wants you. I swear if I have to hear one more time how you are going to be his, I’m going to rip his head off and feed it to the newborns.”

“Well, John isn’t going to get me,” I said flatly. “John can go to Hell.”

“Do you love him?” he asked me, suddenly breathless.

“Love who?”


“No. He says he loves me, but I have yet to say it back to him. Why?”

“You should love him. He’s a good guy. Not as good as Adam.” He laughed. “You know, when I left, I thought you would wind up with him. It totally blew my mind when it was Aaron that got that pleasure.”

“Adam’s my best friend,” I said softly.

“I think you need to have a talk with Adam.” He smiled. “I have to go. I feel her trying to rouse my body, and I don’t need to be thinking of you when she does.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “No matter what happens here, remember that I do love you. Every vision I have seen of you is still strong. Nothing has changed.”

He faded away, and I was left lying in the grass alone, looking up at the starless sky.


I rolled over, and Aaron was gone. I was alone in bed. I looked up, and daylight was coming through the top of the curtains. There was a note on the nightstand. I grabbed it and opened it slowly, afraid it might explode.

Gone to the store to buy you a dress for today. Sorry, I tore your sleep shirt last night. Just stay in bed till I get back.

I smiled to myself and sprawled out on the bed. I felt rejuvenated. My body was happy with me again. I was still laying there staring at the ceiling when the door opened, and Aaron walked in. It took me a moment to realize that I had kicked the sheets to the bottom of the bed.

I blushed as he flung himself on me and pinned me to the bed. I laughed as he kissed me playfully. His lips were warm and his kisses sweet. For a moment I thought I could get used to this. I could get used to him loving me.

“I could stay here all day with you.” His eyes gleamed with happiness. “However, it’s check-out time, and my dad has already texted me ten times asking where I am.”

“What time is it?” I asked, nipping at his nose.

“It’s ten. Apparently, we were supposed to be up at the crack of dawn according to my dad.” He laughed.

“If your dad thinks that we should have headed home at first light, I can just imagine how my mother is right now.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, aren’t you just rainbows and butterflies this morning?” he said, laughing again as I wrapped my legs around him and stuck my lip out.

“I don’t mean to be grumpy,” I said, pouting.

“You are so hot,” he groaned.

“So are you,” I said, biting his lip.

“No, you are really hot,” he yelped, jumping back. “Let’s get you in the shower.”

He dragged me off the bed and pushed me into the bathroom, where he turned on the cold water and thrust me under it.

Steam rose from my body as the cool water soothed my skin. I had only seen this once before when Xic had dropped me in the rain outside Adam’s. I had overheated, but I didn’t understand why. How had my temperature risen so much in such a short period?


Adam didn’t talk to me on the drive home. He even avoided eye contact with me the few times that I attempted to look at him. I had a feeling I was in big trouble with him. Nadine was nestled against him with a smile on her face, while Kim was leaning on Shawn with her eyes half closed. I had my head against the window, trying to cool my still overheated flesh. Aaron had his hand in mine, and his head was resting on the back of the seat. He was worn out, ready for bed.

“When we get back, I’ll take Aaron home,” Shawn offered, looking at me.

I nodded, without removing my forehead from the cold window. I felt so hot.

When we got back to our house, everyone went inside to see my mother. She was taking a head count as we entered. When I looked at her, I saw she had a disapproving look on her face. I had a feeling we were about to get an earful.

“Alright, so you’re all here.” Her hands moved to her hips in a typical stern mom stance. “Adam, your father, has called me three times, and Nadine, your mother, called once. I told them you guys were still sleeping.” She was more than a little put out. “I don’t mind you all saying that you were staying with Dawn, but I think you should have called your parents and told them where you were last night.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Weathers,” said Adam, giving her a hug. “I guess we need to head out then.” He looked at Nadine, still avoiding me.

“Yeah, I need to get Aaron home too, before he passes out,” said Shawn. “Kim, you ready?”

Aaron kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” I said breathlessly.

“I’ll call you when I get home,” Nadine stated, wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug.

Adam was the last one to leave. I seized his arm, and he turned and looked at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, noticing the hurt in his eyes.

“Nothing. See you tomorrow,” he said, automatically kissing me on the cheek and then walked out the door.

Why did it feel like my heart was about to burst out of my chest? I felt like I was being broken in two. If I had done something to hurt Adam, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. My mother watched as everyone left the house, then turned to stare at me.

“Young lady,” she said, frowning.


“You have to be more

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