Adam swallowed hard, rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants, and continued. “The KTP has kept the knowledge of Refined Transcendent Power a secret from the rest of society. This has caused all of the peaceful ones, the ones who do not want to join the order and use RTP for illegal activities or for evil purposes, to go underground into hiding and lives of persecution of fear, never knowing when they might be confronted by a member of the KTP. I believe it does not have to be this way. We do not know how many peaceful practitioners there are for sure, but as you can see from the turnout today, our numbers are in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. If this is the case, then it stands to reason that, despite the best efforts of the KTP to contain Refined Transcendent Power and get all of the membership within its order, it has not worked.”
Adam heard gasps and murmurs coming from the ever-growing crowd as he was speaking. He could see more peacekeepers in the crowd, but there were still many more members of the KTP. Some looked angry while others nodded their agreement. Everyone was listening intently.
“There is no containing RTP. It will be taught, no matter who tries to contain it. Therefore, since the KTP leader who strongly enforced these archaic rules is gone, we are here today to ask you all to hear our case. We believe many of you may disagree with the KTP policies regarding RTP, and this could be your chance to speak out for change. We believe that we can all live peacefully among each other and practice RTP without fear. We come here today to ask for a treaty. We ask you allow us to live peacefully. We ask that you quit forcing peaceful people to join your ranks. Let the membership be strictly voluntary.”
Adam looked at the faces on the KTP side and saw many who looked as if they agreed with him. They were clapping, cheering, and nodding in agreement. He wondered if some of them were former peacekeepers who had been captured by the KTP and forced to join against their will.
“Paul was good at one point in time,” he continued. “Terrible things happened in his life that caused him to turn to using RTP for evil. He let hatred fester inside of him. I wish we could have had the opportunity to show him that RTP can be used for good and for healing—spiritually, mentally, and physically. I plead with you to try to learn from Paul’s mistakes and come to a peaceful resolution.”
Jeremy stepped forward again and said, “It is obvious by our actions and our willingness to meet you here today that we also desire to find a peaceful resolution. Many of us disagreed with Paul’s practices and rules. Many were afraid to speak out for the same reasons that you give.”
As Jeremy was speaking, Adam turned around to glance at the peacekeepers. He was shocked to see that there were now several thousand people standing behind him. Many of them were standing in the Namaste pose. The KTP was well-organized and had arrived ahead of time and in full force. From what he could tell, the peacekeepers’ numbers were getting close to matching, if not exceeding, the KTP numbers. The anxious feeling in his chest began to lift and was replaced by a slight, but growing hope.
He focused his attention back on Jeremy as he was saying, “I am now the leader of the KTP, and I decree a truce between the KTP and the peacekeepers. A peaceful agreement has been made.”
Most of the audience—peacekeepers and KTP alike—erupted in applause and cheers. People were hugging and laughing. Some people from both sides stood motionless and expressionless, perhaps in disagreement with the arrangement.
“It is on our handshake, our honor, and our word that we reach this agreement,” said Mel.
Jeremy went down the line and shook hands with all of the 12-L council members. The rest of KTP’s leadership followed suit.
Just as the handshaking was almost over, Adam looked beyond the KTP leadership at the crowd. A few yards behind them, he caught a glimpse of Ian and Helen, Maddie’s former caretakers, emerging from behind a tree at the edge of the meadow. Ian bellowed something similar to a military command, pulled an assault rifle out from under his jacket, and raised it above his head. Adam turned to look in the same direction that Ian was looking and was horrified to see several hundred additional KTP members dressed in combat fatigues emerging from the surrounding trees, also with assault rifles.
“No!” Adam heard himself scream in an otherworldly voice.
Time seemed to move in slow motion as the realization set in about what was happening. The 12-L and KTP leadership all turned to look at Adam, and then upon seeing the look of horror on his face, turned to see what was causing him such distress. At the same time, most people in the crowd looked in Ian’s direction.
Upon seeing the armed KTP members, many people on both sides began to flee into the woods.
Mel grabbed the bullhorn and roared, “Stop! Ian, no! This was not our intention. Peacekeepers, hold your ground.”
Many of the people who were running away stopped.
“It is our intention,” said Ian in a loud, formidable voice. He looked at the crowd and screamed, “You betrayed Paul—all of you!”
“Ian, you have no authority here, and you will not speak for The Order!” Jeremy warned.
Ignoring Jeremy, Ian fired a single shot into the air, and the armed KTP began running toward the crowd with their guns raised in the ready position.
There was a brief moment where time seemed to stand still and no one dared to move. Then suddenly the backup plan kicked into full gear. Adam heard Mel’s battle cry. The remainder of the peacekeepers, who had purposely remained hidden, began to