Divinely Led—Feb. 11
Page 383
Empowerment—Mar. 17, Dec. 10
Enjoying Life—Nov. 6
Enjoying Recovery—Feb. 4
Enjoying the Good Days—May 10
Enjoyment—Apr. 13, May 23
Expectations of Others—Dec. 20
Experiment—Mar. 30
Facing Our Darker Side—Apr. 2
Faith and Money—Oct. 4
Families, Coping with—Oct. 2
Families, Living with—Mar. 10
Family Buttons—July 15
Family Issues, Separating from—Jan. 4
Family Members, Responsibility for—Aug. 22
Fear—Jan. 10, July 28
Feeling Good—May 6, June 16
Feelings—Dec. 15
Feelings, Accepting Our—Nov. 19
Feelings, Dealing with Painful—Jan. 7
Feelings, Good—Jan. 13
Feelings, Leaving Room for—Aug. 15
Feelings, On the Job—Mar. 2
Feelings, Recognizing—Feb. 24
Feelings, Staying Open to Our—Dec. 18
Feelings, Those OldTime—Apr. 7
Finances—Mar. 31
Financial Fears—Nov. 21
Financial Goals—Apr. 11
Financial Responsibility—Feb. 5, Oct. 21
Finding Direction—Sept. 4
Page 384
Friends—Aug. 13
Fulfillment—Mar. 7
Fun—June 8
Fun, Have Some—July 29
Getting It All Out—July 7
Getting Needs Met—Mar. 29, May 21
Getting Through Discomfort—Oct. 3
Getting Through Hard Times—Sept. 15
Gifts, Not Burdens—Mar. 26
Giving—Apr. 9, Dec. 13
Giving Ourselves What We Deserve—May 8
God As We Understand God—July 13
God's Will—June 29, Dec. 12
Going Easy—Apr. 1
Going with the Flow—July 8
Good Feelings—June 21
Good Points, Our—Oct. 19
Good Things Coming—Dec. 22
Gossip—May 26
Gratitude—Jan. 18, Aug. 1
Gratitude and Acceptance, the Magic of—Nov. 22
Grief and Action—Nov. 17
Grief Process, The—Nov. 2, Dec. 6
Grief, Being Gentle with Ourselves During Times of Oct. 12
Grief, Transformation Through—Nov. 1
Growth—Dec. 26
Harmony, Achieving—June 27
Healing—Aug. 11, Sept. 12
Healing Thoughts—Aug. 17
Healthy Limits—Jan. 2
Page 385
Healthy Tolerance, Developing—Dec. 3
Help, Asking for—Dec. 9
Higher Power as a Source—Mar. 4
Higher Power, Our—May 2
Holding Your Own—Oct. 22
Holiday Triggers—Dec. 23
Holidays, Getting Through the—Dec. 24
Holidays, The—Dec. 25
Honesty—May 14
Honesty in Relationships—Aug. 20
InBetween—Aug. 2
Insisting on the Best—July 16
Intimacy—May 12
Into Orbit—June 7
Job, Taking Care of Ourselves on the—Aug. 28
Keep at It—July 25
Knowledge—Oct. 5
Learning New Behaviors—May 9
Learning to Trust Again—July 22
Learning to Wait—Oct. 8
Lessons on the Job—Apr. 24
Let's Make a Deal—Nov. 5
Letting Go—Jan. 4, July 27, Dec. 4
Letting Go in Love—Feb. 9
Letting Go of Anger—Mar. 1
Letting Go of Being a Victim—Mar. 22
Letting Go of Chaos—Oct. 15
Page 386
Letting Go of Confusion—Mar. 11
Letting Go of Denial—Feb. 28
Letting Go of Fear—Apr. 12, May 7
Letting Go of Fear of Abandonment—July 12
Letting Go of Guilt—Jan. 11, Feb. 8
Letting Go of Naiveté—Oct. 7
Letting Go of Need to Control—Apr. 27
Letting Go of Old Beliefs—June 23
Letting Go of Perfection—Aug. 10
Letting Go of Resistance—July 20
Letting Go of Sadness—Feb. 10
Letting Go of SelfCriticism—Aug. 16, Nov. 26
Letting Go of SelfDoubt—May 28
Letting Go of Shame—Aug. 19, Dec. 6
Letting Go of the Past—Oct. 25
Letting Go of Those Not in Recovery—Feb. 12
Letting Go of Timing—June 14
Letting Go of Urgency—Sept. 21
Letting Go of What We Want—July 31
Letting Go of Worry—Mar. 25
Letting People Be There for Us—Dec. 1
Letting the Cycles Flow—May 24
Letting the Good Stuff Happen—Sept. 18
Letting Things Happen—Apr. 16
Life, Putting Ours on Hold—Dec. 2
Living in the Present—Feb. 21
Living Our Lives—May 18
Love, Accepting—Nov. 9
Love, in Words and Actions—July 17
Love, Opening Ourselves to—Apr. 23, Oct. 24
Loving Ourselves Unconditionally—May 25
Making It Happen—July 23
Making Life Easier—June 19
Page 387
Martyrs, Competition Between—June 15
Meditation and Prayer—Oct. 28
Meetings, Going to—Jan. 29
Middle, Staying Out of the—Mar. 19
Money, Attitudes Toward—Aug. 5
Money, The Importance of—Sept. 29
