I know it’s going to be pointless to argue with him, so I take my other phone out of my pocket and slam it into his hand.
He pockets it and keeps his hand out, raising an eyebrow at me.
I sigh and pull out the third and final phone and give him that too. “If you think you’re getting my personal phone, then you’re very wrong,” I say.
He grins and shakes his head. “Nah, you can keep that one. It’s not like you have a hip and happening social life, where you’ll be getting calls on that one is it?” He laughs.
I shake my head in annoyance and storm away from Sebastian and his stupid taunts. I lock myself in the bathroom, put the toilet lid down and sit on it for a moment. God, why can’t I just be normal and enjoy a boozy weekend with the guys?
I stand up and wash my hands in cool water. I tell myself that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Right after I get to the hotel, sort Mr. Rogers’ problem out and deal with a couple of other things.
When we arrive at our hotel, we agree to all go up to our rooms, freshen up and meet back in the lobby in two hours. Two hours sounds like an awfully long time to me and I think Sebastian secretly wants to take a nap before we head out, but I bite my tongue. It will give me time to get things in order and make a few calls from my room before we go out. And then I can keep my promise to Sebastian and stop working.
If he hadn’t acted like an ass on the plane and took my phones away my work would be done now, but then lord knows, how I would have filled the next two hours.
My room is on the eleventh floor and I step out of the elevator into a nice, clean looking hallway. The walls are painted off white and the flooring is a thick red carpet. Gold light fixtures are set at even spaces along the way. The gold is a little gaudy in my opinion, but hey, it’s Vegas and that’s Vegas isn’t it? Over the top, gaudy, cheesy. But a good night out.
I reach my room and step in. The room itself is nice and elegant looking. A large bed with a pristine white duvet takes center stage in the room. A black runner sits about three quarters of the way down it. There’s a black leather sofa beneath the window with a small table beside it. The wardrobe is a built in one with mirrored doors, and there’s a pine chest of drawers and bedside cabinets. Opposite the bed is a large desk with a TV on one end and space to work at the other. I grin to myself when I spot the phone. That will stop me from having to use my personal phone and risk clients getting my personal phone number.
I peer into the bathroom which is all tiled in white with the occasional black one scattered in that breaks up the white and stops the room from looking too clinical while maintaining the clean, pristine look they’d been going for. There’s a large double shower and a Jacuzzi bath, both of which look shiny and clean.
As rooms go as opposed to suites, I’ve stayed in much worse. I open up my suitcase and quickly unpack my stuff. I find a pair of fluffy white robes hanging in the wardrobe. When I’ve finished unpacking, which takes less than ten minutes, I go into the bathroom and strip my suit off. It feels good to finally lose the suit as it’s so hot out here. I take a shower and go back to my main room.
I get dressed for tonight in a pair of black ripped jeans and a pale blue t-shirt. I run my hands through my hair, mussing it up a little and add a spritz of Armani and I’m done. A full thirty minutes after arriving at the hotel.
I go to the mini bar and grab a rum. I add a couple of ice cubes and take it to the little table beside the leather sofa. I pick the phone up and move it to the small table. The cable just reaches and I grin to myself. Something had to go right for me work wise.
Before I begin working, I sit down and sip my rum, looking out of the window. I have a fantastic view of the strip and even though it’s barely started to get dark, lights flash everywhere. It really is the perfect place for a stag night and as I sip my drink, I promise myself that once we get out tonight, I will forget about work altogether.
The decision made, I pick the receiver up, dial nine for an outside line, and call the office. I get the phone numbers I need and program them into my personal phone when I realize I don’t have anything to write them on.
I call Dennis Rogers back first.
“Chance?” he says, surprised when I tell him it’s me. “Your brother said you were taking the weekend off.”
“Please excuse Sebastian,” I say with a laugh. “It’s his stag party and he’s a little out of control.”
“You’re at his stag party and you’re working? Seriously, this can wait until Monday. Have a great time and have a drink or two for me.” He ends the call before I can argue with him.
I frown a little. Even my clients are telling me to ignore work for a few days. If only it was that simple. I shake my head and smile to myself. If I’d spent my time slacking off, partying and dating, then I wouldn’t be where I am now. I joined the firm straight out of college and I’ve worked my ass off ever since to prove that I’m the best at what I do in