, Annabeth just called me and told me what happened. Where did you go? Are you okay? Is Dan okay? Call me, would you? We’re both worried. Dan’s not answering his phone.”
Another click, then a voice I wasn’t expecting spoke. It was Neela. “Hi… Viki? I… Annabeth called. I… I hope you’re all right. I’ve been thinking about what you said. What everyone said. And I guess I’ve been kind of a jerk. I… I’m sorry. Let me know you’re okay, please? And… And if you want to hang out this weekend, maybe we could go to the lake?”
I blinked as the last call ended. “I guess I should call them.”
Talbot’s purple griffin avatar appeared on my computer screen. “Given what Halle told me about these human females, they have not been kind to you. Why don’t you hang out with me instead?”
I glared. “You aren’t supposed to show yourself.”
“You’re the only one in here, and I’m bored.” The griffin fluttered its wings. “Halle says you love playing Realmshards, maybe we could do that?”
“I have homework to do. And people to call. Shoo.” I motioned at the screen.
Hanging its head, the griffin vanished.
I ignored a tiny twinge of guilt and started placing calls. Annabeth was easy to talk to, as was Mel. I told them I’d collapsed on the track and Dan had taken me to the nurse. No, I was fine, I just needed some adjustments to my new implants. Yes, I would love to hang out sometime. I also mentioned that Dan and his parents were moving again, and he wouldn’t be back to school. Annabeth