She held out her arm and rubbed the area where the gash from her avalanche wound had been. There was no visible sign of a scar. The skin looked perfectly healed and smooth.
“Take my arm, for example,” she said. “We have all been taught to believe it takes a long time for a wound to heal. And we have also been taught to believe a wound that is big enough to require stitches will cause a permanent scar. This will only happen if you believe it will happen. I don’t believe it. I choose to believe that wounds, no matter the severity, can heal quickly and that scars are not permanent. And by the nature of Refined Transcendent Power, that has been my experience.
“You probably know the old saying: ‘You’re only as old as you feel.’ Well, I believe that is somewhat true. I don’t feel over 150 years old. So I changed the saying up just a little. I like to say: ‘You’re only as old as you believe you are.’ If you think about aging, you worry about aging, and you believe aging is inevitable, you will summon aging to you. Why would anyone want to do that? Because they do not believe it can be otherwise.
“We have been taught and conditioned to think certain ways. Many people have limiting beliefs in their capacity to act and to create in this world. Suppose you believe that everyone cheats in relationships. That is what you will experience in your life. People are skeptical by nature and they’ve been taught to only believe in what they can see, or what they can physically touch, because that’s how it’s always been done, or that’s how it’s always been taught, or that’s what they have experienced in their lives so far. The hardest part, and at the same time simplest part, of learning to use RTP is learning to change your thinking. Ironically, that is the part that some can never get.
“My teachers taught me to start with ‘little things,’ even though there is no difference in the process for manifesting ‘big things.’ There’s no difference in the process for manifesting one dollar or a million dollars. The only reason that it is sometimes easier for people to start with manifesting little things is because people think it is easier to manifest little things, like a penny. And they think it is harder to manifest big things, like a mansion. But in reality, there is no difference. If you can think it and truly believe you have received it, and you are truly grateful for it, you can manifest it.”
Maddie paused for a moment. Adam supposed that it was to give him time to let it all sink in.
“Are you telling me that I have to start monitoring all of my thoughts?” he said. “Now that’s a scary thought in itself. I must have several thousand thoughts a day. And many of them I would definitely not want to manifest. How can I manage all of those thoughts?”
She said, “Don’t worry about it. Most people get overwhelmed when they first realize that what they are thinking is creating what they are experiencing in their life. We all have good and bad thoughts, positive and negative thoughts, and personal thoughts that we wouldn’t want anyone else to know about. And when people start to realize that their thoughts are forming their lives and that they are manifesting things, whether they are aware of it or not, it scares them. People believe it can be a daunting task to manage their thoughts, and then that becomes what they experience.
“So you’ve got to get in touch with how you’re feeling. Feelings are how we gauge what we’re thinking. If you’re feeling good, you are having good thoughts. Likewise, if you’re feeling bad, or anxious, or angry, or sad, then you are having negative thoughts. When you find yourself feeling bad, try to think about positive thoughts or things that make you happy. Try to get back on the positive thought wavelength. I was taught that a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. That is a comforting concept I like to keep in mind. Only persistent, negative thinking can manifest the bad, unwanted things in your life. By monitoring your thoughts and turning negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can stay on track.
“Paul uses negative thoughts for his evil purposes. He uses RTP in a way it was never intended. And he has become quite adept at it.”
Adam said, “Isn’t there some way you can use RTP to stop what Paul is doing?”
Maddie stared out the windshield and sighed as she said, “I wish there was a way. You see, we can’t control other people’s thoughts. Nobody can manifest things for you. And likewise, you cannot manifest for another. If I was psychic and I knew in advance what Paul was going to do, I could protect myself from it. But I can’t stop him from trying to harm me.
“No one else can determine your path. We’re the masters of our thoughts only. Sometimes other people’s thoughts can cause unforeseen things to happen to us—like the avalanche or the fire. These things were not a result of our thoughts, but they intersect with our lives nonetheless.”
She turned to look at him again and continued, “You know, I believe you are already good at using RTP to get what you want and you don’t even know it.”
Surprised, Adam said, “Really? What makes you think