(Mensa), with us.
(Merava), to die.
(Me), I.
Divine or godly book.
F, my, mine.
(Mirí), my.
(Muktar), box, toolbox.
(Muló), dead.
(Nashavdó), lost, ruined; hanged (George Borrow).
Gallows (George Borrow).
There, here.
On, upon, up.
Over, for.
(Pral), brother; friend, mate.
(Pralá), brothers.
(L.L. Paracrow; Zinc. parauco), I thank.
(Patrín), leaf of a tree, Gypsy trail.
(Perdál), on the other side, across.
(Pelengro, from pelé, testicles), with gry, a stallion.
(Penava), to say, to tell.
Plural of peshót pishót, bellows.
(Pétalo), horseshoe.
Head of the clan “Smith.”
(Pinró), foot, hoof.
(From piava, I drink), health, in toasting.
MS. “Priamus.”
(Klashta), pincers, tongs.
Runner, detective.
(Panghiardó), broken.
(Paknís, a man of trust), magistrate.
Vocative of pal or pral, brother.
(Opré), on, upon.
(From purdava or pudava, I blow), bellows.
Feminine purí, plural puré, old, ancient.
(Or phuv) earth, ground.
Stick, rod, cane.
Lady, wife.
(Ratt), night.
Rate and rati, blood, race.
See ráni.
(?) to carry.
A file.
í, pretty, fine.
Husband; Gypsy.
Borrovian tor Gypsy.
In Gypsy fashion.
In Gypsy, Gypsy-like.
í, Gypsy.
Gypsy (girl).
Gypsy gentleman.
(Anglicised form of Romanó, Romaní), Gypsy.
(Rom andré? Gypsy at heart).
In Gypsy, also wife (George Borrow).
I.q. Romany.
(Third person singular of rovava), he weeps.
(Ráï), gentleman.
How art thou?
It was, were it.
Worker in iron, smith.
(MS. sorlo), morning; early (?)
What kind of a man? who?
(Isi), is, are.
(Isán), thou art.
(From sheró, the head), head man, chief.
(Isóm), I am.
(Shunava), to hear, to listen.
(Tchokanó), hammer.
(Shunéla, 3rd singular of shunava), is listening.
(Isí), is, are; si men, are we; si mensar (mensa), is or are with us.
(Spanish Gypsy), was.
(Saré), plural all, all who.
[Verb](Isás), was.
[Pronoun] Who.
(Sovava), to sleep.
(Plural of Russian sviet), people, folks.
Cinthia (Slavic th is pronounced ph).
í, true.
Place, tent.
(Read ta-sorlo), tomorrow.
í, modest, chaste.
Feminine of.
(Tarnó), little, short.
(Tovava), to wash.
(Trupo), body.
(Tut), thee, to thy.
Adjective of yag.
Feminine of.
í, vile.
(Hungarian villám), it lightens.
I, bad, raise.
(Corrupted from avella), to come, to go.
(Connected with andró, within?), the insides.
(Vesh), forest.
To throw (better the first MS. form, chiv).
(Yek), one.
(Ov), be.
(Ger.), Gypsy.
(It.), Gypsy.
We are all relations, all alike; all who are with us are ourselves. ↩
Chal is simply the contraction of chavál, a form cognate with chavoró the diminutive of chavó, a lad. Chavál is still common in Spain, both among the Gypsies and the lower orders of Spaniards. —Knapp ↩
East D⸺: East Dereham, a small town in Norfolk, 16 miles west of Norwich, and 102 northeast of London. Here Capt. Thomas Borrow, the father of George, was often stationed from 1792 to 1812. —Knapp ↩
East Anglia: This Anglo-Saxon kingdom comprised the present counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge. —Knapp ↩
MS., “On the , at East D⸺, a beautiful little town in the western division of Norfolk, I first saw the light.” —Knapp ↩
Tredinnock, read “Trethinnick;” Parish of St. Cleer, Cornwall. —Knapp ↩
“In Cornwall are the best gentlemen.” —Corn. Prov. ↩
MS., “after being insulted by him.” —Knapp ↩
So in MSS.; “manly,” an erratum. —Knapp ↩
Big Ben: Benjamin Brain or Bryan was born in . Some