didn’t think of applying there sooner.”

I pull away from the curb and head towards my apartment. Callie chats away, telling me about her day. I’m listening, but I’m not really hearing her. I’m too nervous to pay as much attention as I should be.

“Are you listening to me?” she demands, her eyes narrow as she studies me.

It’s as though she can read my mind at times I swear. “Yup. Someone brought a book back that was three months overdue and then they couldn’t understand why you weren’t able to waive the late fee.”

“Oh, you were listening.” She smiles. “You just seemed like you were a million miles away.”

“Things aren’t always what they seem.” I grin. I tell myself I need to hide my nervous energy better in the future. I almost ruined the surprise.

We reach my apartment and go in. “So you know in the car when you thought I was a million miles away?” I say.

Callie eyes me suspiciously and nods.

“Well, I kind of was. Because I was thinking about your face when you see your gifts,” I say with a grin. “They’re on the bed.”

She frowns, but it’s a good natured frown. “Matt, we talked about this and you agreed not to spend too much money on me,” she chastises me.

“Ahh, but we never did specify an amount. How much is too much? Nothing is too much in my mind.” I grin.

She punches me in the arm.

I laugh. “It’s our five-month anniversary. That means I’m allowed to treat you.”

Callie’s face softens. “You remembered.”

“Of course I did.” I take her hand. “Now come on and open your presents.”

She lets me lead her to the bedroom and she moves to the bed. She picks up the smallest gift first and opens it. Her face lights up when she sees the diamond earrings. “Oh Matt, they’re beautiful,” she whispers. “But you really —”

“— shouldn’t have,” I finish for her. “But I did. Now are you going to ruin the moment by lecturing me, or are you just going to enjoy your new things?”

She reaches for my hand and pulls me onto the bed beside her. She kisses me full on the mouth. “Thank you,” she says when she pulls her mouth from mine.

I know it’s killing her to not remind me about our agreement, but it kills me every day to not be able to treat her how she deserves to be treated, and this is my compromise. I’ll respect her wishes on a day to day basis, but on special occasions, I get to spoil her.

She opens the gift with the bracelet and necklace to match her earrings. Finally, she moves onto the biggest box. She lifts the lid and pushes aside the tissue paper and lifts out the red silk dress. She stands up and holds it against herself, twirling around and giggling like a schoolgirl. “I love it. I love it all. Thank you!”

“I thought maybe you could wear it tonight,” I say.

“Oh, really? And where might we be going?” she asks.

“My mom invited us over for dinner. My dad’s away on business, but my mom is dying to meet you. Seb and Chance will be there too.”

She sits down and peers at me. “You want me to meet your family?”

I laugh at how surprised she looks. “Of course I do. The only reason it’s taken this long is because I know you’re nervous about meeting them.”

She nods. “Okay.”

I kiss her. “Don’t worry Callie. Honestly, if you can handle Seb, you can handle anything. Chance is much more reserved and the only thing you’ll have to worry about with my mom is that she’ll want to make you a part of the family the instant she meets you.”

Chapter Thirty


To say I’m nervous as I get out of the Uber at Matt’s parents’ place would be the understatement of the century. His parents’ house is huge and I’m already overwhelmed just looking at it.

Matt takes my hand in his. “Look we’ll show our faces and if you don’t want to stick around, I’ll make something up and we’ll leave early.”

I try to relax as I shake my head, telling myself I have to make the effort for him. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay. Do I look all right?”

“You look perfect.” Matt smiles.

I feel good in the dress, accessorized with the diamonds he bought me, but feeling like I’ve made the effort still does nothing to settle my nerves as Matt leads me up the steps to the front door.

He opens the door and we step in.

“Mom? We’re here,” he calls.

She appears instantly, an apron covering a beautiful midnight blue dress. Her hair is swept up in a French pleat and she looks younger than I pictured her. Most importantly, she doesn’t look me up and down like I imagined she would. Instead, she comes towards us, beaming, her arms outstretched. She hugs Matt and then me. I feel myself relaxing slightly.

“This is Callie, Mom,” Matt says.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hunter.” I say.

“The pleasure is mine dear, and it's Eve. Carlton sends his apologies, but he couldn’t get out of the trip. I hope you understand. Come on in, don’t be shy,” she says, ushering me towards the living room. “You already know Sebastian, but you need to meet Chance.”

I allow myself to be swept away by her chatter and I find myself in a tasteful living room. Sebastian and a younger man I assume is Chance both get to their feet as we enter.

“Looking good as usual Callie.” Sebastian winks at me.

“Can you give it a rest for just one night?” Matt groans.

“What? You don’t think she looks good?” Sebastian says.

Matt just scowls at him.

“I’m Chance, the normal one.” Chance grins at me, stepping forward and extending his hand.

“Callie,” I reply, shaking his hand.

He has Matt’s smile, but his complexion is fair, his hair blonde and cut in a trendy tousled style.

“Dinner won’t be long. Sebastian, why don’t you come on through

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