“I never have grasped the concept of human love.”

“You know this was never the plan,” I said, looking at my feet.

“It never is. Wesley was gone, you were lonely, and you did something stupid. The consequence is that you now own the boy’s soul until he wills it to someone else.” Shawn patted me on the leg. “Now my news,” he said.

“You have news?” I asked, glad to be off the subject.

“They’re coming.” He smiled.

“Who’s they?”

“Edmund, the friend I was speaking of, of course.” He said it as if I should have known that already. “He will be here in the next few hours. I was lucky he was already in the States on holiday. Along the way, he will pick up pure strays as he sees fit.”

“I hope they get here before the other three,” I said quietly.

“You and me both, sister.” He laughed. “Edmund has never let me down, so we can safely assume they will be here in time.”


Shawn did not disappoint regarding his promise. At seven o’clock there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, I found a man in his late twenties standing there. He had long black hair and pale blue eyes. His skin was as white as milk and looked smooth and satiny. I could feel power pouring off him, and I nearly swooned as it swept over me.

“Edmund! Do come in!” Shawn called as the tall vampire stepped inside.

I felt the air around me turn cold, and I shivered. My eyes were transfixed by the vampire’s fluid movement.

“Have no fear, young one,” he said to me as he walked past me. “I do not wish to die just to have a taste of your blood.” He held out his hand to Shawn. “It has been ages since I have seen you, my friend. Do tell me of the adventures that lie ahead.”

“Hybrids are trying to demolish the elements. They are taking out the Carriers to weaken the Wardens, then they plan on taking out the Wardens to weaken the pure. It’s somewhat complicated. A woman came to power, calling herself the Hybrid Queen. We are assuming it is Sheridan, the hybrid love of Xic. Where are the others? You said you were bringing your entire coven.”

“The others are in the woods behind the property. I figured that it was not smart having thirty vampires outside your house. Not to mention the strong human scent in this area. I haven’t trained them not to follow their first instinct.” He smiled at me. “This your sister?”

“Yes, this is her.”

I was still wide-eyed, just staring at this beautiful creature. He had grace, and he had power, everything my blood wanted. I could feel the attraction to this man growing with every second he was near me. It didn’t matter that I knew one drop of my blood could potentially kill him. I just wanted to feel his power.

“She’s a little young,” Edmund said.

His attraction suddenly plummeted. I didn’t want his grace and power that bad.

“She is the reason this is happening,” my brother said, smiling at me.

“Making the wrong friends, huh?” Edmund said, reaching out and touching my face with his cool, smooth hands.

“I want to save my Wesley, but things keep happening,” I said, my eyes locked on his again.

“Who is this Wesley?” he asked, glancing at Shawn.

“When Dawn moved here, she found herself head over heels for a Harbinger, before her and her mother knew that he was what he is. Apparently, Sheridan’s daughter had already laid claim to Wesley. When Dawn made her claim on the boy’s soul. Miranda, or Lilliana as you may know her, became intent on finding out what Dawn was. When she made the discovery, she ran off with Wesley and severed Dawn’s claim by threatening to kill both Dawn and his family. Afterward, she told the boy what Dawn was. Now she’s got him up in the mountains of New Mexico, creating an army for her mother in hopes that they can overthrow the purebloods and take over the world.”

Shawn took a deep breath and exchanged a long look with the wide-eyed Edmund.

“I think I’m just going to talk to her for a moment,” Edmund said, turning to me, “because I have no idea what the Hell just came out of your mouth.”

I blushed. He was so beautiful.

“Let me get this straight,” he said. “There is going to be a war between the hybrids and the purebloods?”

“No. Well, maybe. They have to get through the elements first. Right now, they are hitting Carriers, mostly those who had no idea that they have the element in their core. They are murdering innocent people before they have a chance to realize what they are.” I tried to ignore the fact that just looking at him made my knees go weak. “So, if she can deplete the number of elements Carriers, she will directly affect the Wardens.”

“Who are the Wardens?” he asked, his eyes shining.

“We know of three right now. The fourth won’t be known till the third is resurrected,” I said. God, he was gorgeous.

“Okay. So, Lilliana is sending hybrids and their masters to Midvale to take out the Carriers to weaken the Wardens?”


“And this Wesley is your boyfriend.”

“Ex-boyfriend, though I still find myself considering him mine,” I said, looking at the ground.

“Too bad you are the Fire Warden. Otherwise, you would make an extraordinary vampire,” he murmured, watching me melt.

“Edmund, my sister is about to have an aneurysm. Can you take it easy on her?” Shawn asked, an eyebrow raised.

“When are these creatures supposed to be here?” Edmund asked, transferring his attention from me to my brother.

“No clue. Puriel says that it will be tonight. Just not sure when.”

“Puriel? The angel?” Edmund asked, looking suddenly uneasy.

“Yeah. Puriel is Dawn’s mother.” It really was a bad habit of his, thinking everyone knew as much as him.

“My, how the mighty have fallen,” Edmund mumbled to himself.

“Dawn, you might want to call Aaron and tell him to lock

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