“Who’s Aaron?” Edmund asked frowning.
I couldn’t take my eyes off Edmund. To say I was mesmerized by his beauty would be an understatement. There was something else to him that kept drawing my attention. Maybe it had to do with his vampire nature or the fact that he exuded so much power.
“Her boyfriend,” Shawn replied laughing.
I came back to earth with a jolt, suddenly registering what Shawn had said about Aaron locking his door.
“Is he okay?” I asked in sudden alarm.
“For now, but I think with everything going on it would be in your best interest to keep him informed, to a point. Anyway, tell him that he needs to lock his door,” Shawn said seriously.
“How do you know so much about Aaron?” I asked, cocking my head on one side.
“I know all about Adam too, but right now I do not want to share with you the thoughts he has in his head,” Shawn said, pursing his lips.
I looked at my brother and frowned. Something was going on with Adam, and he knew it. Whatever it was had to be bad if he wasn’t willing to share with me what was going on in my best friend’s head.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Aaron’s number. It rang three times and then I heard the groggy voice of my boyfriend on the other end.
“Hey, baby,” he said, yawning.
I lowered my gaze from Edmund’s. “Hey.”
“What’s up? I figured you would be asleep most of the day.”
“I had a bad feeling and wanted to check on you. Is your door locked?” I asked, feeling stupid.
What girlfriend calls her boyfriend and says that he needs to lock his door?
“It’s always locked. My parents insist. Especially now that my mom is acting so skittish.”
That reassured me, yet something was still eating at me. And why was his mother on edge?
“Alright. I’m going to let you get back to sleep. I’m so sorry I woke you,” I said softly, turning my back on the group in the living room.
“Okay, babe. You get some rest too. I’ll see you in the morning.” He hung up the phone, and I turned back to Shawn with a sober expression.
“The doors are secured.”
“Good. We don’t have to worry about something happening to him at least.”
My parents walked through the door a second later. My mother took one look at Edmund and scowled. I could almost hear her repeating how much she hated vampires. Now there was one in her living room, standing between her children. Edmund looked back at her and gave her a toothy smile.
“Angelina,” he said.
“Edmund,” she replied.
My God, did she know everyone?
A smile spread across my father’s face as he stepped forward and wrapped the tall vampire in an embrace that could only be described as awkward. A cold prickle passed over my body, and I shivered. I looked at Shawn and frowned as my phone fell to the floor with a thud. It was the same feeling I had felt earlier.
They were here.
Chapter 23
My mother’s eyes were already white, and her lips were twitching. My father seemed to realize as well. I watched as his eyes turned black and a tight smile spread on his face. The same happened with Shawn, as he turned toward the door. Edmund’s eyes went a deep red and his fangs extended further. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen. I felt my own eyes burn. I had a nagging feeling that something that wasn’t supposed to be there was standing on my turf. It was our time to save the others. If I could give life to at least one Carrier, then my role here was fulfilled.
We emerged from the house as darkness began to take over the sky. My gaze trailed along the faces of those opposite us across the yard. There they were, the three savage killers. Matthew, with his violet eyes that matched that of the female creature, Penelope, and the smile that matched the other male, Gregory. Gregory hadn’t been created through a bite; he had been created through birth, so in a way, I felt like he was a pureblood hybrid.
“You came,” I said, smiling as if in friendly greeting.
“Matthew gave us your message,” Gregory snapped, with venom in his voice.
“We want to know why you’re killing the town’s people,” I demanded, crossing my arms.
My parents had my flanks, and my brother stood directly behind me. Edmond was standing on the porch, no doubt sending a telepathic message to those in the trees.
“We were hired,” said the woman, smiling.
“Who by?” I could feel the cold prickle in my right hand and a dark burning tingle in my left. I was charged with both forms of fire.
“The queen, of course,” Matthew replied, frowning.
Here we go again with this queen shit!
“You are pureblood. Why do you stand against us?” Edmund asked as he started to walk forward. “After all the things I did for you in the past, Gregory, you stand with a self-proclaimed Hybrid Queen. A woman you once vowed to overthrow when she tried to take over your coven.”
“Sheridan has changed, old friend,” said Gregory.
“How has she changed? She’s sent you here to destroy the human elements.”
Edmund passed me and stepped in front of the trio.
“She will allow us to continue our work,” Penelope hissed, her violet eyes blazing. She was seconds from turning.
“What works, bitch?” Edmund demanded, snarling at her.
I raised an eyebrow. Apparently, the books I’d read were accurate. Vampires and werewolves were not the best of friends.
“Both our bloods run in Matthew,” she continued, baring her teeth at the vampire.
I felt like I could just walk back inside and go to bed. It seemed like Edmund had everything out here under control. Everyone but me seemed to know who