‘Now hold your dress up, let me see you.’
Slowly, I do as he asks, watch as he steps forward once more, his hand dipping to my pussy. He slips three fingers inside me with such ease, the pad of his thumb rolling over my clit in the same motion, and my hands fly to his shoulders as my knees buckle.
‘So responsive to my touch, Little Kitten.’ His voice is laced with approval, his skilled touch pushing me higher and higher. ‘You like that?’
I try to look him in the eye, try to tell him, but my whole body is quivering, my climax building thick and fast as he thrusts in deeper, his thumb continuing to roll.
‘Shall I make you come here, in front of those cameras like the naughty Little Kitten that you are? Would you like that?’
I’m whimpering incessantly now, my toes curling in my shoes, my nails digging into his jacket.
He stops, his thumb and fingers pressed hard against me. ‘That’s not how you address me. Do I need to punish you again?’
‘No. Please, sir, please—’
He pinches my clit and I buck, he does it again and again and it’s no punishment. The rhythmic sensation zings through my limbs like a pulse of ecstasy each and every time. I cling to his shoulders tighter, my mouth slack, my body weightless as I rise up on a tide of pleasure and come crashing down with a surge that has my entire body collapsing against him. Wave after wave, making me cry out at him. His name on shaky repeat.
And he’s not disciplining me for it now.
I drag in a breath, risk a look up into his face and the intensity of his expression has the air locked deep inside me, my eyes trapped in his.
I feel like there’s something he wants to say, something he wants to hear, and all I can manage is, ‘Thank you.’
He’s slow to respond and when he does his voice is thick. ‘Anger to gratitude; it’s quite the switch.’
My smile is small. ‘You have that power over me.’
He studies me a second longer and I wish so hard I could read minds. There seems to be so much going on behind those endless blues and I can’t get a handle on any of it.
‘You ready to see my toy?’
‘Your...’ I frown, jarred by his sudden shift in focus. ‘I can feel your toy well enough now.’
His chuckle is low as he steps back, righting my dress for me as he does so, and I wonder at his composure, at his desire to break the connection.
Does he really think now is the time for showing me his toy?
‘You don’t want to go upstairs?’ I eye his obvious erection, straining behind his zip. He can’t seriously want to delay his own release, but he turns away from me.
‘I promised you a look this evening...’
He walks over to the only other vehicle in here. It’s covered in a tailormade dust sheet that’s so fitted I could probably take a guess at what’s beneath.
‘I won’t hold you to it.’ I give a jittery laugh. ‘In fact, I could just as easily see it in the morning...if you’ll have me stay.’
‘It won’t take long.’ I don’t miss the fact that he doesn’t answer my thinly veiled request to spend the night. ‘She doesn’t get driven much, hence the cover.’
He hunches down to tug at the bottom corner of the sheet and I nod as I still grapple with the shift from passion to cars. And don’t get me wrong, I love cars; it just appears I love sex with Valentine more. Dangerous territory, even for me.
‘I restored her with my father in my teens. I think it was his attempt at keeping me grounded and at home a little more than football would have had me.’
I walk up to him, taking in this extra titbit while my legs tremble beneath me, all shaky from the explosive orgasm he just delivered...and swiftly seems to have forgotten.
‘So...’ I smooth a hand through my ponytail, seeking the same level of composure as him ‘...your father wasn’t a football fan?’
‘Not particularly.’ He starts to roll back the sheet and my jaw drops at what’s beneath. I was wrong; this I never would have guessed at. ‘Cars were more his thing and it was something we could do together, you know, bond over.’
I’m listening to him, but my eyes are all for the car now as I bend forward and lightly sweep my palm along the curve that leads from the headlamp up.
‘I can’t believe it.’
His eyes drift to me as he continues to unveil the beauty that, even with all my motoring experience, I’ve never managed to see in the flesh.
‘You own a Lamborghini Miura.’
He tugs the cover off the end with a grin. ‘You really do know your cars.’
‘I told you, they’re a passion. Though for me it was an attempt at gaining my father’s attention, rather than the other way around.’
‘You really did crave his attention?’
I flinch a little. I can’t help it. His far too astute observation that because my father failed to give it to me I took it from Nathan instead cuts deep. But the more I think about it, the more I know he’s right. Both him and Fee. And it’s worse because with my father I refused to change; with Nathan I did the opposite. Seeking to please him and keep his attention regardless of what it was I wanted or preferred.
‘Yes, I did. Don’t get me wrong, he was a good man, he loved me, my sister, my mother, but he was a product of his time. Girls had their place and it wasn’t in the garage.’
‘Hence the putting you in a certain box comment.’
‘Exactly.’ I flick him a look, impressed that he remembered. ‘I think he was secretly disappointed he never had a boy.’
‘I take it he’s not around any more?’
‘No. It’s just Mum, my sister and me. The girls.’