Maddie thought for a moment and said, “Well, basically, it boils down to this—we all have the ability to imagine and dream and create, and if we can envision a thing or a state of being, focus our energy on it, and truly believe we have already received it, it will happen.”
“Certainly there’s more to it than that or more people would be doing it,” said Adam.
“Well,” she said, “it’s simple and it’s not. We could go into the modern principles of quantum mechanics and the ‘Observer Effect,’ which states that at a subatomic level, energy responds to our mindful attention and becomes matter. We are all connected to energy and a divine, infinite intelligence beyond space and time. Our conscious thoughts, feelings, and state of being can influence all probabilities in the quantum field to become reality. There’s a ton of material about it all over the internet. We could talk about it and analyze it for days. But trust me, you don’t need to be a quantum physicist to understand it. The ancient practitioners of RTP mastered it without knowing anything about subatomic particles or quantum physics. The basic principles are simple. Just know that your inner being is unconditional, infinite, unlimited, connected, and powerful. Our thoughts become things.”
“Then how come I haven’t ever seen anyone do what you do?” he said.
“Sadly,” she said, “partly because Paul and the KTP have successfully ensured that the knowledge of RTP has been kept a secret, and partly because people simply don’t believe it. It really depends on the person. Some people have an easier time believing and they learn to use it faster than others. Children are very good at learning to use RTP because they don’t have any preconceived notions about what they can and cannot do. They just believe wholeheartedly and it works for them.
Some adults have a more difficult time mastering RTP. Many overthink and overanalyze it. Others have been let down in life, or they have lived a hard life, or bad things have happened to them. This causes them to have difficulty believing in what they cannot see. Adults are more skeptical. They can’t believe they can use their thoughts to change their lives. Therefore, by the very nature of RTP, it doesn’t work for them because they think it doesn’t work for them. Since they believe it doesn’t work or they can’t do it, then it must be so. But don’t let that discourage you. Many people, old and young alike, have had great success in mastering RTP.”
“You make it sound so simple.”
She turned to face him and said, “That’s the beauty of it. It is simple. Basically, you can practice by thinking a sustained thought about something you desire. Then you must focus all of your energy on it and truly believe you have already received it. You must feel the feelings of thankfulness and gratitude for what you have received, even if you haven’t received it yet. And then you simply release it into the quantum field, go on with your life, and eventually it will manifest.”
Adam furrowed his brow and said, “But you seem to be able to manifest things instantly. It seems that you have a special superpower that most people don’t have.”
Maddie shook her head. “I don’t have a special superpower for using RTP—no more than you or anyone else. It’s just that I’ve been practicing using it for so long. I have trained myself to have absolute faith that I can manifest anything at any time. I truly believe that the possibilities of what I can think and create are limitless. Some people have a hard time mastering this belief. It is a mind game to some. Even I, as easy as I may make it seem, have my mental limitations at times.
“When I first started learning about RTP, it would take weeks, and sometimes even months, for me to manifest things. I would doubt that RTP even worked. I would doubt myself. But once I saw that it worked, my faith grew stronger and stronger. And as I saw more and more positive results, I got to where it would only take days or hours to manifest what I desired. I was elated the first time I instantaneously manifested something. And once that happened, my faith in RTP was cemented forever.
But for many, like James, belief in RTP is elusive. Some people cannot wrap their minds around the concept. I have seen cases where it took someone over a year to manifest a single thing. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. I have even seen some that never believe and it doesn’t work for them. But again, I don’t want to discourage you. I’ve also seen people master it very quickly.”
Adam said, “It is hard to wrap my mind around it because in my entire lifetime you are the only person with this ability I have ever met. I mean, I remember my parents used to tell me that I could do anything in life if I believed in myself. But they don’t have any knowledge of RTP. I thought that was just something parents tell their kids to encourage them to chase their dreams. And I do believe that to some degree. But I’ve never seen anyone materialize things the way you do. What you do seems miraculous and out of reach for us mere mortals.”
She nudged him and chuckled as she said, “I know it’s hard to understand at first. But that’s just it, Adam. You can only manifest things instantly if you believe you can. Many people can’t believe it because they have been taught that they have to work hard to get what they want. So they end up working hard all of their lives and never seem to be able to break out of the pattern. Many people have been led to believe that no matter