He works my clit until I am so wet I can feel liquid soaking my thighs, and then he pushes me forward, bending me over the kitchen counter. He pushes the t-shirt up and I hear rustling as he pushes his shorts down. He runs his fingers down my sides and then he slams into me.
I gasp his name as he fills me once more.
I am aware we have come full circle, just in different apartments. The first time Brett fucked me was on the counter top in my kitchen, and now it’s happening again on his. Or at least… against his. My pussy is taking over my brain, the pleasure from it spilling through my whole body.
Brett rests one hand on my hip. The other hand moves around the front of my body and slips beneath the t-shirt. He moves his hand over my stomach and up to my breasts, where he takes one of my nipples between his fingers and his thumb and rolls it, pinching it gently.
I gasp again, as the pleasure from his cock meets the pleasure from his fingertips in the center of my body. I orgasm in record time. Brett knows my body so well now. He knows exactly how to make me sing. I feel red hot pleasure coursing through me, taking me away to another world for a moment.
Brett pulls his hand away from my breast and instead of holding my nipple, he grabs my hair at the nape of my neck. He twists it, pulling it and making my scalp sting as he comes hard himself. I feel his cock twitching, his hot juices spurting inside me, and then he slips out of me.
I straighten up and he holds me against him. I sag against his chest, feeling the heat coming off his body. He kisses my neck again, still panting slightly.
“How was than for an appetizer?” he says, laughing softly.
After Brett made love to me again, we finally got around to finishing up making lunch. My sliced cheese was a roaring success and I was really quite proud of myself. We ate our sandwiches snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. After I had eaten I felt full, sated and relaxed. I soon found my eyelids growing heavy. I didn’t see the end of the movie.
I wake up now, shocked to see it’s almost six o’clock. I mean I know we haven’t done much sleeping over the weekend, but still, I’m surprised and a little disappointed to see that we’ve slept away our last few hours together.
Brett is asleep beside me on the couch and I stay still, not wanting to wake him, because I know when I do, it’s time for us to say goodbye. How the hell am I supposed to go back? How can I just walk away from him like he means nothing to me? How the fucking hell am I meant to see him as nothing but my boss again? I don’t know the answers to those questions, but I know I have to come up with them and fast.
Finally, the insistent ache in my bladder makes me have to move and when I come back from using the bathroom, Brett is awake. He smiles at me and he looks so good I just want to go over there, straddle him, and forget about tomorrow, but I resist the urge to go to him. Instead I smile back at him. “Well, I guess I should get dressed and get going then.” I’m not sure whether I want him to agree with me and make this easy, or try to convince me to stay.
He does neither. He comes up with a third option, one I hadn’t considered. One that I like a lot, because it gives us a little bit more time together. “Or you could get dressed and then we could go out and have dinner together. I know this great little Italian place that I think you’ll like.”
Maybe this is the best idea. We can have a few more hours together and maybe going our separate ways will be easier from a restaurant than it will be for me to walk away from his apartment.
He must take my silence as uncertainty because he gets up and comes to my side. He takes my hand in his. “I know things have to go back to the way they were Opal, but I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.”
My heart melts at his words, I am a little relieved to know I’m not the only one who is going to find it difficult to let go. I would hate to think that something so meaningful to me was really nothing but a fling, a few days of fun, to Brett. “Dinner sounds great.” I smile.
Brett smiles back at me, a relieved smile. He leans forward and kisses me softly and then he turns away. “I’ll call for a car. While you get dressed.”
“I’m not the only one who needs to get dressed,” I say, laughing softly and nodding towards Brett’s bare chest.
“You mean I can’t go as I am?” he jokes.
I shake my head, still laughing and then I go through to Brett’s bedroom. I can hear him on the phone as I take off his shirt and replace it with my own panties and dress.
Once I’m dressed, I hunt around on Brett’s dressing table and find a comb which I pull through my hair. I grab my purse and root through it. I find a tube of mascara and some lip gloss. It’s all the makeup I have with me and it’ll have to do.
Brett comes into the room as I finish applying the mascara. I put it away and