Should I call Neela? What would I even say?
The purple griffin appeared again. I jumped. “Talbot! What did I tell you?”
“I know.” Talbot ruffled its feathers. “But I’m bored.” It drew the last word out in a whine.
I sighed. “Fine. Let me make one more phone call and do some homework. Then I’ll see if Halle might want to play Realmshards later.”
Talbot tilted its head, then straightened it. “Halle says yes.” Once again, the griffin vanished.
Jealousy poked my chest. I couldn’t communicate with Halle so easily. Hadn’t even known it was still here, though perhaps it was only monitoring Talbot right now. I pushed the feeling away and focused on Neela.
“House, place a call to—”
Knocking on the spare room’s door startled me.
“Hello?” I called.
“Mom sent me up with some cookies for you,” James shouted back. “She says not to spoil your dinner. Can I come in?”
James entered, carrying a plate heaped with cookies. “Here you go.” He set it down on my desk next to my computer, glancing at its screen. “No Halle?”
“It’s busy right now. Something about negotiations.”
He nodded as he set down a glass of milk. “Well, enjoy your cookies. They’re just chocolate chip, nothing weird.”
“Sounds good to me.” I offered him a sly smile. “Sam’s nice.”
James grinned. “I’m glad you like her.”
My smile twisted to a smirk. “You also just left her alone with our parents, didn’t you.”
With a yelp, James fled downstairs, my door slamming in his wake.
Laughing, I turned back to my computer. My laughter faded, but I clenched my jaw and dialed Neela’s cell number.
The phone had barely rung once before she picked up. “Viki?”
“Hi, Neela.”
There was an awkward pause as I searched for something to say.
“So… Do you want to go to the lake this weekend?”
“I’m not sure I’m ready to hang out again.” I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice calm. “But we can talk sometime. Maybe on Monday, at lunch?”
Another long pause. “Okay. I’ll see you then, I guess.”
“See you.”
The phone clicked, and I released the breath I’d been holding. I still wasn’t sure I wanted to be friends with her again, but a conversation wouldn’t hurt. Annabeth and Mel would be there too, and maybe together we could clear the air. A smile crept onto my lips as I grabbed a cookie and leaned back in my chair. I hope I can hang out with them this weekend. Maybe James and Sam can come too.
I was on my second cookie when Talbot’s head peeked up from the bottom of my computer’s screen. “Shouldn’t you be doing homework?”
I sat up and took another bite. “Don’t you have anything better to do than pester me?”
“I completed a prototype for a cure for Simon Smith last night. Still waiting on the results from the lab. Halle says I did a good job, but there’s nothing else for me to do and I’ve read your entire digital library twenty times already and listened to all of your music and also completed your homework twice, except Halle says I can’t do it for you.”
It took me a moment to process all of that, but the first tidbit of information struck hard. “Simon Smith? Agent Smith’s son? You developed a cure? Halle told me that was impossible!”
The griffin gave a small nod. “It might not work, but it should help him, and I can learn from how it works and how it doesn’t. Halle will take the credit, of course, because I can’t show myself, but…after what you said, I thought that might be one small way to start making up for all the harm I caused.”
I stared at it, then nodded. “That’s a good start.” Maybe it really was turning over a new leaf.
Talbot nudged the open folder. “Are you going to do your homework now?”
“If you keep asking me, I won’t, and then there’ll be no Realmshards tonight,” I threatened.
The griffin vanished with a suddenness that made me chuckle as I reached for another cookie.
I was almost done with my essay when the house pinged to let me know I had an incoming message.
“Answer it,” I said, resting my hands on the keyboard. Who could be calling? Maybe Annabeth or Mel?
“Hello, Viki,” Dan said.
“Dan!” In my excitement I almost knocked my computer off my lap. “Hi! How are you? Where are you? Halle said you wouldn’t be back for a while.”
“I won’t,” he said, his voice serious. “But I wanted to say good-bye. And thank you, for everything you’ve done for me.”
My stomach twisted. “You’re making it sound like I might never see you again,” I said, half-laughing, half-worried it was the truth.
“It might be a while. There’s a lot I need to figure out. Who I am. What I am.”
“I understand,” I said quietly, folding my hands on my lap. A tear slipped down my cheek. I fought to keep my voice steady. “Good luck, Dan.”
“Good luck to you, too. I hear you have rogue AI babysitting duty.” He chuckled, then sobered again. “Take care, Viki.”
“You, too.” I blinked back tears as the house pinged, letting me know the call had ended.
Later that night, Halle loaded Realmshards while I dunked the first of a fresh plate of cookies into a glass of milk. I was in a good mood. Dad had talked Mom into letting me go to a movie with Annabeth and Mel tomorrow, provided James and Sam went along to keep an eye on me. My homework was done. And after a few more hours of cleanup—with the help of