Morning Cues—Oct. 23
Moving Forward—June 11
Moving On—Dec. 29
Near the Top—Dec. 27
Needing People—Jan. 27
Needs, All Our—Oct. 31
Needy, Allowing Ourselves to Be—Sept. 24
New Beginnings—Jan. 20
New Energy Coming—Jan. 23
New Relationship Behaviors—Sept. 17
New Year, The—Jan. 1
Nurtured, Allowing Ourselves to Be—Nov. 18
Nurturing Ourselves—Dec. 17
Nurturing SelfCare—Jan. 3
Off the Hook—Jan. 26
Our Path—Feb. 19
Overspending and Underspending—July 9
Owning Our Energy—Aug. 29
Pain, Stopping Our—Sept. 8
Pain, Using Others to Stop Our—Apr. 10
Panic—June 9, Dec. 28
Past, Peace with the—Sept. 25
Patience—Apr. 6, Sept. 1
Page 388
Payoffs from Destructive Relationships—Oct. 10
Peace—Mar. 6
PeoplePleasers—Feb. 27
Perfection—May 11
Perfection, Letting Go of—Aug. 10
Perfectionism—Apr. 14
Perspective—Sept. 9
Positive Energy—Mar. 16
Power, Owning Our—Jan. 19, Feb. 7, June 2, July 26, Aug. 14
Power, Owning in Relationships—Aug. 3
Powerless over Others—Sept. 7
Powerlessness, Accepting—July 30
Powerlessness and Unmanageability—May 29
Prayer—Jan. 16, Sept. 28
Procrastination—Aug. 27
Property Lines—May 13
Protected, Feeling—Sept. 26
Proving It to Ourselves—July 19
Readiness, The Gift of—June 6
Receiving—July 1
Recognizing Choices—May 27
Recovery—Oct. 11
Recovery, Benefits of—Nov. 15
Recovery, Enjoying—Feb. 4
Recovery Prayer—May 1
Relationship Martyrs—June 20
Relationships—Jan. 6, Nov. 7
Relationships, Detaching in—Aug. 21
Relationships, Ending—July 10
Relationships, Hanging on to Old—June 13
Relationships, Honesty in—Aug. 20
Relationships, Initiating—Apr. 29
Releasing—Mar. 20
Page 389
Religious Freedom—Jan. 30
Removing the Victim—Mar. 15
Reprogramming, Times of—May 22, Sept. 13
Rescuing Ourselves—Aug. 16
Resisting Negativity—Apr. 26
Responsibility—June 10
Responsibility for Ourselves—Jan. 9
Revenge—Sept. 16
Risks, Take—May 15
Sadness—May 20
Safety—Mar. 18
Saying No—Aug. 7
Saying Yes—Aug. 8
SelfApproval—Sept. 10
SelfCare—Apr. 8, Aug. 23
SelfDisclosure—Oct. 9
SelfLove—May 16
SelfSeeking, Freedom from—May 3
SelfValue—Oct. 30
Setbacks, Temporary—Sept. 27
Setting Our Own Course—Feb. 20
Sexuality, Healthy—Nov. 23
Shame, Combating—June 5
Shame, Rejecting—Feb. 3
Solving Problems—Feb. 22, May 19, Aug. 6
Spontaneity—Sept. 20
Spontaneity and Fun—June 12
Standing Up for Ourselves—Jan. 15
Staying in the Present Moment—Jan. 28
Step Eight—Aug. 24
Step Eleven—Oct. 27
Step One—Jan. 25
Step Seven—July 6
Page 390
Step Ten—Sept. 5
Step Ten, The Good in—Sept. 6
Step Twelve—Nov. 29
Step Two—Feb. 1
Steps, Back to the—Nov. 28
Strength—Feb. 23
Substance over Form—Oct. 13
Surrender—Mar. 8, June 17, Nov. 24
Surrender, Feelings and—Oct. 17
Surviving Slumps—June 26
Survivor Guilt—July 5
Taking Care of Ourselves—Mar. 9, Apr. 17, Oct. 6, Nov. 13
Taking Care of Ourselves Emotionally—Dec. 16
Throwing Out the Rule Book—Oct. 18
Time to Get Angry—July 18
Time, When It's Right—Dec. 7
Timing—Mar. 12, Nov. 12
Tolerance—Sept. 23, Dec. 3
True to Ourselves—Nov. 8
Trusting God—June 4
Trusting Our Higher Power—Feb. 2
Trusting Ourselves—Feb. 13, Mar. 14 Sept. 22, Nov. 27
Truth, Finding Our Own—Apr. 25
Twelve Step Programs—Feb. 26
Valentine's Day—Feb. 14
Valuing Our Needs—Dec. 8
Valuing this Moment—Aug. 18
Victim, Not a—Sept. 30
Victim Trap, The—Nov. 16
Page 391
Victimization, Stopping—Feb. 6
Vulnerability—Jan. 8, Aug. 4
Vulnerable—June 18
Waiting—Apr. 21
Wants and Needs—Jan. 21, Nov. 20
Warning Signs—July 30
We Are Lovable—July 14
What If?—May 31
What We Want, Coming to Terms with—July 10
What's Good for Me?—Sept. 14
When Things Don't Work—June 28
Who Knows Best?—July 2
Withholding—June 25
Word Power—Sept. 3
Work Histories—June 22
Work Roles—Dec. 19
You Are Lovable—Feb. 29
Page 392
The Twelve Steps Of Alcoholics Anonymous*
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him,