My mother nodded. “Begone, beast. Return to your masters and tell them this.”
The creature bowed and stepped away from my window. I couldn’t believe we were letting it go, but I knew my mother had a reason for everything.
“They will be here tonight. Once the message has been received, they will attempt to kill you,” she said. Her brow furrowed and I could almost see the wheels turning in her head.
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing that I am here,” said a voice behind us. We both spun around and there, standing in the doorway with a proud smile on his face, was my father.
“Daddy!” I screamed, rushing to him, and throwing my arms around him. He seemed surprised; I knew I hadn’t done this since I was a child. Even then he would stand like stone as I squeezed him tightly.
“I received your text last night of our kids in their formal dress, and I had to come and see them,” he explained to my mother.
She too had a look of joy on her face. No matter how much she denied it, she still had a thing for my dad.
“So why didn’t that creature come in?” I asked after we had all calmed down.
“You would think you would know this already,” said my father reprovingly. “It’s part vampire, so it has to be invited in.”
I blushed, embarrassed. I knew that, of course, what with all the books that I’d read and all the movies I’d watched.
“Any news about Wesley?” my father asked my mother.
“He summoned Dawn again last night. Same location. Miranda has started the changing process. He fears that when the change is complete, he won’t be able to protect her anymore.”
“You didn’t need me to say anything. You already knew,” I said, pointing an accusing finger at her.
“I was standing there for a while, honey. While you were staring off into space, I got everything I needed from your memory,” she said, shrugging. “Don’t look at me like I was invading your privacy.”
“So, what do we do now? Nick and Helen left on Friday and Minerva left yesterday morning. Kim is by no means ready to stand up to something this powerful. Now that we know there are three, I just pray that she is safe,” Shawn said as we sat together in the living room that afternoon.
“They will return,” my father said, looking at his son. “We need as many as we can get.” He shook his head. “How many have you found here?”
“Four, but only one is alive,” said Shawn, slamming his head into his hands. “What if we call them, tell them to come back?”
“They wouldn’t get here in time,” my mother said, frowning. “We need more.”
“What I don’t understand is why we didn’t just end that miserable being’s life right then and there,” I said, crossing my arms. “It couldn’t get in, but we sure could get out. Not to mention that we’ve given it a considerable amount of time to find another element and kill it.”
“It won’t kill anything without it's master’s approval,” said Shawn. “It was probably sent here for that reason, but you foiled its plan. You have to realize that Miranda may know you are a Warden, but the other beings here probably don’t know. These aren’t mortals that she transformed while in New Mexico. These are creatures that she’s allied herself with, in exchange for promises of a new world.”
“Miranda isn’t running the show though,” I countered. “It’s her mother, Sheridan. She’s the one promising them a new world, not Miranda.”
“Sheridan is Miranda’s mother,” Shawn replied. “Miranda is a princess in all terms. She’s the one doing the face-to-face recruiting while her mother sits and ponders what to do next. We need purebloods. We need to rally those that she is trying to destroy. If the purebloods stand with the Wardens, these beasts can be obliterated.”
“I don’t foresee angels and demons coming together to fight these creatures,” I said dryly.
“Who said it had to be the high and mighty, the top of the pureblood chain of command?” Shawn pointed out. “I’m talking about pureblood vampires and were-animals, and maybe pure-witches and warlocks. If we mix them in with the Carriers and Wardens, we have a fighting chance.”
“You aren’t talking about just this tiny little battle then,” my mother suggested.
“No, I’m talking about the big picture. You said there was a coven here. Are they pure or hybrid?” Shawn asked.
My mother shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. They were destroyed the day they took Wesley.”
“Shit,” Shawn exclaimed, his face paling.
“So, this means it’s just the four of us,” I said softly, my heart pounding.
“No, this just means I need to make some phone calls,” said Shawn, getting up.
“Who are you going to call?” I asked, following him as he left the living room.
“I do have friends, you know. Over the years I have seen cities grow and countries shrink. As population increases amongst mortals, it also increases in purebloods. Then the pure start to mix together. That is how you get the turned vampire, the bitten werewolf, and you.” He paused. “My mother was a powerful witch, as pure as witches could be for the time. She was a white witch though tempted by our father. It just so happens that not all demons are pure evil. That is why I told you that you cannot judge a book by its cover.”
“So, who are you calling?” I asked again.
“I have a friend born to two ancients. He still lives. I wonder if I can persuade him to join the fight...” Shawn’s eyes looked hopeful for just a moment.
“The vampire that tried to kill me… was she a hybrid?” I asked, remembering back all those months ago when the damned creature lay dead at my feet.
“Anything that consists of two blood types is a hybrid,” Shawn said, motioning for me to leave him.
I turned and left so he